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Help (9)

1 Name: Kiyomi : 2013-02-21 23:36 ID:r7UK/pZs [Del]

Guys I really need help. My friend is really depressed and has been talking about suicide and I don't know what to say to her. I want to comfort her but she just won't listen, replying with "yeah ok" and faking a smile. I don't know how to get to her and it's killing me. Please help.

2 Name: EL Rey832 : 2013-02-22 03:22 ID:c5PzCh8B [Del]

Be there for her. make her feel like she is needed. the main cause in depression sometimes is that she/he cant trust anyone and they feel alone because of it. make her trust you, remind her that shes not the only one with problems, nor is she alone . make yourself her life line. make her realize that lifes beautiful and she is not a waste of space. she is someone special to you as a best friend or whatever you are to that person. make her, make a goal for herself to achieve, because usually people who have goals don't die easy. (my thoughts but i think its true). just make her feel like she has someone or something to live for. (thats kinda why people get dogs and cats to depressed people to make them live for the loving animal)

3 Name: EL Rey832 : 2013-02-22 03:32 ID:c5PzCh8B [Del]

(last part was something i just thought of, but not sure if its true. so dont be buying a puppy or kitten if she cant raise one or even have one. )

4 Name: EL Rey832 : 2013-02-22 04:03 ID:c5PzCh8B [Del]

if her suicidal talks get really serious or if she just need to talk to someone. she can call this number 1 800-273-talk(8255)
This is the national suicidal prevention life line. If not go to to know more.

5 Name: Necrotic Jam : 2013-02-22 05:01 ID:dRHLZAgO [Del]

I have been in the situation before, so I know how she feels. Basically, try and make her understand that there are ways to help out, and suicide won't solve anything for herself, you, and her other friends and family. Make her realise that she does have peole that she can talk to.
If you need to talk about it in more detail, pop me an email at:
I help when I can

6 Name: Kuro : 2013-02-22 06:44 ID:/vQjPr+G [Del]

I dunno if this is really stupid advice, if it is im sure someone will mention it X)
But I'd say don't focus on the suicidal part. her live life. properly live you know? See if you can find something she'll like and enjoy, see if you can get her to laugh and smile, read a good book, show her the simple good things in life. a lot of the time, suicide is caused by people. there's always something about people, humans that cause hurt to each other. But one must not forget that you can enjoy life, not just with other people in it. Don't talk about the suicidal bit, just focus on making her happier.

7 Name: Kuroneko : 2013-02-22 22:49 ID:3cl9nBXe [Del]

Hello Kiyomi. I'm Kuroneko and if you wouldn't mind, you could email me at I will try everything I can to help your friend.

8 Name: Dokajito : 2013-02-22 23:00 ID:UdE7M3gH [Del]

What you should say is, "Don't be sad. You're beautiful, wonderful, and you have changed my life. (then list some examples.)" if you want to earn her trust then tell her some of your most embarrassing or some deep secret that you have never told anyone. You should be there for her every second of the way because your her friend and that's what friends do. Make her feel loved and needed. If she still says 'yeah ok' or gives a fake smile then hug her and tell her that she's not alone. Give her a speech about how wonderful she is and try to compliment her. If she still plans to commit suicide then she should call the suicide hotline. But if she's too shy or uncomfortable to do that then tell her that death isn't going to help because death is even scarier than life because you don't know what's going to happen. Its something that no one is sure about and that in life, sure things happen that you're scared about but in life you can still expect things to happen while when you die, you have no idea what will happen and it might be worse than the things you went through. I'm sorry if I didn't help. I tried my best.

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