Dollars BBS | Personal
















Dollars aren't always singles(Not what you think) (14)

1 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-11 20:03 ID:NTZcgmi8 (Image: 930x1393 jpg, 122 kb) [Del]

src/1363050195458.jpg: 930x1393, 122 kb
Okay well first of all, this whole OCD thing going on with this page is a bit annoying. I understand how it'd make everything easier to find, buuuuut if yer gonna explain something, why not be nice about it huh? We are all humans, we've all made mistakes. So let us all calm our tits together huh? Oh yess.....that was nice.
Anyway, the point of this post is to express the very annoying reality that is the chat site. Odds are, we don't know anyone other than people we've invited right? So why can't we wrap our heads around the fact that there's a whole world of people out there and evidently, we all like Durarara... well I hope, cos otherwise....just go watch it. K? Anyway, The majority of us want to get a hold of, and meet NEW people. So whenever you make plans with another person just think about this; "Why not greet the two being your friend and a stranger together?" It's a bit selfish unless you guys are old frogs? I mean, if you want privacy, there's a thing called Private Messaging and that's what's going around to a majority of social networks including Facebook. Obviously you have internet access, what's your excuse?
Other than that, how did you get a hold of each other in the first place? Text messaging? I rest my case..

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-12 03:56 ID:S5UMe6nB [Del]

Asking everyone to be nice is a form of suppressing expression, in a sense, and I don't think we'd liken ourselves to a totalitarian regime.

Or forums.

It has been explained and discussed quite a bit what the standard should be, and at this point I think we're at the stage where people are using their own discretion about how to reply to people.

You're right, in one sense. We shouldn't be mean as a standard. But you're wrong in the sense that we should be nice to everyone for everything. Why lie about what we're actually feeling about a situation? If we dislike something we're just as free to dislike it as you are, and that includes when people are being dumbshits.

I think it's you who isn't wrapping your head around the idea that different people in this world exist, regardless of your common interests. You also kind of went off on a tangent by the end there, so I'm not even going to address the second half of your post.

It's an ongoing discussion, and I suggest checking up on the threads that talk about it to get what the real general consensus of this site is, and not what you made up here. You do need a certain level of tolerance no matter where you are on the internet, and this site is no exception. Asking everyone to be nice is asking about half of us to lie and put on an act; understand that.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Magnolia : 2013-03-12 05:04 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

Are the "people" in forums even real?? Or are they all really sweet five year olds that can spell?

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2013-03-12 19:18 ID:Vd0KAeCK [Del]

OK, Noxyt, a few things.

1) This thread has nothing to do with the purpose of this board, which is, "For people seeking personal help, life advice, or counseling."

2) Misuto was making a comparison and if you couldn't follow it then you're a bigger idiot than your first post makes you out to be.

3) Acting like some know it all fuck makes you sound like a six-year-old. Shut up.

4) Your grammar is terrible and you get lost in thought easily. Learn to construct an argument, for fuck sake.


7 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-12 20:42 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

Sorry if you're butthurt buddy, but I don't care for petty people like you who have nothing more to do than annoy me.
By the way, Personal board is basically something for personal problems you say? So why should it matter to you what I find to be a problem to me personally? I'm not wasting any more time with you :P

8 Name: Necrotic Jam : 2013-03-13 10:09 ID:OayZ8Tbn [Del]

>>7 No need to be such a jackass Nox, MK was merely stating fact.

9 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-13 10:18 ID:B5ZQ4H9B (Image: 602x572 jpg, 119 kb) [Del]

src/1363187882143.jpg: 602x572, 119 kb
>>7 We now see you are one of those people who think they're hot shit.

We also see you have buttautism.

10 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-13 13:06 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

I love that picture xDD
Also, he wasn't stating facts, he was just kinda all over the place. Ya see I'm one of those guys who couldn't care less if he was wrong as long as ya say it like a man and quit the cursing xD

11 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2013-03-13 14:13 ID:CUuBZdq9 [Del]

meh cursing eases the nerves, and calms the soul true story, being a man involves ok hey sorry my bad, being calm and learning not to get cursed at again... i mean if your puppy (imagine u had one and didnt hug it to death by now)pissed on ur well made dish you prepared for yourself ...and he was like newly adopted and if pissed youd go fuck why the fuck would you do that...and you wouldnt invite the puppy around your food until you potty train him ... i guess crappy analogy but its 3 am and i assume thatl suffice

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Sardonic!NachAZbg5M : 2013-03-13 18:17 ID:MWn6Mhme [Del]

>>11 it does. quite well, actually! >w<

14 Name: Noxyt Kuraiemi : 2013-03-13 18:38 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

If my puppy died, I wouldn't care. :I