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What am I supposed to do?! (5)

1 Name: Arya. : 2013-02-09 15:32 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Im bisexual and I want to share my problem.

Well the problem is;
I wrote on a paper to my friend and gave it to her. After reading she put the paper to her pencilcase and we went out. While we were out (another friend told me this) the girls friends were searching stg in her pencilcase and found the letter and read it. They said that it was my hand writing and laughed. They didnt tell anyone a few weeks passed after that incident. Those girls were my rival like enemies. I hate them.
So, what should I do??

2 Name: shizu inuzuka : 2013-02-09 15:55 ID:fxiTw8eQ (Image: 1360x575 png, 54 kb) [Del]

src/1360446930959.png: 1360x575, 54 kb should try to talk to them and see what they did. if they tell someone after u ask..then this is when u need to tell someone, an adult or someone u can count on to help you. dont be embarrassed to say the problem to an adult, im sure they would understand, u have to try and stand up for yourself and things like that. talk it out with those girls, too. remain calm. that is all i have to tell you. i hope i helped

3 Name: Extispicer : 2013-02-10 08:20 ID:52rwcEHw [Del]

It may be embarrassing but its ok as long as it isnt affecting your relationship with your girlfriend. My advice is:

Do nothing. Let your rival drown in jealousy and in the fact that they just lost to a letter with funny handwriting.

4 Name: Arya. : 2013-02-10 14:50 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Thank you guys I will try :)

5 Name: Arya. : 2013-02-10 15:29 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Btw, I'm a girl :D

I still need sometime to tell this to an adult. A few years later I can tell this to my big brother I guess. I once dated a girl and once a boy. But I still think that its so embrassing. You know, people call you gay or lesbian when you do stg wrong or lose a fight etc. that has nothing to do with it! Im scared that people will avoid me and my friends will leave me.