Dollars BBS | Personal
















just a thought (because some ass told me to move it) (5)

1 Name: Bailey : 2013-01-20 18:42 ID:FK3sJfUj [Del]

I do, just like any other person, have troubles in my life. I mean no one can say that their life is 100% perfect right. Celebrities have it hard too. Anyways, getting to the point all of us have secrets and ghosts that haunt us but here's my question... What causes this?

Guilt, Pain, Attention... What? Sometimes I try to just give up but my past but I can't. What is causing me to hold on to something that causes pain? Lets just all take some time to ponder this seemingly unanswerable question. If any of you can answer this or have an opinion I would love to hear it because this is something that has taken up countless hours of my thinking.

2 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-20 18:45 ID:cvLAQ+KN [Del]

I don't know who that "ass" was but they made a good decision in telling you to post it here, seeing as this is where it belongs.

Opinion on said question: Humans are an imperfect race and no perfect way of living exists, thus lending us to feelings of guilt and pain, but also happiness and joy.

Vague question imo. Usually Personal threads are more detailed.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Flamemaster1 : 2013-01-20 20:57 ID:Sdzc8W/n [Del]

Sometimes the human psyche will hold onto things BECAUSE they are bad. Maybe you made a mistake that you regret, the brain may hold onto it as a life lesson. If you don't like feeling ashamed and guilty, you probably won't do the thing that makes you feel like that again. It's a basic part of human psychology. Humans are afraid of guilt. They tend to avoid it. If you do something shameful, it will trigger guilt and make you uncomfortable. This mechanism is sort of the body's built in moral compass.

Although, if you let your fear of guilt control you, it can turn you into a lier. To avoid shame, a you might lie to justify the shameful action, to both yourself and others. It can turn into pathological lying and then you can never own up to anything.

Back on topic, shame and guilt are the subconscious moral compass that guides us all. Some cling to bad memories longer than others, it just depends on the person. That's the best answer I can come up with, hope it helped.

5 Name: Bailey : 2013-01-20 22:03 ID:FK3sJfUj [Del]

thats an interesting perspective but yea it helped thank you