Dollars BBS | Personal
















I was diagnosed with premula hypertension (2)

1 Name: Fai : 2013-02-25 16:32 ID:oIBxlGb2 [Del]

One day, i was in gym class and we were running laps around the gym.I started to get a sharp feeling in my chest as if someone was stabbing me. I sat down and I took a deep breath got up and tried to carry on. Then this sharp pain got stronger,and stronger, i started lose air and i was trying to grasp onto it. Soon enough i start hyper ventilating and i fell to the floor and got back up. I told the teacher i was fine and keep going in class with this pain. The next day, in the morning i felt fine but as soon i got to the bus stop it started again. I was grasping the air but still losing it. Soon enough, it was 4th period. I was going down the stairs and then it started again, grasping for air,dizzy, naseau, and this time my eyes were getting blurry. I fell down the stairs and a group of students watch and laughed then they knew it was serious. Some left me there until my best friend, Adam picked me up and brought me to the nurse and she went straight to calling the hospital. I remeber waking up in the hosptal with 3 needles in my arm my mom talking to the docter, adam next to me looking at me and surprised and my step dad watching the t.v. I was happy they were there for me. Especially, adam, he really cared about me every since we were in pre-school. Even my parents deserve to be honored for being there.That was the time i was diagnosed with premula hypertension.

2 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-07 22:12 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

I don't know if your looking for advice or not, but I'm glad to hear that people you cared about had your back on this one.