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Anger (8)

1 Name: R : 2013-03-13 07:26 ID:Pt8N27OG [Del]

I lose my temper over really trivial things recently. And it takes a lot of energy not to snap on people. Anyone got any legitimate ways to cope with being hot headed? Would be so much appreciated.

2 Name: KeiKei~Chan (from school) : 2013-03-13 11:37 ID:aWDLdF7l [Del]

There isn't much 'coping' you can do. You can go to anger management classes or something, or just, instead of flying off the handle, clenching your fists, gritting your teeth, and FORCING yourself to calm down. Your hot-headedness can lose you friends, and you need to control it yourself. Unfortunately, unless it's related to a mental illness, there's no medication or types of supplements for you

3 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2013-03-13 12:33 ID:spKjy6Ze [Del]

Try meditation. It works well for me during times of stress and anger.

4 Name: R : 2013-03-13 19:09 ID:Pt8N27OG [Del]

Thanks for the advice. It's not a medical condition as far as my knowledge goes. But yes, i'm very concerned that it may effect my friends or family. I have recently lost a friend due to anger problems and stress, it's rather frustrating. But i will try either controlling it more or consider medication. Thanks.

5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-13 20:55 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

Try to find an outlet such as CoD. Yelling at your TV is more acceptable to most than attacking another person. Look for something such as karate, fencing, or paintball.

6 Name: kushee-chan : 2013-03-14 22:09 ID:WovFgWRl [Del]


7 Name: Twineedle : 2013-03-15 01:05 ID:C/VPA6dp [Del]

I know that feeling. If you feel like you're going to snap at someone, you should seclude yourself for a little while. Read, watch anime, listen to music, whatever you like to do to get those feelings all out of your head. Even just going outside for a while, looking at the sky, or daydreaming helps so much.

I hope I helped a bit! :)

8 Name: Mummy boy : 2013-03-17 09:56 ID:HJF3So1s [Del]

>>1 try hitting your pillow over and over again, thats what i did before and i had anger issues