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Is it wrong to be alone? (22)

1 Name: Shizu-kun : 2013-02-23 23:41 ID:8hLQaVek [Del]

I'm always alone in my room,my parent always scold me when I got out... Is it really that wrong to be in my room all day?

2 Name: Kuroneko : 2013-02-23 23:55 ID:CjvnpUe/ [Del]

Shizu-kun, there is nothing wrong with that. It may mean that you are a introvert. To tell the truth, I'm the same way. If you feel like talking, email me at

3 Name: Witch : 2013-02-24 09:51 ID:8mqjYNVG [Del]

I'm always alone at school, but I`m fine at home but I can't really find a way to be with someone. I don't really know how to talk to people. I'm the type where I have to wait for someone to be the first to start texting me.But I can't really go up to someone and say "hi".

4 Name: hanayukio : 2013-02-24 11:44 ID:Pub5DkiF [Del]

Some people are more comfortable that way. I don't mind being alone, it isn't that bad, I can do what I want without worrying about anybody else. And same, my parents want me to go to my friends houses, but I don't really want to. And they think I watch too much anime;) Though I suppose it is lonely

5 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-02-24 20:06 ID:9rzjvGrQ [Del]

^ What these people said.

I mostly stay in my room 24/7 because there is literally nothing to do outside. Part of it is because I have no friends and the other is because my parents wouldn't let me hang out when I was younger so I was basically trained to stay like a house-cat...

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-02-24 21:03 ID:Wj8xnrDZ [Del]

>>2 Kuroneko I've seen you plug your email in every single thread you've posted in so far. What are you getting at?

It's fine and all to try and make acquaintances, but be a little more subtle so you don't sound like a spambot.

>>1 While being introverted isn't a bad thing by any means, it does come with its pros and cons. Your parents are simply worried that you may not be getting necessary life experiences - talking to friends or even strangers online is much different than interacting with strangers in person, and believe me when I say it isn't as easy as it may appear for everyone.

Case in point, >>3. In an ideal world there is nothing technically wrong with social anxiety, and I am much the same. But you'll find that situations demand you do so much more as you get further along in life, and it would simply benefit you to attempt to be used to it before making the conscious decision not to. It's a skill to be acquired, but it isn't absolutely necessary - it just makes life easier in the long run.

Your parents are probably just worried.

7 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-25 20:47 ID:fOLpF8o5 [Del]

Hey Shizu-kun, I sort of have the same problem. Ever since last year, I have been taking my classes online, so I rarely get out of the house. My parents are worried that I don't see enough people and get enough real life interaction, (I do talk to a lot of people online, but really that is another subject entirely) since I am not seeing people at school anymore.

I think it's fine to want to do things on your own, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert (I am, to an extent). I think a good solution would be to keep doing what you are doing, but do it somewhere else, like in the living room perhaps. That way, you are off doing your own thing by yourself but you're also with your family at the same time, if that makes any sense ._.

For example, our house doesn't have many bedrooms, so my bed and computer are in one of the living rooms. I am usually on the computer, but I am around my family just the same. This way, my parents never feel like they can't talk to me if they need to. The lines of communication are still there, even though I am "alone".

If you try to do things "alone but around others" it shows that you don't want to be isolated, just that you prefer to do your own thing.

8 Name: Sardonic!NachAZbg5M : 2013-03-15 18:04 ID:MWn6Mhme [Del]

lul @ >>2 saying he's an introvert then reaching out for a chat! >w>1 , I don;t think it's wrong to be alone in person, but you always need social interaction, so let it be known that the dollars and everyone else like-minded on the net are here to be found by you, to be here for you!~

9 Name: hardcore : 2013-03-21 12:13 ID:Cc81lk1t [Del]

hey, I found this thead, hoping it would help me. My problem is I'm not sure if people actually give a crap what I say, so I just sit there.

10 Name: Blooded : 2013-03-21 12:29 ID:w+ArzI4F [Del]

nothing wrong with being alone, But being with some one you love make life just that much better tho being alone has its advantages like parsay no heartbreake and no distractions. you schouldnt care if people care what you say, you need to, what you say can make or break an relationship

11 Name: Noxyt : 2013-03-21 15:48 ID:NTZcgmi8 [Del]

Nothing wrong with that. I mean, not if you don't like how shiny the sun is or how idiotic the human species has gotten.

12 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2013-03-22 16:58 ID:lt3Ly7Gz [Del]

There's nothing wrong with it, but it's certainly not healthy...

13 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-03-23 02:38 ID:RwwbfwZA [Del]

Okay, spending a lot of time alone on it's own isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm just like that - only leave when I utterly have to.
What makes it bad is that you can develop serious health conditions from it.
See, I have a really severe vitamin D deficiency because I don't go out into the sun enough. That can lead to bone problems and bad health in general.
Additionally, not seeing a lot of people stops you from gaining social skills. Not everyone is great with people - for someone who doesn't leave the house all that often, I have loads of friends. When I can be bothered, I'll talk to them online; sometimes we'll arrange to meet up and do something (though that doesn't happen a lot, haha)

In my opinion, spending a lot of time alone is only bad if you choose to make it that way. I'm on my own a lot because I get chronic migraines and am sick a lot, along with the fact I don't get along with most people my age. I think it's a good thing because it gives me time to think and learn without being interrupted.
If you're doing it because you don't have friends or think everyone hates you, ect, then it is a bad thing. Trust me, a lot of people don't like me either! I don't seclude myself because of them, I do it because it's what I enjoy.
As for being scolded when you go out, some parents are just like that. My mother always tells me to get out of the house, haha.
I guess it depends on where you're going. Maybe go for a walk every day, or something like that? I go at night because I'm white as a sheet and will get sunburn if I go out when it's sunny.
as long as you get enough exercise, have a decent diet, and still talk to others at some point, then I say it's fine.
Good luck :)

14 Name: cody : 2013-03-23 19:55 ID:EM4Uy/W+ [Del]

im in my room all the time glued to my computer and its not wrong but I do feel better when I go out side well I will whenever it worms up at least but ya there's nothing wrong with being alone

15 Name: Ajax : 2013-03-25 09:46 ID:TGgYHrSt [Del]

Nothing wrong with it at all, unless it starts hindering your social skills to the point you can no longer function in a normal occupation and take care of yourself. Mark Zuckerberg and many other famous people were or are shut ins. Me I go out when I need to, or when doing something I enjoy such as martial arts, rock climbing, camping etc etc, but I do a lot of the times stay inside and research stuff on my computer

16 Name: Neoma-sama : 2013-03-25 12:37 ID:7T2FROMv [Del]

Well...I'm the same as the OP.And in my POV,it is kind of wrong being in your room all day.That way,you can't go out and socialize and trust me,that's something that will be bothering in the future.I guess staying in your room for some hours is something that everyone does today,but if you stay inside for the entire day,you'll slowly begin losing touch with what's happening outside...

17 Name: M : 2013-03-25 21:19 ID:553hXzSX [Del]

That's how I am and well, it's not wrong but it is good to get out of there every once in a while.

18 Name: mizzah : 2013-03-26 00:03 ID:z2C54Jgq [Del]

It's not wrong to be alone. But if you're alone, there's something wrong with you :)

19 Name: M : 2013-03-26 00:34 ID:553hXzSX [Del]

Why would there be something wrong with them if they're alone? That doesn't make sense..

20 Name: meh : 2013-03-27 04:26 ID:X+YwRJkn [Del]

>>18 You don't make any sense. You alright?

21 Name: yumi : 2013-03-27 07:02 ID:fpK18Qd9 [Del]

there's nothing wrong to be alone, but you can't always be alone. You gotta make friends, too.

22 Name: Moonlight : 2013-03-27 14:30 ID:gk7jCO7E [Del]

Im alone at school bec peaple make fun of me but Im me and thats ok