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I want my mother dead.... (10)

1 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-02-09 09:54 ID:C67lFnBC [Del]

Hey. I'm sorry for putting up such a dramatic post when it's almost valentines day, but I want to know what you guys feel about this.

If you have read my past posts on 'personal' you guys already know why I hate her so much so I won't be going into details. She was just never there for me... I had to raise myself. I know this is a horrible thing to wish in anyone but, my mother, through my eyes, is pathetic. It's not just me who thinks this. Everyone in my immediate family knows how she is. She's a nice person, but she's not willing to do anything really to help herself. She needs to lean on other people, and fr years I've been that person. It's worse when she's dunk, again I will not go into details, but it's just to much sometimes. I turn 16 in may and I've been wishing she was dead since I was 12. I really do love her and we do have some really awesome times together, but it's just too much. And I'm the only one in the family that really knows how to handle her. How would you guys handle this situation?

2 Name: Jane Doe : 2013-02-09 11:42 ID:rdvanvsV [Del]

For starters I would delete my web history and not complain about her on the internet. Second, if you are asking about something this serious on the internet with complete and utter strangers then you aren't leaning on the people close to you as much and need to talk to them.(don't try to not depend on them because of your mother over doing it) Also, you are only 15 if you can't depend on your mother than, although I don't think you should cut ties with her, you should try to get out of the house. You're young and shouldn't need deal with this sort of thing. Get help for yourself first. And although you might get mad at her, she's your mother.

3 Name: xyvaine : 2013-02-09 12:13 ID:MLlZFDdv [Del]

I completely get where you're coming from! I feel the same about my family...if you ever find me in the chatroom, feel free to vent about it. Venting really helps, you know? :/ Other advice I would give would be not to shun the good times that happen. I feel like I do that too know, like when you're actually having fun with your family but all of a sudden your brain goes "this isn't going to last, they don't really mean this, I should just stop and do to my room." <-- DO NOT DO THAT! No matter how small they are, we need to accept the good times. We need to teach ourselves that even though they're tiny, that doesn't mean they're fake. Keep helping your mom until you're not obligated to anymore, but don't let helping her come at your own expense. That's where the line should be drawn. That's about all I have to say... Just remember that one day, we can both run away if we want. It's not that far off, so don't give up :)

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-02-09 13:55 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

I'm a bit pissed. This doesn't sound all that bad.

At least she's THERE. My God...

5 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-09 13:57 ID:pq1Xfuwy [Del]

Technically we all have bad times, and everybody can relate to horrible memories with parents and more likely horrible memories with mothers.

" You never know what you have until you lose it." Oh, gosh, this quote. I know that you completely understand this, however it is something to keep in mind.

Parents are often overlooked and taken for granted specifically in this society. Remember that this is your mother, the one who gave birth to you (probs...) and the one who still takes care of you. She may or may not have been there for you when you went through what you may think as " the worst of your life" or just overall terrifying experiences, but you have to understand that not everyone can understand your circumstances without you saying something.

I would suggest a sit-down and talk.

It happens, my family just had a fall out last week in which my mother basically exploded and screeched a lot of things that we all knew weren't true. Having a sit-down and talk with your entire family, maybe you can start to see things in a different way. I know it's not the easiest thing to do, especially being the one that must initiate the change, but I believe you can do it. We're all capable of change and initiating change, but whether or not we do it is our choice.

Please don't give up on your mother, show her what a real mother should be. Maybe she is going through a tough time just like you. Perhaps you should just both talk one on one? Who knows what could happen, but it won't happen if you don't try. When your mother relies on you, she is learning from you. Do the right things not just when she is watching, but when she isn't. Be the hero for your siblings, and the right role model for your mother. If you don't want to be like your mother, don't do the things she does.

You can do it.

6 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-09 13:58 ID:pq1Xfuwy [Del]

>>4 I agree, but sometimes saying that someone else's feeling make you angry isn't the best solution. I mean,'s not exactly the right way of saying something. I mean... you know? :1

7 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-02-09 17:55 ID:Bk6jC9rJ [Del]


One of the reasons I hate my mother is because she let her ex molest me when I was 12.... Do you get the picture now?

8 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-02-09 17:55 ID:Bk6jC9rJ [Del]


One of the reasons I hate my mother is because she let her ex molest me when I was 12.... Do you get the picture now?

9 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-10 00:12 ID:pq1Xfuwy [Del]

>>7>>8 Regardless, I still think you should have a sit-down with her. And if you really dislike your family, why don't you just tell someone who you think is a calm and caring adult who could rid your family of your mother. She is essentially an accomplice if you think of it that way.

10 Name: Extispicer : 2013-02-10 09:06 ID:52rwcEHw [Del]

Note: I haven't read any of your previous post so anything I say here is completely based on what there is in this thread.

Ok, wow just, wow. Dont worry I wont loathe you for the thread's title but malevolence just wont give you any good. Judging at your state, I dont think you would do a "sit-down-and-talk" method, you would probably prefer an independent "find-it-out-yourself" way. Try to give an in depth look at your mom. "What is wrong with her? What made her like this? Is there something she needs? Does she need my help? Is something forcing her to do these?"

I cannot imagine a mom wanting her child to be molested. Im going to throw an assumption that "Her ex might have given her a death threat?" Even if we dont talk about morality, we are biologically hardwired to protect our children.

If she cant help her self then you are the only one who can. Sometimes people just cant express that they need help. If no one else would give a care for your mom you are her only glimmer of hope.

If you think "my mom is better off in heaven." No one has ever proved the existence of the spiritual heaven. What if there was just cold oblivion in the opposite side of life? Do you really wish to throw your mom in there?