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I feel as if my life is a living hell (25)

1 Name: *Cecile* : 2013-03-12 15:41 ID:BhJhzURQ (Image: 500x740 jpg, 163 kb) [Del]

src/1363120895295.jpg: 500x740, 163 kb
I'm going to list all my problems here and hopefully,u guys can help me;
1.I am bipolar and I have a problem with my feet.If I walk for many hours,the next day I won't be able to walk well.
2.I can't find the courage to study or the will to live anymore.I am simply broken.
3.My grades are very low and I used to be a top student.However,that happened some years ago...I hate my grades now,but I can't do anything to fix this.A psychologist I've once been to,told me that not having the courage to do anything,is a symptom for depression.I don't want to do anything anymore!!All I want to do is lie in bed all day and do nothing.
4.I never had a dream come true.I'm also not very friendly,but I have many good friends because I can fake many feelings in front of them...I am always happy and I've never cried in front of my friends or classmates for 2 entire years.However,they don't know how I really feel...That's why I can't entirely trust them or show them my true self...
5.My parents are divorced.I live with my father,who has a new wife,while my mother lives far away from here.His new wife is nice but...She's not like my mum.My mother left us because she couldn't stand my father,who was extremely violent with her and me...She now calls me every day to ask how I'm doing...But I'm not telling her the truth.I have to act happy in front of my OWN mother and father.If I don't,my mother will start saying that even I am against her and my father will start swearing and...He'll be angry...And I don't want him to be angry...
6.I'm extremely stressed and I have many things to do...I just can't cope with all of them...
I know you guys already have your own problems,but I have no one to talk to and...I recently discovered this site.I think many nice people are its users.So I'm asking for your help.I want you guys to become my friends or...My FAMILY...Something that I never had...

2 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-12 15:52 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

Sorry to say this, but because of prior depressing and stressful situations you only feel as though your life is meaningless when in fact even if you fake those feelings you have with your friends, they're most likely a big part as to why you're still alive. You're kind of like me, except I understand everything I'm going through and I know it's kinda like the drug no one wants to take.
Due to serious stress, anxiety, and depression, you're undergoing a lot of procrastination and thus don't feel like there's a point in anything anymore am I right? Your mind sees it as a valid reason to give it all up, so that's what you're doing. But believe me, at some point, useless or not this procrastinating will hurt not only you, but those closest to you as well. I know that very well now and that's why I'm trying to stop myself. I want to become more involved with my own life and my friend's as well and you should to. otherwise you'll be lost to the type of darkness that seems too cozy to be true. I'm not sure you'll enjoy the darkness as I do, but either way you won't find it easy to escape. Also, the picture makes the situation seem more dramatic than it is, but I know that in your mind it doesn't even begin to cover it. You think I don't understand at this point, but I do. It's up to you to trust me, which you probably don't. But hey, there are more opinions than just mine out there.

3 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-03-13 02:46 ID:QSLsl+5z [Del]

>>1 Whether you believe what I'm about to say or not, it's up to you.
I think that at some point in life, everyone goes though tough moments like you mentioned, more or less the same or even harder. I have also gone through a tough period in my life since the last year in summer, when I found out that my parents were forcing me to go to two universities at the same time, something that in my country is considered insane. But they wouldn't listen no matter how many reasons or other solutions I provided them with, so I immediately fell in the deepest depression I've even been in. They also didn't care even at this point. I lost many friends because I was constantly complaining and I was upsetting them with my mood, I lost a lot of weight due to the fact that I couldn't eat anymore (I always felt like puking whenever I put any food in my mouth), I felt sick at all times (I almost fainted a few times at school) and then I started believing that my life wasn't worth shit. I despised everyone and everything, including myself for being so weak in front of my parents, and I even thought of killing myself. But I lacked the guts to do so. Again, another thing to get depressed over. I was alone and hated by everyone, friends and family along. Each day I spent praying to God that a miracle would happen or if I could just die faster. And cried and screamed in my room at a daily basis.
But one day, the miracle happened. I was at the beginning of the second term at one of the universities and I saw a piece of paper where there were posted all the grades and exams taken or not of all the students enrolled there. It was full of "0"s everywhere. None of those worthless kids had any exams passed including some of my group. So then it hit me: I would always be the goody-two-shoes in anything, I always backed down in arguments, I went to two damn universities, I did all my homework, I studied almost each day, I went and passed all my exams for what?? So that some low lives could mock even the only university they attended (or not)? I believe not.
And that was the moment I finally realised that I deserved more for all the hard work I had done and that my prayers were heard. And most of all, that everything in this shitty life has a reason, even great depressions.
So you see, there are other people going through hard times, because this is how we make our lives. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but I strongly believe that everything we do, say or think has a purpose that we will later discover. I managed to pass this period through the help of God, but everyone has the right to face these times as well as they can so they can help themselves, because sometimes we are alone. Yes, it's true.
But never despair.
Good things are about to come because after the rain comes a rainbow.
Have more faith. Hang on just a little bit more. This is what I've been telling myself for the past months and even though I didn't quite believe in those words myself, here I am now, again able to smile and make the best of each day and finally feel that I deserve more because this is how special people should be treated.

4 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-13 08:18 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

^^^A reason? I see you're trying to make her feel better but c'mon. No need to lie to the poor girl. There's no such thing as purpose. We live to die in the end, what matters is what we do in between that time. Not every rain fall is a pretty one.
Not everyone's "Prayers" are answered. Just cos you got lucky, doesn't mean anyone else will. And besides, being forced to go to two universities isn't that bad a deal. By being forced to go to just one obviously you're already older then 18, so it's purely your choice and your own fault that you had to deal with it a second time.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-13 21:06 ID:1MLZB055 [Del]

I believe OP's image is Shiro from Deadman Wonderland.

6 Name: Vilhajlmr : 2013-03-13 21:41 ID:+DPb5GdP [Del]

A few weeks after my 18th birthday I lost the use of my legs, and was diagnosed with a spinal disease, I've since had 5 spinal fusions and various other things I have chronic pain to the point that I can't even roll onto my side while in bed some days, I've had this for 5 years now. There's no point in getting depressed over stuff like this... You should move on. There is no point in going " Oh i have this... so and so I can't do this" Once you start saying stuff like that you start believing in it and it rules your life. Yeah I have some of these diseases yes I'm in Chronic pain. So what get over it someone out there will always have it worse than you, Just because something bad happens to you doesn't mean you should let it rule your life.

7 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-03-13 23:21 ID:V50pNOJn [Del]

>>6 I agree with you.>>4 I'm sorry my story shows no interest for you, but I meant more the fact that I was weak at that time to not be able to state my wishes thoroughly. And I know it was my fault, but you don't have to say it lke that, you don't know how I felt or what was going on in my mind for real. For me, that was pain although for others means nothing. And yes, I know there are a lot worse things than that, but as the previous message says, you mustn't let it control you.

8 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-13 23:53 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

Read my previous response. I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just sayin' ya shouldn't rely on fate or whatever because it's not a real thing.

9 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-03-14 07:06 ID:CbvlBZZH [Del]

Well, I don't believe in fate, only on facts and in God, even if it sounds paradoxal.

10 Name: Vilhajlmr !dweoUa8vAY : 2013-03-14 10:18 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

>>9 Wouldn't / Shouldn't one of his sheep ( assuming you are christian ) Believe in fate? as he has a purpose for us all.

11 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-03-14 11:48 ID:CbvlBZZH [Del]

Yeah, well this is the different part in me, I believe in Him, but I also believe in some logical things, since God has given us the right to believe in anything we want. But I'll have to stop here because this is not my thread. Sorry for the intrusion, Cecile.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 14:45 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

>>11 I should also apologize for de-railing this thread as well... >>1 I hope everything works out for you,If you want someone to talk to feel free to talk to me :)

14 Name: Dokajito : 2013-03-15 00:17 ID:UdE7M3gH [Del]

You shouldn't try to bottle up your emotions. Trying to do that is terrible for your health. And you know what you need to do? Just keep smiling. If you smile a lot then you'll start to feel happy again and once you do that then you'll feel better about yourself. Also you shouldn't be sad that none of your dreams came true. I'm pretty sure a few have but they're probably really small one and you brush them away. You should be happy that you have friends too. The best thing to do, if you don't want to tell your parents about how you feel, then tell your friends, or at least the one you trust the most. Because, trust me, if your parents can't help, then your friends are your next best thing and they will listen. What are friends for right? And if you don't feel comfortable with them either then just keep talking in the Dollars because we're here to help 24/7! I'm sure you're beautiful, amazing, talented, and best of all, unique! Even if you don't feel like you are, trust me. You probably are but just can't think it's true. I know a little of what you're going through. I have anxiety so its hard for me to accept compliments and I'm always worrying but I've gotten better. And if I can then I'm sure you can. If you've gone this far in life through all of this then that means you're strong. So get stronger and I promise life is going to get better. I hope this helped. :]

15 Name: ice : 2013-03-15 09:46 ID:be7pLoNq [Del]

i recently started going to therapy again and the school social worker that i talked to said that i am exhibiting sings of depression. when im at school i feel like im surrounded by imbeciles and fools yet somehow they all know what to do in life they all have the "hand book to life" i have been diagnosed with ADHD and ahsbergers ( not spelled correctly). i hate who i am and have thought that things would be better if i were to die or just go away i feel that almost every thing is my fault. my parents are also divorced so i know how you feel however i live with my mom and my live across the country im not sure who to hate and who to love and that's not just with my family its with every one. i joined this site in hopes of escaping reality because it sucks. i only have one friend and he is my best friend. there are many more things that are wrong with me and i hate all of them. i especially hate myself.

16 Name: ice : 2013-03-15 09:47 ID:be7pLoNq [Del]

i recently started going to therapy again and the school social worker that i talked to said that i am exhibiting sings of depression. when im at school i feel like im surrounded by imbeciles and fools yet somehow they all know what to do in life they all have the "hand book to life" i have been diagnosed with ADHD and ahsbergers ( not spelled correctly). i hate who i am and have thought that things would be better if i were to die or just go away i feel that almost every thing is my fault. my parents are also divorced so i know how you feel however i live with my mom and my live across the country im not sure who to hate and who to love and that's not just with my family its with every one. i joined this site in hopes of escaping reality because it sucks. i only have one friend and he is my best friend. there are many more things that are wrong with me and i hate all of them. i especially hate myself.

17 Name: ice : 2013-03-15 17:41 ID:jYeqim2w [Del]

Sorry for the double post my computer glitched and the internet went down sorry...

18 Name: *Cecile* : 2013-03-18 10:23 ID:1Z05EHZX [Del]

>>17 It's fine...^_^ I don't mind the double post,Ice...All you guys are amazing in your own unique ways!!I know everyone is struggling with their own problems and I really appreciate your answers.You made me stronger!!And the way all of you write is so touching!!:') I loved all your posts!!!Except for the religious part...Inari...I don't believe in God...And I never will.I think the definition of God is something the human mind created so that us humans will feel more safe...I'm not asking you to agree with my opinion,but I'd rather u didn't talk about God so much,since I'll never listen to you...You are just wasting your time...

19 Name: Seagull : 2013-03-27 14:38 ID:EJYGh5oK [Del]

Find your port in the storm, that anchor that keeps you afloat. As long as it is constructive, you can do anything. You will find where you belong, and those who care. Just keep searching. Good things come to those who patiently wait. You are loved.

20 Name: Ashley : 2013-03-27 17:06 ID:aWdhGgSh [Del]

Hey come that's just life whether you except it or not. Look,I sometimes feel that way too some times but I choose to ignore it because I feel that why should some one like me pout I have no right to pout I'm not obligated to pout because there are lots of people out there in worse situations and besides there are probably plenty of people out there that feel the same but just can't say any thing because their afraid they might be made fun of or not excepted. So how about this you should try and talk to some people on this site because trust me there are more than enough people here willing to listen, or you could write you're feelings in a book and later in the future read them again, because I did that and I feel like a real idiot writing it. So how about trying not to make things harder than they may seem, because trust me you might soon find your self in a coffin underground in the future, depression is a horrible and painful thing I know that very well but feeling depressed isn't going to help anything, because I too have felt so depressed before and have also hidden my feelings away and I still do but what I do is I try to solve my problems myself because it's my problem and no one else's. So you can either talk to someone, write in a book, or solve it yourself.

Don't make things harder or more difficult then they my seem because compared to your whole life ahead it means absolutely nothing.

21 Name: Ashley : 2013-03-27 17:09 ID:aWdhGgSh [Del]

^ And I'm sorry if I sound like a real bitch.

22 Name: Acid : 2013-03-28 07:40 ID:0pjYJ7rU [Del]

I have bipolar as well, all I can say is that even though I hate therapy it has taught me to control my swings better.

23 Name: Reggie : 2013-03-28 08:54 ID:LJ1YmSHX [Del]

How old are you, OP?

24 Name: *Cecile* : 2013-05-02 05:01 ID:BI8Pb3vg [Del]

>>20 You don't sound like a bitch.Don't worry...xD But,you see...Saying that I can't be sad because someone else might have it worse,is just like saying I can't be happy because someone else might have it better...Although I don't agree with that,I like the advice you gave me!!:) I decided I'll start writing my feelings in a notebook and then read them again.Thanks!
And >>23 I'm 17 years old.

25 Name: *Cecile* : 2013-05-02 05:17 ID:BI8Pb3vg [Del]

However...It DOES get better!Seriously,now that I read about my problems again,they don't sound that tragic...I'll go and have a surgery for my feet soon!!!:D And I'm living with my mum,since my father's wife had a baby and I couldn't stay with them anymore...But I don't mind!To tell you the truth,I feel really sad for the baby...Having to grow up in such a violent environment is...Unbearable...:/ Also,in summer I'll be able to relax and forget all the problems with my grades.The good thing is I'll be able to go to the next class!!:') And I'm REALLY happy about that!I have attempted suicide and I'm glad I failed...Unfortunately,most of the things just stayed the same,but I've gotten better at dealing with them!!I've gotten stronger and it's hard for me to be broken again...I'm a fighter!!!