Dollars BBS | Personal
















Some people just want to be a downer -,.,- (4)

1 Name: Kylor : 2013-03-05 20:54 ID:oVVs0Gyi [Del]

so I'm sitting in 4th today and there is a girl who i have seen every now and again sitting near where i sit. so naturally i sat at the empty seat on the other end of the table (XD) anyway, she starts talking about how much she hates life and how crappy it is, so i decided to whip out my dollars quotes. "Because the world isn't as bad as you make it out to be." so she gets pissed and has to ask everybody on the table about how much they hate life "Isn't this world terrible?"
well yes, but why do you think that is?
well its because people of people like you make it out to be.
So i ask you, dollars, because i still have not yet learn to "Love" the human race, what are your opinions on this topic? share some stories and chat about how great/horrible life is. and share quotes, i love quotes.

2 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-05 21:05 ID:/dPuxz79 [Del]

We have a quotes thread in Lit for famous quotes and I believe we have one in Personal for personal quotes.

Any story I have either sits in the complaining thread or hate thread, and I don't feel like writing a shit-long post at the moment. Maybe I'll give you one later?

Either way. I hate life, but I try not to be a downer about it. Everyone likes to complain, and maybe she just needs someone to listen? I know I often vent at random moments because I don't have anyone that will just sit there and listen to me.

3 Name: Sardonic!NachAZbg5M : 2013-03-16 12:54 ID:MWn6Mhme [Del]

>>2 that was the nicest re-direction I have ever seen by a Dollars member. (slow clap)

4 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-03-16 18:50 ID:VMg8n6vx [Del]

I can't tell why anyone would the life. There's nothing bad about it. Everything "bad" is mainly actually just negative thoughts. For example, my sister and I have grown up exactly the same, however, she thinks her life's miserable due to her attitude. I, on the other hand, believe I have the best life ever, having the Dollars attitude before I even knew what the Dollars were. Life's too short to mope. The more moping you do, the less you get done. And also, you have less time to have fun. No matter what happens, I believe one way or another, even if I can't see it, everything is going my way. Everything that happens will lead to something better.