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Am I..not enough (13)

1 Name: Tekato : 2013-03-06 16:24 ID:w/JNMcYt [Del]

Me and my girlfriend have being going out for 2 years now. She has been causing me so much stress and pain, it almost as if we were married. I love her more than anything. She is my first real love, and I hope for her to be my last. The reason shes giving me so much stress and pain is because. I get jealous really easy, and she knows that. Shes been talking to guys specifically guys who like her. I dont know if she does it to make me jealous or not but I have asked her, and told her how I felt about it. She asked if I really did trust her. I have been cheated on in the past, and I dont want it to happen again. Should I be worried, should I be more assertive or aggressive. Please share your opinions on what to do. I would like everyone to share their thoughts on this.

2 Name: Crisis (From college) : 2013-03-06 17:37 ID:R6YEAyCc [Del]

She should try and consider your feelings, but you need to have more trust. Trust and communication are the foundations for a successful relationship. If you can't have trust or communicate, then your relationship won't last.

3 Name: Meister !9h3qX0u7Uk : 2013-03-06 18:00 ID:yP7puDOx [Del]

Best to discuss with your girlfriend. People normally get jealous whenever their girlfriends or boyfriends are socializing with others of the opposite gender. This is something most people need to know and learn to control our doubts. If you truly love this girl, you should trust her more.

4 Name: Tekato : 2013-03-06 18:51 ID:w/JNMcYt [Del]

Thanks Guys, means alot for you to be answering and giving me advice.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Tekato : 2013-03-06 19:01 ID:w/JNMcYt [Del]

But the problem is...she talks to them more than me..I basically want her attention. I have never been much of the person of attention but I just want hers.

7 Name: Tekato : 2013-03-06 19:01 ID:w/JNMcYt [Del]

But the problem is...she talks to them more than me..I basically want her attention. I have never been much of the person of attention but I just want hers.

8 Name: KanraChan : 2013-03-06 20:17 ID:0Og+DX88 [Del]

I understand how you feel. especially the part where she talks to other men more than you. That bugs the shit out of me like they just wanna tease us. But you don't need to be any more worried (unless she is cheating)or aggressive.

Be passionate. Give her kisses. Show your affection. If she rejects that affection then she must not love you. Every relationship is different so there is no FOR SURE advice. But if she doesn't love you back then there is no way your going to have a decent relationship.Its going to be a love built on lies. But I trust you love each other or you wouldn't have brought this up.

I have a friend who has been with his girlfriend 5 years + and they fight and argue like no other couple. But I have never seen a relationship last as long as theirs, especially how they argue. You would think they would have broken up already. I swear they can argue about chilli fries. I've seen it happen.

But what sets them apart from the rest is that at the end of the day, they both realize that they can't replace each other. Like they can't just break up and find someone else. It would never be the same.

I hope I was of service. Deeds like this make my day.


9 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-03-06 23:13 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

>>8 Well said! I couldnt have said it much better myself. Anyways, i agree with the majority of people here by saying you need to trust she wont cheat on you unless you have cold hard facts. You cant deny her her friends. I understand your frustration, but you cant solve this by forcing her to choose between her friends or you. Do what >>8 said in the second paragraph to show her your devotion. If she rejects it, then start getting concerned.

10 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-03-06 23:15 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

By the way, there is a thread devoted to dating problems. Please post on said thread next time.

11 Name: Firo : 2013-03-07 00:38 ID:+k30ACqv [Del]

>>10 I think being the problem is a personal problem that is under the Personal section of BBS is a good enough reason to let him get away with this. This way, once the topic has been solved it will just die off. Having all personal dating problems under one thread can eventually lead to multi tasking each problems and having multiple topics under one same thread that may confuse other readers.

On the other note I agree with both >>8 and >>9 about having trust and communication. If you ARE feeling jealous, just woo her back with full intention of your feels. Don't be like "I'm doing this because I feel like I'm about to lose you." but instead do as "I'm doing this because I want to show you how much I love you."

..Which what I should've done. Again, well said Kanra

12 Name: KanraChan : 2013-03-07 02:31 ID:0Og+DX88 [Del]

Thank you Firo and ArtisticAnarchy. I appreciate the support. And I wish Tekato the best.

13 Name: Tekato : 2013-03-07 08:55 ID:w/JNMcYt [Del]

Thanks guys I appreciate the posts. I'm sorry for not posting in the dating problems thread, I just knew if I put it there nobody would answer. We actually talked about it, and she started crying, and saying sorry. She means alot to me than anything else in the world. Thanks for all the advice.