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coping. (11)

1 Name: ... : 2013-02-19 18:15 ID:FCTMi/BW [Del]

I didn't see one like this so...
what do you do when something stresses you out. How do you cope with life?

2 Name: Margo_Neko : 2013-02-19 19:04 ID:qX+LAkuH [Del]

I usually try to think about the positive things that have happened in my life And try not to think about the bad so much.

3 Name: Neko : 2013-02-20 07:25 ID:1zeikLkc [Del]

I sing to forget my problems

4 Name: Listen : 2013-02-20 08:49 ID:xIUWu7Gi [Del]

I usually read manga to get it off my mind.

5 Name: Renna : 2013-02-20 09:32 ID:bsfAmFd6 [Del]

Read, listen to music or draw something.

6 Name: Roxas : 2013-02-20 20:23 ID:jh/00QpS [Del]

Play games or read or just something that has nothing to do with what I'm stressed with.

7 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2013-02-20 20:50 ID:c6BSs7eS [Del]

I pretty much just sit down and think. I listen to music, or write, draw...Pretty much do creative things to let it all out.

8 Name: Kacie : 2013-02-20 22:02 ID:h6tLfEd+ [Del]

play video games, watch anime, or just talk with biting my tongue to say what i want to say.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Feiself : 2013-02-20 22:17 ID:mvaX9cpJ [Del]

Honestly, the one thing that calms me down is talking to someone about their own problems and help them.
If I am alone, I plan things out one by one to get myself by. If there is nothing I can do about it in that moment, I take a deep breath and relax.

11 Name: Spontaneous : 2013-02-21 00:51 ID:SsZQe1MA [Del]

This sounds crazy, But I talk to my pet turtle. They are excellent listeners and its good to let those feelings out. Im a talkative person, so that is how I cope with annoying things that happen to me.