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Public VS Cyber school? (6)

1 Name: HAM : 2013-03-18 11:49 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

So aprox a year and a half ago I transferred into cyber school, for multiple reasons. 1. I wanted more free time to learn things I wanted to learn 2. I was suffering from depression and anxiety, and wanted to fix myself then come back to public school and actually have friends.
Halfway through the year, I went into cyber school and it was great. I became happier, finished all my work with all A's at own pace, and school was fun and new and exciting. But before I could really make up my mind my dad decided to enroll me in cyber school again (which was ok for me, I still can't decide) Then, on the second year, my dad decided to do something (in my opinion) horrible and then I went through another depression fit (I still get in those moods every once in awhile, because he refuses to fix his mistake; but this post isn't about this) and cyber school became a lot different. I'm in high school now, so I'm not allowed to work at my own pace. I have to attend classes, and I can't work ahead and get things done and over with which is my philosophy. Since I'm following the school pace of things (and also since there is fewer work and teachers can't really get on your butt about work in cyber) and just sitting at my computer everyday, I feel just like a giant blob and in the long run I do not think my brain will be happy. The thing is, I want to go back to public school but there's a few problems...1. What if I continue having no friends and have to suffer through more dreadful group projects? 2. I'd have to take Spanish, but if I stayed in cyber I'd get to take Japanese which is the only language I actually like to learn for some reason 3. What if it's hard for me to adjust to the fact my public school is harder than cyber? That's technically a reason I want to go to it so I can actually learn, but if it becomes too hard...Ugh, the main thing is that I want friends, but I also want Japanese. I might try and enroll in a thing called CASA, which is basically an art school you take for half of the school day every day, so I could make friends but they do not have digital art which is what I like to do...Do you think next year, I should just stay in cyber, take my Japanese, and go to CASA anyway to make friends? And if it doesn't work I can always try and go back to public halfway through the year I guess...What are y'alls opinions on this matter?

2 Name: axem !kqMO0hiJ8I : 2013-03-18 17:22 ID:cEtUZ2be [Del]

it really depends on what you think japanese is worth over getting friends. It is true that you may not be able to make friends or that the friends you make...aren't really friends, but those 2 scenarios are more commonly valid if you go to public school halfway of the year because people would not know you enough. Yes, japanese is a really helpful language and such, i personally want to learn it to watch anime without subtitles XD but that's another topic :3. Anyhow, to your case, my final opinion is to go to public school for one full year, see how you adjust and if you can make friends or not. It also true that friends can help lessen your depression and anxiety, if that's what you also want. For digital art classes, maybe you can learn that in your free time or something XD If you really want it though, there's nothing i can do to stop you.

PS: Maybe because I'm in a public school as well, my opinions may be biased on my experiences, which aren't all good. There may be tough and frustrating times, but if you don't go out and venture, no one will know you and you would know no one. Then, as you grow up, society won't treat you any better than bums. Thank you xD sorry for my vulgar choice of words


3 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-03-18 20:10 ID:fOLpF8o5 [Del]

Hey there, HAM.

I too went to "real school" and I stopped in January 2012 in favor of Virtual School, so I do sort of feel like I get where you are coming from.

What exactly did your father do? I'm sorry, but I don't think I get exactly what he did, only that you didn't like it.

Additionally, I'm not entirely sure if your cyber school operates quite in the same way as mine, and I don't really want to assume anything. If it's not too much trouble, could you elaborate a bit on how your new school system works and what in particular you dislike about it? I think this way I will be able to understand you better and hopefully give you some real advice >_<

I am in a similar situation so I'd like to help as much as I can, I don't think I get your whole picture though.

From what I can gather though, I can say a few things. I think it is fine to not exactly "fit in" or want to do group work all the time...however I also agree that school is sort of also a social learning experience, and it is important to develop these social skills. However, don't think that it is quite the only place for social activity. Fortunately for myself, I do go to Church so I do see and interact with people at least once a week.

You say you have been going to school until around 1 and a half years ago? What years were these? Personally, I feel like it is not as much of a stifling of social skills if you only stop going to school in the latter few years. By that point, you have already experienced a lot of the drama, or bullying, or any other relevant "bad things".

Regardless, I think that ultimately it is your decision to make. Yes, it does sound cliche, but you just have to weigh the pros and cons of each, and see what the best decision for you, personally, is. Do try to see if there are perhaps other options.

4 Name: HAM : 2013-03-19 12:49 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

I went to a small public school all my life (around a 100 kids per grade, so everyone knew me in my grade and all the "bad rumors" so that's another reason why I'm a little hesitant) and went to cyber halfway through 8th grade, which was the last year of middle school. So I'm in my freshman year of high school right now.

>>2 I do draw digitally in my spare time but the problem is that the art school doesn't have it, so I'd have to do something like acting or writing if I went there to be able to make friends.

>>3 Well, my dad moved people into my house after I told him I hated them, and didn't even tell me he was planning on it. I basically came home to a bunch of people I hated living in my house. My cyber school works by me logging into different classes (1 hour per class) at different times and then logging into the course to do school work. I liked it a lot in middle school because I wasn't required to attend classes and I could sit down and do a whole marking periods worth of work in a day or two on my own (basically I was done with school in two months besides math class and had all As').

P.S. I don't have depression or anxiety anymore, I'm just an introvert and want friends. I have started volunteering at a library one day a week a few weeks ago, but haven't really even managed to talk to anyone :/ And I'm going to go to a convention later this summer and hoping that I meet people then :D

5 Name: HAM : 2013-03-21 14:59 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

So I decided to find something to get into CASA with next year, and to go back to public school next year and just deal with Spanish instead of Japanese. My brother took Spanish so it won't be so bad and if it is horrible going back there I'll just go back to cyber school.

6 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-04-02 03:19 ID:fOLpF8o5 [Del]

Hey HAM, sorry for not responding sooner. >_<

I'm glad you made a decision, and I hope everything works out for the best. I'm glad you still have the option to drop back out if you choose to :D