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Help? (11)

1 Name: EndZero : 2013-03-08 16:17 ID:bgrkEVRZ [Del]

Okay guys I need help. I'm not sure what is wrong with me but it is really becoming a problem. Here is a list of what's going on.
-No matter how much I sleep, I'm always tired.
-No matter how much I eat, I am always Hungry.
-No matter how much I drink I am always thirsty.
-I have horrid headaches that medicine can't take care of, I just have to wait them out.
-I have tried exercising more, changing what/how much I eat, drinking more water, trying vitamin supplements, generally a full healthy lifestyle overhaul. Nothing helps.
-Doctor says I'm fine, no diseases or anything to worry about. But I constantly just feel bad.
Anyone know whats wrong or have any advice?

2 Name: Witch : 2013-03-08 17:14 ID:8mqjYNVG [Del]

How has this been ocurring for a while!?... But i`m no doctor but what`s is deffintly something. But i`m not so sure what.

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4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-08 17:17 ID:S5UMe6nB [Del]

Might be stress, just flat out stress. It causes all those symptoms, and it might not always be obvious what you're stressed about.

These things pile up, even if you've had a bunch of small things add up over time that you could otherwise handle. Just keep up your general health and try not to think about it too much. When no physical reason makes sense, it's likely just a mental issue (subconscious, not conscious).

But just in case it is a physical thing, just some tips:

Too much sleep will cause fatigue rather than exhaustion, which will feel just the same as being tired normally, except it's unhealthy.

Differentiate hunger from appetite - you can probably eat a whole ton of food, but identify what is a decent amount and think about it logically. You might feel hungry but eating more won't do anything if you've already eaten enough.

Just drink a ton of water if you're always thirsty. You can't really overdo water.

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6 Name: EndZero : 2013-03-08 17:39 ID:bgrkEVRZ [Del]

>2 yeah its been going on for around 3 years now. I'm only 19 so I know something isn't right.
>4 I wouldn't think its stress. I have actually been really happy, I just started college and got a job where I go to school and my whole life is kinda falling into place. I don't know though. Maybe I'm stressed and don't know it??? I'll try doing something relaxing. Thanks for your opinions guys. If anyone else has any theories go ahead and shoot. I wanna figure this out.

7 Name: Dark : 2013-03-09 08:23 ID:lfmS6TnG [Del]

It's probably just a psychological thing
As for headache, fatigue, it's probably because you sleep too much
Try not to sleep more than you have to (try sleeping only for your daily sleep), ex: nap or sleep things off because you are bored, etc.
If you are thirsty, just drink water or sports drink.
Warm water could help with fatigue and headache.
For hunger, I think it's just you feel you want to eat (psychological hunger) not because you are hungry , just like >>4 said.
It is best to try hold your mouth, stop snacking when you are not hungry.
Because I believe that's only because you feel like you want to eat something, not because you are truly hungry.

I know how you feel when facing these problems because I have these all too.
I try the method I write above and it works quite well.

Btw, did you always have electronics around you?
For example, always have your phone beside you even when sleeping?
Try to avoid having a close contact of electronics near your head especially when sleeping, keep them at some distance. It's not really good.

Hope this help! ^^

8 Name: Kazu : 2013-03-10 01:28 ID:iV3Cim32 [Del]

It could also be cancer.. Seriously, sometimes it doesent come up on blood tests and some scans, I suggest bring that up with your docter, a family friend of mine had cancer and had the same sort of symtoms, except the food part.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-10 03:14 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Have you only gone to one doctor? sometimes going to a few doctors is better because a one doctor may find something another doctor didn't. The headaches bother me though because that could mean there's something wrong in your head. I would go to multiple doctors(3 at lease) and explain the symptoms. Explain the headaches in depth. what happens when you have the headache(dizzyness? flashes of color in vision? white spots in vision? lose of vision? ringing of ears?)? As of what it could be, i'm not sure but a head problem could very well be the problem.

10 Name: Eli-chan : 2013-03-10 16:28 ID:XXqcXWMl [Del]

I am going through the same thing. I try to stay awake but I just can't. I try to stop eating but I can't. I have found something that sorta works it's to just go to school talk to someone who's really interesting or you have a lot of things in common. It takes your mind off the tiredness etc.

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