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Study (9)

1 Name: Chucker : 2013-01-24 16:06 ID:j0YbO3p8 [Del]

Hi everyone,
Well, I have a LITTLE big problem on school… And it's about study… I'd love study hard, but I just can't do it, and I don't know why. Then, some days ago, somehow, I've found a little motivation, but I lost it easy like that… I don't wanna be the better, but I want do my best… Now, I really want to study and know a lot of things, but I don't have the “WHY”.

So, I get my book and started to read it expecting learn something. I've stopped read when it said something like: “Grapes and mulberrys are vegetables”. Now, I've lost all my will on study and I don't wanna do it anymore…

The point is: I need to be induced, I need some motivation, some REAL motivation… And things like “try to be the best” and “try to pass the school” will NOT make me study more… Anyone got any ideas to motivate me? D:

PS: Sorry for grammatical errors…

2 Name: FlyingKnives : 2013-01-24 18:06 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

>>1 Maybe a good life? Studies show that someone with a highschool diploma can get a significantly larger income that someone who didn't graduate.

I don't have a real plan after HS, so it sounds tough to me to think of college, but graduate from that shit and you make even more money than someone with just a HS graduate.

If that's not motivation, then I don't know what is.

3 Name: Kuro : 2013-01-24 18:55 ID:/vQjPr+G [Del]

well i use pride and my competitive nature as motivation, i have really smart friends and we're all quite competitive, so we'll compete with each other on tests, grades, who gets the most distinctions and awards that kind of thing. It's all friendly and joking but it's pretty good motivation. I don't want to feel inferior to my friends so I try my best to be on the same level or higher. I like the feeling of achieving something, whether its full grades on a test or getting almost entire A or A+ on a report, i use that as a way to motivate myself into trying harder. Why don't you?

4 Name: Chucker : 2013-01-26 23:12 ID:rAP5fiTD [Del]

>>2 Nah, a good life isn't enough to make me study...
>>3 I don't have friends...

5 Name: Kuro : 2013-01-27 00:36 ID:/vQjPr+G [Del]

Okay, then just think of it as a good thing. Like I know my study habits are horrible cuz blah blah you shouldn't eat or listen to music and shit it distracts you but I guess every time I study, I make sure I have my favorite song playing and my window slightly cracked open and things like that. it actually makes you feel like you're accomplishing something in a nice peaceful atmosphere.

6 Name: Chucker : 2013-01-27 13:21 ID:rAP5fiTD [Del]

>>5 I got your idea, it's very good, but... What if I start to beeing lazy or/and don't absorb the meaning of the text?? It happens a lot... I'm reading some text when suddenly I start to don't understand anymore...
Well, about the atmosphere thing... It's really interesting, but my home doesn't have this atmosphere... BUT THANKS ANYWAY...

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-01-27 14:42 ID:da77nvtI [Del]

I don't consider college or school great motivations; things like that make me want to try even less, because public schools around here are a complete joke, and being considered someone who will do anything to do well in school is almost repulsive.

However, I do want to be able to do everything possible when I get older. I may not be great at the tests in the class itself, but I like to learn, because it will add yet another thing I can do when I get older. I like to know why something happens. If I don't understand it after a few times reading it, I look it up online to see the backstory and why it is how it is.

It's often not on the test, but who cares? Now I know and can focus on the next thing.

In the past few years, I've realized that the key isn't standard motivations - it's wanting to learn. Don't make out index cards and repeatedly write your notes three times! Make it something fun. Brag to your parents about things you know and to your friends about things they didn't study in class.

Writing short stories (sometimes only a page each) about something that happened in history makes it really easy to remember and also teach you how to write a bit better. Putting math into a real situation with architecture or designing something (or even using some basic algebra to design something in MineCraft) can be a fun way to help all those numbers and equations make a lot more sense.

If you like to read, then there is nothing wrong with going to the local library and taking out a better book on the subject! Just because a book is school-issued doesn't mean that it's any good; it's just a book the school could afford to buy and was decent enough to wrap their lesson plans around. Sometimes, a book written by a different third-party could help the subject make that much more sense.

Those are just some suggestions :o If any help, be sure to say so to give the ideas more credit than my own experiences ;o

8 Name: Chucker : 2013-01-29 13:56 ID:0K3BX1m+ [Del]

>>7 Thanks o.o This is exactly what I want!!! You get it :D
BUT!!! I have some problem with reading... Sometimes I'm reading something and getting the idea, when suddenly I stop understanding those things and if I read again the last phrase, I can't understand what I was reading... Without want to ask for more, but asking for more... Do you know how to "fix" it? >.<

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-01-30 15:56 ID:L56/GtUS [Del]

>>8 I don't know if it will help you, but when that happens to me, I take a nice break and think about what I did understand. Then, I go back to it later and try to start from where I had an issue.

Or you can try to work out whatever you're reading as a comic or something to that affect. Sometimes it helps give you that "click" of understanding.

Otherwise, just keep reading and try to grasp it as well as you can until you get that "click" anyway. Again, though, reading on paper isn't for everybody. Some people learn better from hearing somebody say it (*coughaudiobookscough*). Others learn better by doing it, in which case you can practice whatever you're learning little by little, maybe look up worksheets online.

It all depends on the person with reading :< You kind of just have to keep trying and figure out what makes it make sense best for you.