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My crazy life. (2)

1 Name: Qzxzzy : 2013-02-07 13:26 ID:cJ1lhlGo [Del]

Last night I was up late, couldn't sleep until morning. aknowledged the fact I was going to miss my first class. Slept anyway, (attendance is not an issue and I'm caught up) get 30 calls on my phone, and my sister breaks into my house to wake me up. Check my phone, there all from her and my mother telling me to go to class. answer it on my way out the door for my second class where there is an exam I should take. It's my mother, complaining about my behavior and summoning me across the state for a chat with her when I get out of class. I begrudgingly tell her I'll go and hang up. she calls 3 more times on the drive the phone keeps vibrating and shakes itself onto the floor of the cab of the beast (my truck) I reack to grab it so it doesn't get stuck behind the petal and get pulled over, end up with a ticket for reckless driving. being pulled over makes me late for my exam. Sit down next to my sister and begin my exam on history. I don't know some of the answers, neither does she, the difference is she's checking the notes she set on her lap before the exam started. I turned mine in first and went on my merry knowing I wouldn't do stellar. Outside class she begins yelling at me telling me my pride isn't worth a failing grade and asking why I didn't copy her answers. I'm going to go home in about 2 hours, and get "a talking to about my outrageous behavior" I guess you only get one perspective but I'm not the one in the wrong here, right?

2 Name: Tomi : 2013-02-07 14:40 ID:1J8MpRvK [Del]

Stay strong & believe in the morals you have now. It sounds like both you're Mom and sister are overly concerned & have too much time on their hands. Let them blow all the hot air they like since it's not like you'll win their approval & do the things you know you need to do.