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I'm nothing with out her.. (3)

1 Name: kiddo : 2013-01-27 19:05 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

Okay, so I had all ready posted in here but it was a different story, it came from my journal (Andy), but it sorta connects.

So in me other thread I had confessed that I (a girl) liked my friend (also a girl) and how our date had gone heroically good.

Well now I think we're ready to tell some people, but we just don't know how to tell her family since they are those hardcore religious people. We want to tell my family first since they have had experience with this before and they could help us tell her family.

Well that's one of the problems, another problem is.. she confessed to me that she used to sell drugs. She had started when she was in middle school because one of her friends (let's call him Ronnie) needed help so she got involved but never used or did drugs. I didn't know Ronnie back then but now we're (or we're) real good friends, but when he started talking he had told me he didn't do drugs or anything and I believed him and now 2 years later I'm finding out the truth, and it hurts because I used to fancy him.. Well I still do.

Well now I don't know what to do.. I don't know if I should let him explain his side of the story or if I should just tell him to "Fuck off" because thanks to him my girl had to sell drugs to a 24 year old that almost raped her.

Now I know what all of you are thinking what about my girlfriend.? Do I still trust her.? Am I going to break up with her.?

Well you see I can't and won't ever leave her, I trust her and believe everything she says. So if she said she doesn't sell drugs anymore then I'll believe her, but she thinks that I'll slowly fade away from her because of that... how can I make her believe me that I won't leave her, her and yes I already told her that I love her and that it doesn't matter.

Sorry for the multiple issues, but it's all happening to fast..

2 Name: kiddo : 2013-01-27 19:29 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

Sorry I meant we were good friends.

3 Name: Stwitch : 2013-01-27 20:51 ID:myDqaHwn [Del]

The past is the past. As long as she is no longer involved with the drugs, it's all good.

And Ronnie... Well, it is the same way.

The past is gone now and today is a gift, that is why it is the present. Just remind her you will not fade away, you will be here.

I can relate to this cause my boyfriend told me that when he was in middle school he was suspended for hurting a guy...who made fun of his family