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I Need Some Help!! (17)

1 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-02-14 18:18 ID:AjB3/u+v [Del]

Hey Dollars, I was an abused kid. And when people found out, they distanced themselves from me. And now that I'm in high school, I find it hard to connect with people. I am looking for a friend. Someone that won't judge me on how I used to be or how I act in school. If this makes sense, please contact me at I'm pretty lonely so, I don't mind if it's someone who wants to talk or just cheer me up. I live in Maryland in case you wanna meet up too! I am 17 too.

2 Name: ChibiChi !6yuAhgU.jM : 2013-02-15 10:39 ID:s4EA9+Az [Del]

i want to be your friend ritsucka ^_^

3 Name: Extispicer : 2013-02-15 10:51 ID:lbaIMCeC [Del]

I knew many people like you. The thought of your past is causing you to be overly conscious for yourself with the people you meet. What most likely makes it hard for you to connect is because you are assuming that the people you meet know about how you used to be and then they would judge you with it, but they actually are completely clueless.

People always judge no matter who they are or what they are to you, they do it either implicitly or explicitly. Just always put in mind that they know nothing about you, they have nothing to judge you with but the actions that you do. That should take out your nervousness when approaching people. Yes, you have to keep your past secret, its okay to keep secrets.

That is all you need to prevent people from looking at you by who you used to be. How you act in school is a completely different matter and you have to work on it, just be good to people. There is no escaping judgement from your actions.

. . . and dont just go meeting with people from some website, thats too dangerous. Just my concern for you.

4 Name: Witch : 2013-02-15 10:53 ID:0Iwj4LaL [Del]

i`ll be friends with you! If you want to.

5 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-02-15 12:04 ID:uwTK1YSi [Del]

Thanks guys! I want to be friends with you too.

6 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-02-15 12:06 ID:uwTK1YSi [Del]

>>3 Thanks for the good advice and concern. I'm happy that even strangers care for each other on this site. I was afraid no one would answer, but people did. Thanks again. I'll try to follow what you said.

7 Name: Itsuki : 2013-02-15 22:46 ID:1x3Klizq [Del]

Hey, I don't know what's wrong with those people you distance themselves from you, but I can relate. When I first told my friends that I had an anxiety disorder, some of them became scared to be around me. But, it's been a year now and I've found friends who understand my condition and are willing to stay by my side. Trust me, it will get better. If you ever need any help talk to me. I'll be here.

8 Name: Blues : 2013-02-16 08:52 ID:La4KFDcq [Del]

I heard the call of a friend in need. A fellow 17 year old from California reporting for duty new friend.

9 Name: Draikion : 2013-02-16 20:25 ID:zFbUxFm8 [Del]

hey im a 14 year old from michigan
but i can kind of relate so id be glad to call you a friend

10 Name: Draikion : 2013-02-16 20:25 ID:zFbUxFm8 [Del]

hey im a 14 year old from michigan
but i can kind of relate so id be glad to call you a friend

11 Name: Terra : 2013-02-16 23:58 ID:B1sxRB00 [Del]

I feel your pain. I defiantly know what it feels like to not have any friends. I'm from Colorado....

12 Name: Witch : 2013-02-17 10:30 ID:bqBDeR5V [Del]

hello i`m 14 from Virginia.
but i know what its like to not have any friends, i used to be a loner to but then i made friends and i`m willing to be your friend as well.

13 Name: Bellama : 2013-02-17 16:25 ID:eRBy5XDN [Del]

yeah, i know what its like too, im 13 from minnesota, im hyperactive and loud, i had a lot of trouble in elementary school with friends. I'm generally pretty excepting of people because of that, so now i've figured it out, i have a few strong friends. the key is u just need to talk to people! and the right people! I think u would be a good friend! anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot who needs to get some sense punched into them!!

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16 Name: Kuroneko : 2013-02-22 23:04 ID:3cl9nBXe [Del]

Hello Ritsucka, if you feel like talking, email me at I will help you in all ways possible.

17 Name: Kacie : 2013-02-22 23:13 ID:h6tLfEd+ [Del]

Been there contact me