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How to not fall asleep? (24)

1 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2013-02-07 19:30 ID:X6pecSmP [Del]

Hi, I was hoping someone could have me some tips on how to not fall asleep.
I don't sleep on purpose, or because I'm tired or sick or anything; I have no idea why I get really drowsy all of a sudden. It doesn't matter what time of day, I end up taking random 10 minute to 2 hour long naps.
I really need to study for my SAT's, but I always end up sleeping! Ugh. I try exercising, and drinking coffee, but it never works.

After I wake up, my head hurts like hell and later I feel like I haven't slept in days, then fall asleep later that day.

ANYTHING to help will be appreciated.

2 Name: Its Me : 2013-02-07 21:24 ID:L5KbxS3H [Del]

You should see a doctor it sounds like narcolepsy. s/he'll know what to do a common treament is modafinal but I dont know about long term treatments. Good luck.

3 Name: bellama : 2013-02-07 21:26 ID:9Eqav1yN [Del]

listen to music with alot of energy, and upbeat, i can be falling asleep and then i listen 2 1 song and i can be alive for another few hrs

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-07 21:48 ID:Se68JFuU [Del]

I actually saw a youtube vid, your issue is that your naps are too long. You should try 30~1hr long naps. That way you don't sleep too deeply and feel much more energetic when you wake up.

A little bit of caffeine won't hurt either, but yeah the vid's on ASAP science

5 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-02-08 02:30 ID:cogmKt83 [Del]

be busy, and done!

6 Name: Extispicer : 2013-02-08 07:07 ID:52rwcEHw [Del]

It must be an issue with your body clock. Try to look up "circadian rhythm".

7 Name: musiclover : 2013-02-08 18:15 ID:S+WUv+0s [Del]

if i don't want to go to sleep i put my headphones on and put the volume on my music on maximum

8 Name: horizon : 2013-02-09 04:06 ID:U2O0EBF1 [Del]

i'll recommend trying binaural beats; either of the following might help you:

give it a try, but if the situation hasn't changed and it's affecting your studying then I agree with >>2, you may well need medical attention.

9 Name: Jane Doe : 2013-02-09 11:53 ID:rdvanvsV [Del]

Every tried a new sleeping cycle.

10 Name: xyvaine : 2013-02-09 12:06 ID:MLlZFDdv [Del]

Everyone has a different sleeping cycle :) I'm always tired, too. I can get twelve hours of sleep and still be completely exhausted, but if I get three hours I'm perfectly fine! Try experimenting with the amount of sleep you get each day per hour until you find one that works for you.

Additives to help you stay up even then? Occasionally I know my sister would us 5-hour energy. I hear that works!

11 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2013-02-09 17:09 ID:fpTjiq0v [Del]

Thanks for the replies, everyone.
I'll try drinking some more coffee, but sometimes it's not that effective. As for energy drinks and stuff like 5-hour energy... I'm a bit iffy on puttinf stuff like that in my body.

>>4 It's not like I control how long I sleep. If I could control my naps, I wouldn't sleep at all -.-

>>8 That's really cool. I'll try it soon!

12 Name: Kiddo : 2013-02-10 12:45 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

this is actually a condition. What you should do is go to the doctor, it really doesn't go away just by listening to music. Not doing anything makes it worse, plus it makes you lose hours.. have you thought that you did something like your homework just to go to school the next day and see your homework completely empty.? If yea, then I urge you to go to the doctor. Umm yea that's all I can remember from it. Ohh yea, one more thing, its a form of depression. Sorry for the messy response ^__^"

13 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-02-10 13:42 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

my suggestion is do some exercise to get your blood flowing. pushups, sit ups, that kinda stuff. It should keep you up for another 30 minutes or so depending on how much sleep you have gotten in the last few days. But I agree with most other people. You should probably see a doctor if you are getting an average of 8+ hours of sleep a night and still feeling that way.

14 Name: Feral!/AFattYDZQ : 2013-02-10 21:47 ID:/R2lRE1z [Del]

Nyquil and Red Bull.

15 Name: Domn : 2013-02-11 09:02 ID:Y35lROjY [Del]


16 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-11 12:26 ID:0xd44zX+ [Del]

SLAP energy drink. Just don't drink more than 3 in a day.

17 Name: Acuraka : 2013-02-12 10:07 ID:lW8JPK/t [Del]

Sleep and sleep till you cant sleep no more! hehehe

18 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-02-12 13:42 ID:uwTK1YSi [Del]

Maybe you should go see a doctor?

19 Name: kokishin : 2013-02-14 01:04 ID:9Be+RJdN [Del]

sleeping properly is important for SAT time too. don't be so hard on yourself! devote a certain amount of time to study and sleep!

20 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2013-02-14 01:10 ID:0c3hTbPN [Del]

You could try meth.

21 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-14 04:49 ID:dbmltLL2 [Del]

^ This

22 Name: L !KgP8oz7Dk2 : 2013-02-14 13:35 ID:r8flWR2J [Del]

My time to shine... Ok, first get cake. lots. of. cake. second, candy, any kind as long as you have lots of it. third and most importent, don't eat a large amount at one time, also you need to keep control over yourself to avoid harming others or in some cases you. also, the first night is longest, second you won't want to sleep, third you wont be able to count to 10 let alone do a test, but if you just want to fix this problem go to a spa or something, a day of relaxing and go to bed around 7-8 pm and sleep in the next day, not past 11am though.

23 Name: James Titor : 2013-02-14 14:29 ID:xmASZRVC [Del]

Simple. Many people will say that exercise is the best way to fight the urge to sleep, others say working breaks the cycle, however I believe that taking a shower is the best way to shake off your lethargic feeling. Although this works it isn't necessarily going to save you always. The most common way is to rethink your lifestyle, how you eat, how you spend your day, etc.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-14 23:23 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

>>23 this brings me to a point i forgot to mention on this thread before. >>1 what you are searching for is something that can be completely unique to yourself. As said before, I usually exercise to stay awake. To others, exercise may not change their urge to sleep. Many people say coffee keeps them awake where as for me it barely dents my urge to sleep 99% of the time. Short term fixes are usually unique for each individual. As for a long term fix, I would suggest >>23's idea of rethinking your lifestyle. Diet, common exercise, and keeping healthy will most likely help over time.