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How do I get my Girlfriends parents to like me? (12)

1 Name: Tekato : 2013-02-24 22:16 ID:PmTQ9L1t [Del]

She really means a lot to me, but her parents don't like me and refuse to let us spend time together. I need help. Please any advice will do.

2 Name: WoDo : 2013-02-25 03:48 ID:IOqgi0F5 [Del]

First find out why they don't like you. Second find out if she'll stand up for you. third. After one and two are done come back and tell me for more help.

3 Name: Tekato : 2013-02-25 06:06 ID:PmTQ9L1t [Del]

They dont know anything about my family, and because we are still teenagers, they think ill do something because of teen hormones. But I wouldn't do anything like that, I respect her to much to do that to her at this early age.

4 Name: Tekato : 2013-02-25 06:08 ID:PmTQ9L1t [Del]

She has already stood up for me. Thats why I get to see her, at least sometimes.

5 Name: thatguy215 : 2013-02-25 09:43 ID:fK3sC1su [Del]

what you need to do is invite them over to your house for dinner or something like that so they can meet your parents. this will show them that you come from good people & that you rely want the relationship to work

6 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-02-25 10:34 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

Watch there be a significant age gap op isn't telling us about

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: WoDo : 2013-02-25 10:35 ID:IOqgi0F5 [Del]

hence ^ be somewhat persistent just don't be a pest. Life becomes pretty hard but show you can overcome it and eventually they would/will take a liking to you. Btw don't move too fast, it could cause the entire thing to go into disarray.

9 Name: Tekato : 2013-02-25 16:20 ID:8Fw3BZM6 [Del]

Thanks for the advice guys, and no we are both the same age.

10 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-07 21:45 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

I don't know how helpful this will be, as I have no experience with relationships. However, I would suggest looking for common ground you might have with her parents. Are there any interests you share in common with them? Focus on topics like this, and talk about your viewpoint on these subjects. Don't just straight up ask them their interests, though. Pay attention to what they talk about over time. Listen before you speak, as much as you can. I've had plenty of successful conversations in the past without saying a word. Try to show them that you are interested in them, as well as your girlfriend. Give them an impression that you care about her, but you also take (perhaps a scholarly) interest in the world around you. Try to be a friend to them, almost as much as you are to her. I really hope this helps...

11 Name: Zuke : 2013-04-08 07:57 ID:qTrBMTxK [Del]

>>5 I would say if your going to formally meet the parents. Do it in a public place like a cafe. Has always worked for me

12 Name: PresidentWalrus : 2013-04-08 17:51 ID:eN0i8qFV [Del]

Honestly i've dealt with this a bit recently-ish, 2 years ago my girlfriends parents didn't want me to be with their daughter but I just told them how i felt about her and then they at least stepped off of us, not sure if they like me now though, whole family moved to california, im still dating the girl but don't deal with her family anymore since she comes up to wisconsin for dates and whatnot