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How is everyone today? (10)

1 Name: THINGv2!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-02-13 08:32 ID:WhjaRG2C [Del]

This thread was originally posted by Cyn but on the main page and that really wasn't the right place for it. So I thought I would start a new one here, and you can comment on it. I will try to respond to you, and maybe if Cyn sees this too, they may respond too. Or make a new one here and they can have this thread back.

So, how are you feeling today?

2 Name: Eternal Feather : 2013-02-13 09:18 ID:xIUWu7Gi [Del]

Hello~ I`m feeling great right now!!Nya~How are things with you right now any thing new?!... =3

3 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2013-02-13 12:08 ID:sqhdEDpT [Del]

This is a really unnecessary thread. No offense, but I don't think this thread belongs anywhere.

4 Name: THINGv2!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-02-13 12:18 ID:Z0J+qIXK [Del]

>>2 Great to hear you're doing great! I'm doing pretty good myself

>>3 Just trying to keep the happy going :)

5 Name: Saz!UaHBcD2HbU : 2013-02-13 20:00 ID:eIYNoajU [Del]

I feel terrible, I'm sick :(
Hope I'll get better though.

6 Name: Shikz : 2013-02-13 21:05 ID:VFZToaFj [Del]

I feel like any normal day i had for the past few days

7 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-13 22:20 ID:c6Dqo1GI [Del]

I am feeling rather insignificant and undermined, but other than that, there is always hope for tomorrow! Actually, no there isn't because it's the V day. But there's still hope for the day after that! :'D Yay Fridays!

8 Name: Flamemaster1 : 2013-02-13 22:23 ID:R7+WHNET [Del]

I suppose my day was alright. Nothing special. Nothing terrible. Same ol Wednesday. Regular routine, nothing changes that much over the course of a week. Sorta feel like I'm living in a rut. Not that my life is bad, just... A little pointless. Most people do live in a rut. It just shifts over time. Another day, another dollar, that kind of thing. People say live your life to the fullest. How? I say. Not too much stuff that makes me feel like leaping out of bed and living as happily as I can. I suppose if you do something that you like everyday, that helps, but it depends what really. Call me a pessimist, but life's boring. Just a near endless circle of routine and predictable events.

9 Name: Kiddo : 2013-02-13 22:43 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

I feel bad. I forgot tomorrow was Valentines day. Like never ever in my life (before) did I ever celebrated it, and all of A sudden I have a girl and I totally forgot she was into that type of stuff so I had to go to the store and buy her come stuffed animals and chocolates. And since I was there already I decided to buy some stuff for my other friends also. And ugh, every time I think about school I get mad. So I clearly got to my Physics class early and I set my stuff on my table and all and then I walk out to go to the restroom and then when I come back my stuff had been moved to the table in front and this girl that I never did like is sitting where my stuff was. Bleh just thinking about it gets me mad all over again. and on top of that I burned my finger then my whole hand (left) then I smashed my right index finger >.<"
Not to mention all the other problems I have like being blackmailed and bullied.. etc., etc., etc.. bleh.

10 Name: catshit !15Ayr.pb9Y : 2013-02-14 05:56 ID:ZHdHyew4 [Del]

i'm feeling great thank you! ;) horrible things happen but ey' that's life! We ough to treat bad things like another day and the next to start anew~ good things are sure to come :D