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Alone on valentine's day? (26)

1 Name: mikel : 2013-02-07 21:09 ID:zN3O71Fw [Del]

just curious how do you cope with being alone on valentine's day?.Me I get super drunk and party isntead of crying bout it...but it's still a depressing thought that i'm alone each year for it.How bout you?

2 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-02-07 22:12 ID:lu1GxXBm [Del]

I feel your pain man, 16years I have been alone. I just get a ton of coffe and chocolate and watch stupid videos tell I forget

3 Name: mikel : 2013-02-07 23:23 ID:zN3O71Fw [Del]

yeah it sucks.(btw I got your fb)

4 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2013-02-08 04:24 ID:ob2mmQ3s [Del]

Why get depressed in the first place? Valentine's day is just a day like all the others. People can do all they do on that day every other day of the year. The holiday is just official. So what if you don't have someone? It just means that your other half is better at hide-and-seek than you =3 Just go about your day as usual. No one will blame you for not having a Valentine. Heck, who knows, you might just meet that person that very same day.

5 Name: Zack : 2013-02-08 13:55 ID:PxT9FTpV [Del]

I'm just going to sleep valentines day off it is actually relaxing Lol XD

6 Name: Zack : 2013-02-08 13:55 ID:PxT9FTpV [Del]

I'm just going to sleep valentines day off it is actually relaxing Lol XD

7 Name: Arya. : 2013-02-08 17:11 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Haha, chase after the person I love and make him say he loves me. Though he hates me... Im not giving up so my Valentines Day is full with him :D

8 Name: musiclover : 2013-02-08 17:55 ID:S+WUv+0s [Del]

i hate valentine's day but i'm not that person that want everyone to be unhappy the problem that every Valentin i would be alone but if if my friends and family are happy i'm happy

9 Name: Deus Pyro : 2013-02-08 23:13 ID:ifEqW96E [Del]

i never celebrate St Valen's day. relationship or not. and bully to the lady if she thinks i'll buy he something. for some reason i don't know i'm single this time around.

10 Name: horizon : 2013-02-09 04:11 ID:U2O0EBF1 [Del]

Since this time around I happen not to be in a relationship (though who knows, that could change), and since the 14th is a weekday, I'm going to be too busy with my own work to be bothered about Valentine's, or as some of my friends call it, "Singles Awareness Day."
I guess it's true one might feel a lot more aware of being single, but I really don't think that should get anyone down.
Be cool and do your thing, and the next day will come soon enough.

11 Name: horizon : 2013-02-09 04:13 ID:U2O0EBF1 [Del]

Come to think of it, I've been single for every Valentine's day except one for the past two decades.
This has yet to bother me in the least, so coping isn't really an issue at all, I guess.

12 Name: Taeyeon !l9jfGnSXiE : 2013-02-09 08:32 ID:m8/WMQA/ [Del]

I don't know yet. I just told my friend I love her, but I don't know her reaction yet. So either I'll be alone as always, eating candy while watching anime, or I'll actually have someone to love.

13 Name: Tsuki : 2013-02-09 09:33 ID:mMszvwcI [Del]

I'm probably alone on Valentinesday, but I'm gonna hang out with some friends. There'll be some celebs who do a free hugs campaign in my country ^^ we should do some stuff too in the Dollars

14 Name: Ayou : 2013-02-09 20:47 ID:ne8QST+B [Del]

i've always been alone on valentines day and i usually try not to think about it or just avoid it i can't say i "cope" with it really. i've never really ever liked someone a lot and no one has ever really liked me for something to happen. even though i would like to be with someone, i don't see it happening anytime soon.

15 Name: Alexavier : 2013-02-09 21:51 ID:DdSUTbme [Del]


16 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-02-10 09:38 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

I'm alone, but I think I can't complain this time since I shot down 2 or 3 guys. For once I'm going to be alone on Valentine's And actually happy about it. :)

17 Name: Lunacordelia : 2013-02-10 11:28 ID:FcEkYTTh [Del]

i eat lots of yummy, yet cheap, chocolate, and enjoy the good points of a single life.

18 Name: Imperetrix !j29QzC7QwA : 2013-02-11 20:21 ID:cOxfoGx/ [Del]

Video games and reading. I have a massive back log of both so that time is dedicated to doing something I actually enjoy instead.

19 Name: Toe-ah : 2013-02-11 20:39 ID:JDEBQyrl [Del]

I just treat it as if it's just like any other day and ignore all of the mushy-gushy lovey things. :P

20 Name: THINGv2!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-02-12 08:09 ID:WhjaRG2C [Del]

I wake up feeling fine, then I remember what day it is, then I make breakfast for myself and watch TV/youtube for a while, by then I've usually forgotten about it.

On the other days, like this valentines day when it falls on a school day, then I try and avoid as many couples as possible so I dont have to deal with their lovey dovey valentines day crap.

21 Name: ChibiChi !6yuAhgU.jM : 2013-02-12 12:32 ID:PI2XGlvo [Del]

Feb. 14 is thursday xD will spend my time wif my pc.. again xD

22 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-02-12 13:47 ID:uwTK1YSi [Del]

IF anyone wants to hang out on V-Day message me. lol But otherwise I'm fine with it. I don't care either way. Go see a movie or hang out with friends or have your parents be your Valentine. Just try to treat it like any normal day.

23 Name: Witch : 2013-02-12 17:21 ID:0Iwj4LaL [Del]

I eat chocolate, and read romance manga!!

24 Name: Saz!UaHBcD2HbU : 2013-02-13 19:58 ID:eIYNoajU [Del]

I play video games, watch tv, read manga, and watch anime.
Besides that I just lye around thinking of past mistakes even though I'm still young(15-16).

25 Name: Kiddo : 2013-02-13 22:44 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

if I were still alone I would celebrate Pancake day.! <3 and eat pancakes with friends ^__^"

26 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2013-02-14 01:10 ID:0c3hTbPN [Del]

I cope with it by not being a faggot and crying.
It's really easy to do.