Dollars BBS | Personal
















Who are you...who am I? (68)

1 Name: Sang : 2013-03-10 15:41 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

Everyone is different and I suppose this site is unique because it's bringing people together. But that doesn't make you faceless...You are an individual...You are what you make of youself.

I used to not know who I was. I was an unwanted child, put up for adoption before I was even born. I was the asian child raised by a white family. I was the abused sister of a special needs brother. I was the suicidal friend no one knew how to console. I was the girl taking the depression pills while others laughed. But I was the artist who loved art. I was the girl who never seemed to care. I was the one who couldn't stand another speaking poorly about my family. I was the one who was loved so much it hurt. And I still am. Who I am is still a question to myself. Why I exist is something I don't question anymore. I am different, shaped by the hardships I've been through in life and the actions I've taken, none which I can regret. Sooo...Who are you?

2 Name: Eli-chan : 2013-03-10 16:17 ID:XXqcXWMl [Del]

I am the one who was fiancé see with hemaplija at the age of 4 months. The one who has to wear a foot brace and still does up to this day. I am the one who was diagnosed with epilepsy only to be sent away when I was having seizures ever two minutes of the day and be told "to live life as normally as possible". I am the one who was told their epilepsy is going to be hard to stop because nothing appeared on my brain scan. I am the one who got diagnosed with scoliosis and had to have two operations within 3 days and was forced to walk 2 days later even know I was in so much pain. I am the one who just managed to pass there exams because I spiralled into the depts of depression. I am the one who's still falling. The one who has to see a psychologist every week just to keep me going, while the others think I'm crazy. I am the one who's mum got married to the person who I have a personality clash with, the one who beats his children. I am the one who has to listen to my stepsisters cries as that happens. I am the one who gets screamed, shouted cursed at because they don't understand what I'm going through, and when every I try to tell them they just shout at me even more. I am the one who has become numb because so the words don't hurt me. I have become a girl with no emotions. The one who doesn't feel cared about. The one gets up when they're knocked down only to be knocked down again. The who sometimes thinks my family would be better without me. The one who has dreams and aspirations to be told they will never be achieved.

Who am I? I am the girl who wishes she took a different path in life. The one who thinks if she did none of this may have happened.

3 Name: Kano : 2013-03-11 01:49 ID:XXqcXWMl [Del]

This needs to be bumped

4 Name: mostmodest !eIZM0zi3QM : 2013-03-11 04:26 ID:Pz33ngoX [Del]

Who am I?
I'm the guy in the back of the room who no-one cares about. I'm the nerdy kid who relied on books for friends in primary school. I'm the guy who was beaten up in middle school. I'm the guy who went through severe depression at the age of 14. I'm the guy you always see, yet never notice. I'm the guy who's numb inside, never showing his feelings because they'll just explode. I'm the guy who mastered hiding his true feelings so well I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore.
I'm the guy with a single mum who punishes him for getting less than 80% in school. I'm the guy who tries so hard everyday to convince myself I' not a pathetic loser, only to come home to be degraded and treated like crap.
I'm the guy who doesn't care about that anymore. I'm the guy who moved on from my life, yet still lives in the past.I'm the guy who uses anime to escape from reality.
I am me.
Who is Me?
I'm the guy with a story, a story that nobody stops to listen to.

5 Name: M4rked0ne : 2013-03-11 12:30 ID:mwiBZh29 [Del]

I am the one who lives but is not living. I'm the guy who never experienced love from anyone. Nobody truly cares about him. He hides behind a mask of carefreeness, contradicting himself in every way.
I'm the one who keeps on going because he loves listening to music and keeps hoping that there will be someone who truly loves him. He keeps on going because he still believes that his life serves a purpose, even though he can't do anything.
He can't even express himself the way he want to, so he has to quote other people to show his true self....

"When I see my old self I wonder if we still see alike?
We was tight seeing lights,
Speaking right and breathing life.
Now I see my demons and barely even sleep at night.
I don't get high. Life keep me at a decent height..."

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-11 14:32 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

As you are not seeking advice or help with a personal problem, this thread does not belong in Personal. You need to read the FAQ.

7 Name: Magnolia : 2013-03-11 19:34 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>6 But this is personal...
The OP may not need personal advice, but nor did I when I posted The Ideal Boyfriend/Girlfriend Thread, or Leigha's Complaining and Things You Hate Threads, or the Shit Dollars' Parents Say thread... This is a thread pertaining to one's self, right? Then doesn't it belong in Personal?

8 Name: Magnolia : 2013-03-11 19:41 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

And then there are the gay marriage discussion thread, and random threads that may belong in literature like the anonymous letter thread, and then there's even a drunk thread...

9 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-11 20:22 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>7>>8 Not really. If you read board descriptions, those all really should be in Random, and I've said as much before.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Magnolia : 2013-03-12 05:06 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>9...But wouldn't that mean that board descriptions have now changed? Wouldn't it just be easier to do that than get rid of threads that have been here for so long?

12 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-12 12:44 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>11 Board descriptions haven't changed. To do that, we'd have to have Reltair change it (or at least decide on whether or nor it's acceptable), and he's a busy man. It wouldn't be hard to move the thread though.

13 Name: Magnolia. : 2013-03-12 20:23 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>12 No no no. You're not getting it. I mean, they've changed on their own. Without Reltair.
Moving em will be kinda hard me thinks, since there are so many..
So does that mean that if I bump my threads or Things you Like or Complaining threads, someone's gonna chew my ass out? (That's not sarcasm, that's a real question)

14 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-12 22:55 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>13 All we'd have to do is let people posting in that thread know it was being moved. I couldn't see you getting chewed out.

Also, I mean the literal description in the top left of the page.

15 Name: bang-bang : 2013-03-13 05:42 ID:4OvTk772 [Del]

>>9 But the first Rage Thread was in random and it was decided to move it here.

It's fine if you think it and threads like it don't belong because they don't fit the board description to a T, but you seem to be the only one to think so.

16 Name: Magnolia. : 2013-03-13 06:22 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

Dude... I never even noticed that board description there...

17 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-13 14:00 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>15 I mean honestly, it really is more of a random thread than personal one. I still think it should have stayed in Random.

18 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-13 16:31 ID:S5UMe6nB [Del]

There's no real need to nitpick. The boards aren't separated perfectly, so if it fits well enough it fits well enough. The board description says for seeking help and life counseling, and in a sense, sharing things about yourself is a form of counseling. It is very personal, even if it's not how we defined it exactly, so it's not something to be called out and debated.

Or are you suggesting we need to restrict this board to more people whining about things? Because we've got a shitload of that already, and people aren't really at liberty to talk about their life and problems otherwise.

19 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-13 21:00 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>18 These are just my feeling towards the threads. I've stated my opinion, but you guys decided that you'd rather have them here, so I'll live with it.

But honestly, some of the threads seem fairly redundant, such as Complaining and Rage threads. This leads to clutter, and clutter can lead to confusion, which I'm trying to help avoid.

20 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 20:46 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

I don't mind moving it...but I'm not completely seeing the total reasoning behind it...I understand you want to keep everything organized but pertaining to the FAQ the way I see it for why I posted it was because it seemed like a way to help with a personal problem...not directly but knowing other people know who you are does my own belief is that this does belong here. but if there are more complaints I don't see the problem with moving it...

And it's wonderful to meet you all^^ Keep your heads up is hard and you may think you're in a worst case scenario but I'll gladly listen try to find the real you^^

21 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 20:54 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

Eli-chan I can't say I can relate or understand to all of the situations you have been placed would be unfair of me to do so...but I can relate to being knocked down again and again...

You are very inspiring, someone I'm sure most people overlook and yet you are an amazing person. To be able to push through all the difficulties you have gone through in life is amazing... Please don't think you are alone. Although living through such trials is difficult there will always be someone who cares. And I believe you are stronger and more insightful for what you have been through. ^^

22 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 21:00 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

mostmodest....I can understand depression and loneliness and hiding your feelings. I have been there myself and currently I still am. You aren't pathetic and you aren't a loser... you're just a person who has a story no one has listened to ...even though there seems to be so much against you no matter what you can't allow it to control you. Depression is more horrible then most people understand and more of a problem then most are willing to admit. FOr hiding your emotions...I can understand why, I've done that as well...but it's harder to let people in when you do that. I disillusioned myself by saying I don't need anyone or want anyone but the truth is loneliness hurts and I can tell it hurts you. Please aren't alone.

23 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 21:06 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

M4rkedOne, sometimes quoting another to express yourself is easier then finding the words to express yourself. It isn't something to be ashamed of. You aren't a nobody, you have feelings and emotions and struggles...therefore that's not possible. Sometimes you can't wait for a purpose to find need to find that which suits you and no one else. It sounds like you are passionate about music and I applaud you for that. Music is something beautiful and hard to understand (at least for me) and yet its ingrained within us all. Music is a wonderful passion which would be wonderful to pursue. Don't live for anyone but yourself.

24 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-14 21:21 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>20 If it's a way to help with a personal problem, it's understandable, but the way you phrased >>1 made it seem much more like an introduction.

25 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 21:28 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

Thats did seem like one...but it was more of a way to help others open up about their personal problems...some times just sharing your own story is the best help^^

26 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 21:30 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

@sang Sorry for asking this but as to your question, I'm always asking " Why " Why does a happen how does b happen always trying to figure out how / why did this happen how did this happen what made this happen I would have to say i feel the NEED to UNDERSTAND everything and anything. How did x come up with the idea for y. You said that you were loved so much that it hurt and that you were abused, i guess love it self could be the answer and it would be wrong to assume that it was even your family who did it, so I want to understand. Feel free to call me a massive faggot and to fuck off.

27 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 21:39 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

@Crisis, I'm not going against what you say or anything but since people are talking /ABOUT/THEM/SELVES/ Is that not personal?

28 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 21:50 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

@Vilhjalmr lol I'm not going to call you names...its makes sense you don't understand everything and asking me so you do is smart^^ My family is the sense that my mother lost a child and her second child...aka my older brother was born with massive brain damage and heart problems...he was saved and overcame all beliefs of never being able to walk or talk. However, he is and was extremely abusive and yet I can't hate him. He made me believe I was worthless growing up and would beat me because he felt inferior because of his brain damage and because I understood that he was suffering I allowed him to hit me and I allowed myself to suffer as well...It hurts to love him because I want to hate him...Being loved so much it hurts is also in part due to my mother...she is very protective because she knows I've been "damaged" by my brother and her fear is losing another child...when I tried to commit suicide she flipped and didn't trust me...but that was to protect me...but her love has always been suffocating and overbearing. She can't seem to let me go and in that sense it hurts me it hurts my family and even though there is love within my family that love is tearing us apart. I hope that makes slight sense? For me all the love I've ever known or felt has hurt in some way.

29 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 22:11 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

@Sang I think I understand, I honestly believe that you cannot truly understand someone unless you understand there pain. I think you are a strong person, but please forgive me I'm trying to be honest. I think you are also selfish for trying to commit suicide and I think everyone who attempts / goes through with suicide is selfish because they are only thinking about them. What about there loved ones? perhaps I am the flawed one, I am incapable of feeling hate, i think it comes from the fact that i try and understand every action from there point of view. They are simply "fighting" for what they believe in, who am I to say that they are wrong. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, I really do love humanity and all humans, I also don't take part in life because I simply like to observe, and while I'm ranting about random stuff I don't think that Humans will ever be able to understand one another, I don't think it's gods or human's fault, if humans were able to 100% understand each other and there was peace on earth, would there be a need for god? is this flaw in humanity simply gods way of validating it's self?, I'm sorry for calling you selfish and going on an incoherent rant. but yes what you said did make sense.

30 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 22:34 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

that being said if a person cannot live for them self any longer, why not live for someone else? I REALLY AM SORRY for calling you selfish, I don't think that was the right word nor do I have the right to say that to you. I contradict my self. I say all this stuff but yet i simply do not participate in life.

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 22:36 ID:1wfldraO [Del]

@Vilhajalmr It's fine for you to think I'm selfish...Committing suicide is a selfish act but the fact is sometimes you need to be selfish in order to reach your own happiness. At that time I was lost and unable to handle what had happened. Being at peace with my thoughts and life seemed like the best option. But the thing is I did think of everyone else...I knew they would be upset but the thing is I had seen a friend commit suicide and her family was distressed but they became closer in the end after her death. I had known it would hurt my family...but in the end it would also strengthen them. I can't really comment for anyone else because for me while suicide may seem selfish...I mean no offense but you can never really understand what I've been through just because you don't think like me which is fine. But please can you refrain from calling people out like that on this thread? ^.^' I'm happy you are willing to state your opinion and I don't mind but I'm worried others won't be as happy with such a statement.

Your rant was interesting...humans wouldn't be humans without flaws, which are what make us all unique and different.

33 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 22:55 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

@Sang It really wasn't my place to say such a thing, I was just trying to be honest with my self more than anything for once, you are totally right I know nothing about you and i do not know what your "pain" is therefore i cannot truly understand you, and by no means do i dislike you, i truly do think you are a strong person the fact that you are here and able to talk about it proves it. From my interpretation it seems like you have overcome it / or are overcoming it, again it really wasn't my place to say such a thing. I actually enjoyed this conversation. I would actually like to talk to you more :| I find you interesting, no creeper alert intended.

34 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 23:09 ID:8mKBWsbP [Del]

@Vilhjalmr It's fine everyone has their own beliefs so you can't be faulted for that. I don't dislike you either ^^ this has been an interesting conversation most people are to worried to upset me then to ask questions. You seem strong as well, and I have enjoyed the talking more would be fine...*creepiness intended* jk no creepiness on my part either :D

35 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 23:12 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

I believe in what i said, that being said i feel no "bonds" with anyone and when the closest person i ever had a "bond" to or feelings for died this past summer i was simply unfazed and didn't think anything about it and just moved on perhaps that it self is my definition of "love" i purposely side line my self but one thing i can say is, i am me and you are you and gives anyone the right to deny you or say anything against you unless they've been you and been there. This is the first time i've actually told someone what i think / what i truly believe in my life

36 Post deleted by user.

37 Name: Sang : 2013-03-14 23:22 ID:u1jyDQYl [Del]

I can't truthfully say I understand very well...I tend to create bonds without knowing it even when I try to avoid it...if you don't mind me asking are you distressed that you don't create bonds? Or do you not really notice? And I'm very sorry for your loss. To me it sounds as though you are protecting yourself from making attachments....that was complete speculation and I'm sure I'm wrong ^.^'. But I'm glad your telling me...even though I don't understand I do want to.

38 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-14 23:36 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

Hmmm. I would have to say that I'm not distressed, While i have no problem making friends and stuff, and i don't view the friendships as fake. There is defiantly a wall.. And I haven't shown anyone i know my "true character", I wouldn't say I'm protecting my self as much as I am protecting others.

39 Name: Dokajito : 2013-03-15 00:00 ID:UdE7M3gH [Del]

I suppose I'm the sister of two. The middle one to be more precise. I'm the one who worries the most and I'm the girl with the strange friends. I'm a girl with anxiety. I am the child that does strange things to try to cheer herself up. I'm the one who all of my friends care about. I fail to see that though. I'm the girl who watches anime and reads manga. I'm the girl who has a crush on her best friend (though I'm afraid to tell him). I'm the interesting and short girl. I'm the most motherly and protective. I'm the girl who tries to live a happy life with her family and friends.

40 Name: kim : 2013-03-15 00:20 ID:JcQSw9qc [Del]

hi im kim from the phil.

41 Name: Twineedle : 2013-03-15 01:03 ID:C/VPA6dp [Del]

I guess I should get this out.

I'm the girl on the sidelines, watching life pass by. I'm the writer, writing her heart out whenever she does get the chance to write. I'm the advisor to the people with all sorts of issues. I'm the girl who used to have depression, fighting through it for several months before overcoming it. I'm the girl who won't stand for people getting teased or hurt.

I'm the girl who knows her flaws, but makes an effort to move past them. I'm the girl who everyone expects to be perfect, but knows her limits. I'm the girl that's more of an outcast. I'm the girl who's random, a bit bipolar, and has trust issues. I'm the girl who loves anime and manga, always dreaming of story plots or characters coming to life. I'm the girl who doesn't stress as much as the others, striving to come up on top.

I'm the girl who talks to herself when she's alone, finding an odd sort of solace when alone. I'm the girl who supports her friends. I'm the girl who can be sisterly and even brotherly as well. I'm the girl who looks up to the sky and looks up, past the birds, the clouds, and into the stars beyond.

That's who I really am.

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: Vilhjalmr : 2013-03-15 01:18 ID:jE73idzw [Del]

I never did really describe what kind of person I am, i honestly don't know but if I had to label my self it would be " nothing and everything "

44 Name: Lynn : 2013-03-15 13:33 ID:zws3hVoA [Del]

I was also an unwanted child that was put up for adoption before I was even born. I was a mistake. I was the black baby raised by white parents that favored their white daughter. I'm the girl who has few friends and doesn't get out much. I'm the girl that loves anime and manga and doesn't care if her family calls it weird even if one of my sisters has taken a liking after seeing how much I liked it.
I'm the girl who's suicidal; the only things holding me down are my friends
I have trust issues; therefore I have few friends; though those friends are what hold be from jumping out the window headfirst, starving myself to death, taking too many pills, and cutting; they don't know much about me, I'd like to keep it that way. Nontheless I will protect them with my life.
I am the girl who tries to be different but can't because there's always that one person in my family who copies me and flaunts it
I am the girl who has parents that don't know her.
I am the girl who talks to herself instead of her family when she has problems; I am the girl that hides her pain; I am the girl that hates her family; I am the girl that hates herself.

45 Name: Unknown : 2013-03-15 15:32 ID:GCJS1fNL [Del]

That's a good question. Who am I exactly?
I'm merely a human being, who exists in this pathetic world.
But I still exist, right? I mean... this isn't all just some stupid nightmare, right?
People annoy me most of the times. I try my best to comfort them, but they do not comfort me in return. In fact, most of the time I just feel like a pawn... on a chessboard. It's stupid, I know. But... that's what I am, isn't it? People only use me, to use to their advantage, and once their done... They sacrifice me. I'm not really needed in this world. People can get on fine without me. In fact, they won't even notice I'm gone.

Because I was gone for a whole month. I was away in hospital, going through a lot of pain. But no, no one missed me. No one even really cared. And when I return? I am back to being their pawn, their freakin' punchbag. Because that's all I'm good for, yes? Because I don't really mean anything to them. I'm use to all this stuff.

I'm use to being lonely.

So yeah... who am I?

46 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-03-15 20:00 ID:z2I8ht7Q [Del]

I'm the girl you walk past with the expressionless and dazed face, never letting you know what I'm thinking;daydreams alot. I'm the girl who can't talk to people without feeling shunned out within 20 minutes of the conversation. I'm the paranoid girl who thinks everybodies talking about her, KNOWING for a fact that not alot of them don't even like her. I'm the girl who thinks she has paranoid schizophrenia because of some hallucinations and voices that she hears in her head.I'm the girl who's laughed at everytime she says one word. I'm the girl who gets anxiety easily either that or she's just too hyper for her own good sometimes. I'm the girl that emotionally takes care of her mother as if she's the parent and has been since 5 years old. I'm the girl that thinks she annoys everyone. I'm the girl who likes to stay at home listen to music instead of going to parties, but goes to some once in a while anyway to see if the party ends up being fun... some times it is...
I'm the girl with reoccuring chronic depression; bipolars another way to put it; or atleast she thinks . I'm the girl that thinks she's a worthless bitch even though people tell her otherwise, and doesn't know why she does. I'm the girl that she's hideous when others tell her she's beautiful, again she doesn't know why she feels that way. I'm that gets annoyed being around people, but still talks to them knowing that alot of them are worth knowing. I'm the girl that loves the arts, especially acting and movies and is up to anything intllectual, I'm the girl who hates herself knowing she shouldn't, I'm the girl who was molested for a year and still hasn't told my family after 3 maybe 4 years later... I'm the girl that feels like she has to take care of eveybody, for one strange reason. I'm the girl who also likes t play sorts somewhat. I'm the girl who into manga. I'm also the girl who is into dark halloweeny stuff and loves creepypasta's and scaring the kids at my school. I'm the girl who's been on the honor roll for the second year in a row now. I'm the girl who wants to be an actor when I grow up. I'm the girl who's top in my mandarin class and is learning Japanese and cherokee as well. Im the girl who loves gap and hot-topic and hates forever 21. I'm the girl who likes BOTDF and 1D at the same time. I'm the girl who wants to an actress and be successful and not just get married and have kids! I'm the girl that will laugh at anything. I'm the girl that all of the crushes she has on anyone for some reason hate her before they even know her. I'm the girl who wears mostly all black to school everyday. I'm the african-american girl who is made-fun because she's "not black" personality wise or "ghetto" and likes to use the human language properly. I'm the girl who's DIFFERENT and not many people like that about me. I'm the girl that despite all the bad parts of myself, keeps smiling and tries to be happy. I'm the girl who wants to live life freely the way she wants and to be whoever/whatever she wants to be.

47 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-03-15 20:01 ID:z2I8ht7Q [Del]

I'm the girl you walk past with the expressionless and dazed face, never letting you know what I'm thinking;daydreams alot. I'm the girl who can't talk to people without feeling shunned out within 20 minutes of the conversation. I'm the paranoid girl who thinks everybodies talking about her, KNOWING for a fact that not alot of them don't even like her. I'm the girl who thinks she has paranoid schizophrenia because of some hallucinations and voices that she hears in her head.I'm the girl who's laughed at everytime she says one word. I'm the girl who gets anxiety easily either that or she's just too hyper for her own good sometimes. I'm the girl that emotionally takes care of her mother as if she's the parent and has been since 5 years old. I'm the girl that thinks she annoys everyone. I'm the girl who likes to stay at home listen to music instead of going to parties, but goes to some once in a while anyway to see if the party ends up being fun... some times it is...
I'm the girl with reoccuring chronic depression; bipolars another way to put it; or atleast she thinks . I'm the girl that thinks she's a worthless bitch even though people tell her otherwise, and doesn't know why she does. I'm the girl that she's hideous when others tell her she's beautiful, again she doesn't know why she feels that way. I'm that gets annoyed being around people, but still talks to them knowing that alot of them are worth knowing. I'm the girl that loves the arts, especially acting and movies and is up to anything intllectual, I'm the girl who hates herself knowing she shouldn't, I'm the girl who was molested for a year and still hasn't told my family after 3 maybe 4 years later... I'm the girl that feels like she has to take care of eveybody, for one strange reason. I'm the girl who also likes t play sorts somewhat. I'm the girl who into manga. I'm also the girl who is into dark halloweeny stuff and loves creepypasta's and scaring the kids at my school. I'm the girl who's been on the honor roll for the second year in a row now. I'm the girl who wants to be an actor when I grow up. I'm the girl who's top in my mandarin class and is learning Japanese and cherokee as well. Im the girl who loves gap and hot-topic and hates forever 21. I'm the girl who likes BOTDF and 1D at the same time. I'm the girl who wants to an actress and be successful and not just get married and have kids! I'm the girl that will laugh at anything. I'm the girl that all of the crushes she has on anyone for some reason hate her before they even know her. I'm the girl who wears mostly all black to school everyday. I'm the african-american girl who is made-fun because she's "not black" personality wise or "ghetto" and likes to use the human language properly. I'm the girl who's DIFFERENT and not many people like that about me. I'm the girl that despite all the bad parts of myself, keeps smiling and tries to be happy. I'm the girl who wants to live life freely the way she wants and to be whoever/whatever she wants to be.

48 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-03-15 20:02 ID:z2I8ht7Q [Del]

0_0;.... It turned out longer then I thought it would be...

49 Name: Tsunrai : 2013-04-15 18:34 ID:EJONNYC0 [Del]

I'm the one that has everything she could need before her but remains apathetic towards everyone and everything because she can't possibly achieve her impossible dream. I'm the one who tears apart her close friendships out of jealousy and when she does do something out of good, karma reverses her work. I'm the one that has the most perfect boyfriend who loves me unconditionally and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together because he is the only dream I can truly achieve.

50 Name: Rinne-chan : 2013-04-15 19:11 ID:6SV2Y2XF [Del]

Sorry if I'm not clear, I usually speak french... I am the type of girl that can look shy while she isn't, and look comfortable when she wants to run away. I am a girl who is starting to think she has no feeling, because even if she losts family members, even if her boyfriend is the better she could ever have, she doesn't feel a thing. It's a girl that would like to stay away from others because she knows she isn't honest with them, but she can't. It's a girl who likes anime and manga, it's her biggest passion. But when she talked about it to people, they started avoiding her because she was too strange and because she was annoying them. I am the type of girl that want to be like the characters she admires, keeping secret her passion and being able to look "normal" for other people. But she can't, and she keeps annoying people. She started to have friends like her, to be happy with them, but she knows it won't last because she's changing schools next year. I'm the type of girl that people use to describe as gentle, polite, funny. Adjectives that only mean that they don't know you. I'm the type of girl that would want to wear black and cruxes, but that keeps wearing simple t-shirts and jeans. I'm a girl that doesn't fit in this country but she loves it anyway. I'm the type of girl that doesn't know what she wants, so she's always disappointed. I love drawing, fangirling and writing. I love finding people with the same passion as me. And this is why I am happy to be part of this group. I don't know you personally, but for once I'll be myself without fear.

51 Name: FirstBreaker : 2013-04-15 20:14 ID:tEmNaXx4 [Del]

I'm on one... I'm the one who has a terrible beat inside of them, a monster that wants to rip, teat, and taste flesh. A monster that fantasizes about using it's claws to tear limbs form a body... But I'm also the one who suppresses that part, who keeps the beast locked up, who fight it back so that he can help the world. I'm the one, that despite my natural urge to destroy, I do my damnedest to help the world, because I love humanity, I love what we are... and I will do anything to protect it.

52 Name: Isu or いす : 2013-04-17 21:34 ID:kXBb+e5o [Del]

I am the one who loves people but hates people. The one who has to hate in order to love. The one only few know. The one who comforts her and knows how to make her happy. Who can't settle as a person(ality). The one who's dreams don't matter. The one who understands but can't control.

53 Name: Troyboy : 2013-04-18 00:26 ID:ZfWlK31W [Del]

Hi, I'm troy McClure!

54 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-18 20:04 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>53 You're doing it wrong.

55 Name: korakora : 2013-04-18 23:09 ID:WUYZXYnK [Del]

someone faceless...hiding his sadness while putting a happy face. ^^

56 Name: sean king : 2013-04-19 00:22 ID:eMqQXZZy [Del]

proud of who i am, and not takeing shit from anybody!

57 Post deleted by user.

58 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2013-04-19 07:34 ID:aWDLdF7l [Del]

I am the girl that puts on a smile to hide the sadness. She dresses in a different style every week, whether it be jeans, a flowery dress, gothic, professional…she will dress differently according to how she feels. She uses smiles to keep people from asking her what’s wrong, when really she’s dying inside. She always gives advice to others when she would really like to go to someone for help for once.
She’s the girl who doesn’t know how she feels. One minute she’ll be the happiest girl of the group, the next she’ll be walking away so she doesn’t bring everybody else down. She’s the one who sees everything. She knows when someone is upset, even if they lie about their feelings. She knows because she is that same person. She always felt unwanted. She was abused, psychologically and minorly physically until the age of 16, when her mother left. She was pushed around from kindergarten until 8th grade, when she finally told someone.
She fell into depression in high school, and she has to go to group counseling and a personal psychologist. She feels afraid because she doesn’t know what exactly is wrong with her, nor does she know what she wants to do with her life.
But she still moves forward every day. She doesn’t want to live, but she also doesn’t want to die. She is motivated by the friends she’s only had for little more than a year, they are the first true friends she’s had. She is motivated because she is one of the best students in her school, and a great actress (is there any wonder?). She won’t fall into self-harm again, because this time she knows she has some hope. She fights, and this time she has help.
She is me.

59 Name: Mr. Dust : 2013-04-19 10:39 ID:vvofCdgp [Del]

To be honest, I'm not really sure. My view on myself kind of changes often. But I can say a few things about me.
I have a horrible temper, and get sick of things easily. I'm a very sarcastic person, and I guess I'm kind of cynical at times. I daydream a lot, and to be completely honest, I can be a bit of a pervert at times. Mostly at nighttime though. I'm an otaku, and I kinda act like a mix between Luna Lovegood and eeyore. I like to troll people, and often show my feelings through jokes. I don't have any friends, that is, unless you count cats. Cats freaking love me. I like listening to sountracks of anime, movies, video games, and all that jazz. I'm incredibly paranoid, and can really relate to paranoid parrot. I love anime,manga,video games, Japanese snacks, Canadian mints, comfortable clothing, relaxing, cats, rats, and my family. I'm kind of antisocial, and not really fond of most people. I feel like I blend in very well. I hate a lot of things, but most of the time just keep them to myself. I'm surprisingly sensitive and artistic. I hope to one day make my own movies and video games.
You probably didn't read all that, but if you did, you have my thanks.

60 Name: Kokoa : 2013-04-19 18:02 ID:3K7FzcIt [Del]

I am a girl who hides her true dealings behind a mask
I put on a smile so now one will see how much pain I'm in, and think I'm week
I try not to socialize and never show who I really am.
I can't trust people and at this moment I only trust about four people in my life.
It's hard for me not to constantly be mad and hate everyone around me. I love to get into fights. They usually don't end well but it's fun
I bottle up my feelings and can not fall in love.
If you read then thank you

61 Name: Saki : 2013-04-20 01:17 ID:QSRinoPA [Del]

I am a girl who is constantly questioning herself I subconsciously make my life harder than it is supposed to be. I judge myself to harshly and I can never stop worrying. All I want in life is to be loved and accepted for who I am but even I can't accept myself. I feel like I am constantly letting people into my life because very soon the people I currently love might be dead. At my core I'm not a very good person on the outside I'm nice and forgiving and sweet and I accept everyone but inside I'm harsh and constantly judging everyone. I lie a lot. I don't like to cry in front of people and I almost never do even though I cry almost every single day. My life actually isn't very hard but the people I love most have very hard lives. The kids at my school don't like me they call me a slut they harass me and I try not to care. Im afraid of my past and I'm afraid of my future I like to live in the moment. I have an anxiety disorder that I hate because it makes me different ( I hate anything that makes me different).

But I am me and I guess there's nothing I can do about that.

62 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-20 06:03 ID:oPKNCsT3 [Del]

I'm not sure who I am either. I am a girl who masks her personality outside to be happy, optimistic, cheerful... But inside I have no interest for anything. Nothing at all. To be honest, I love art, but because of my family, I will never be able to do the things I want to do. For gratitude to the family who raised me I try not to mess up or cause trouble but I keep doing the opposite. Is that what happens when you try your best to be the perfect child? I wonder. And in person, I really can't be bothered socializing anymore. Just feeling sick of acting happy when I'm not. I was bullied my enitre childhood from kinder to high school and maybe that's what is making me feel like isolating myself. I feel happiest when I'm by myself. Thank you if you did put up with reading this terribly self-centred text. If you did read this, it's the first and last time I will ever say something like this.

63 Name: shogun : 2013-04-20 15:09 ID:p4+v0s/j [Del]

if i had to desribe myself as for now that would be with one word nameles.i like doing fun thing and laupgh,have fun with my friends ,help other people even ti means to be used only for simple things, to be free and wild and sometimes pervert an romantic, but i am so shy that ican t get what i want,and pathetic leting others say liies about me and rediculing my conciounes .thats me in contrast with my very tempered and enrgetic personality know i am just a coward that cant escape from its past.

64 Name: Alex : 2013-04-20 17:18 ID:06oUTCVi [Del]

I don't describe myself with simple words. I like motions. I prefer movement over words. I'm a pain in the ass, a complainer, one of those people who is calm but easily is set off to want to hurt but just shouts empty threats. I prefer old music over new, and I dislike my opinions being forced down by people who have opinions that are not even freaking smart. I'm opinionated!

65 Name: Darelon : 2013-04-21 11:04 ID:vvofCdgp [Del]

You shall be bumped!

66 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-04-22 03:06 ID:CbvlBZZH [Del]

I believe this is the hardest question ever. I've spent almost 2 years trying to answer this. My conclusion? I was still unknowledgeable when it came to life in general, therefore I wasn't yet formed. But at present, I can finally say I know who I am.
I am a girl who sees almost everytime the truth behind the lies, the beauty in the surrounding world, the best way to make myself content and not only the others around me. I am a writer (or at least I tend to be one), I love looking in a profound way at things and especially people, I love listening to music and reading whatever I like. I can be happy in one moment or crying in the next. I have always been influenced by other people and this has brought some unhappy moments in my life, but today I am struggling to repair that. And I feel I am succeeding. I am more confident than I used to be because life tought me some important values. I deserve more for all that I do and I shouldn't be a servant to others, like I was in the past. I am me and I don't want to change what I have become.
Perhaps in time I will change again, but for now, this is me.

67 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-22 05:50 ID:1MLZB055 (Image: 680x385 jpg, 99 kb) [Del]

src/1366627814570.jpg: 680x385, 99 kb

68 Name: Nai : 2013-04-22 20:45 ID:d/MmdENz (Image: 500x281 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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