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Revenge? (3)

1 Name: Starfighter !!2Wq1ZUai : 2013-01-30 22:32 ID:/dPuxz79 [Del]

I've been here browsing for a while, but I never felt the need to post anything. Now, I need your advice. I have this roommate, whom I'm always nice to, and she's just made me snap. I've been living with her for a while, and she never talked to me.

"Fine," I thought, "maybe she just doesn't like new people. Her last roommate said that she was the same way for a while."

Her last roommate and I are friends, and she's also friends with my current roommate. If I need someone to talk to about this, I go to her. Why they're friends? I don't know. She's getting sick of her. ANYWAYS! I was talking about my friend about this, and she finally let it slip. The juicy peace of information that I had been waiting to hear.

She was saying, "I don't want to gossip, but I was talking with her a few weeks ago.

"She told me, 'I like annoying Starfighter.'

"I was like, 'Why? She's such a nice person!'

"She said, 'She always complains about 'white people problems'.'"

Naturally, I busted out laughing, "White people problems? What's white people problems?" My roommate mentioned a few things, and I admit that I complained a bit when I first moved in. What she considered "White people problems" are things that anyone could have to deal with, such as annoying siblings and having to share a room with them, or preferring one brand over another. Most of it wasn't even things I complain about, just mention in passing.

That's when I devised my evil scheme. I'll talk about these things to my roommate more just because it bothers her. I'll make up stories to complain about. The only problem is, I don't talk to my roommate, so it would be odd for me to suddenly bring it up while she's there.

Now, here's my problem. In order to have an excuse to bring it up, I want our friend to be there. It'd be cruel to do that though, because my roommate won't stop talking to her when she starts. I need an excuse to give my friend the cue to leave, that way I don't throw her under the bus.

I've come up with a few, such as "Don't you have to wake up early tomorrow?" and "Don't you have a project due tomorrow?"

I was wondering if anyone else could come up with any more for me to use? I would also like some more advice on revenge other than my current one, because I can't invite my friend over all the time.

p.s. There is no racism intended in this. Any problems I talk to my roommate about are problems that she has as well. I can't tell my roommate I know, because my friend will deny it all the way. Besides, confronting my roommate is the boring way to deal with this.

2 Name: emf : 2013-01-31 11:40 ID:NRqnHkkZ [Del]

Revenge is not the best idea. It'll escalate situations.

3 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-31 12:50 ID:0xd44zX+ [Del]

Wait, so you want to get revenge on someone for disliking white people problems (problems that actually do exsist)? So you want to get revenge on her for disliking something?

And your problem is that you don't know whether to "get revenge" on her or not because she doesn't like white people problems?

Sounds like a white person problem.