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I am invisible (9)

1 Name: xAxisx !X5TmMrw.4M : 2013-01-09 22:51 ID:f3xWbN5Z [Del]

I am a quiet person and I only talk when I need to. I don't really need to talk that often anyway. But I feel that my classmates treat me like I am invisible, like I don't even exist. They rarely talk to me and sometimes ignore me. One time, I asked someone a question and they didn't even respond. Is there something wrong with me? Is it wrong to like anime in my school or what?

2 Name: SGarzon911 : 2013-01-09 23:09 ID:KmljiNzh [Del]

El que te guste el anime no tiene nada de malo, quizas haya influido en tu comportamiento, yo era igual hace ya algun tiempo, pero creeme, No estas solo, No eres invisible.

3 Name: anime fan : 2013-01-09 23:17 ID:LQjpIyXP [Del]

I have the same exact problem to but the reason for me being quiet is complete shyness. I always get ignored to but it's mostly because I mumble. Maybe your mumbling and just not realizing it.

Nope it's not wrong to like anime. As long as you enjoy it you shouldn't let people tell you your wrong for liking it because it's your life not their life.

If you are getting picked on for it just ignore it you will probably never see them again after high school.

Also try and make friends with people who like anime and try and talk to them or join the anime club if your school has one.

4 Name: anime fan : 2013-01-09 23:25 ID:LQjpIyXP [Del]

don't know if your allowed to double post but forgot about to mention I'm not really good at giving advice and hopefully I helped a little bit.

5 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-01-10 01:56 ID:Yj/bhxZD [Del]

I was like this myself, once. I hate to break it to, but you can't be quiet and expect people to pay attention to you. You just need to learn to speak up. Just try talking to people, you'll see.

6 Name: XNoel : 2013-01-10 04:50 ID:KCISVQIk [Del]

Yes if you want something to happen for you, You must find that inner voice and just say it. I mean "One Time" isn't going to be every time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing what you enjoy. If its anime then so be it!

7 Name: Yoru : 2013-01-10 07:39 ID:nDucpJYJ [Del]

Same thing happened to me before, I agree with the comments up top. You need to speak up and find common grounds with your classmates, a lot of schools now have Anime Clubs, if not open one yourself. Hope my advice was helpful.

8 Name: Xavier Maddux !qd/L1y25ZU : 2013-01-11 07:31 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

>>1 , I recommend you watch My Little Ponie Friendship is magic, Episode titled, "Putting your Hoof down" It deals alot about this and has helped me, plus it teached about love and tolaration.

9 Name: Haruchan~~ : 2013-01-12 00:02 ID:AEnd4nqS [Del] remind me of my bestfriend~ in class she's really shy and has a hard time making friends, ut once you get to know her, she'll really open up, even if it takes time. ive known her scine 2nd grade so I guess we became friends more easily, you know, all that child innocence and stuff. try to speak up and don't be afraid of doing it. sometimes the response just depends on the person. if your as quiet as you say, then maybe he thought he/she thought the were hearing wrong or didn't even hear at all. I can also be really quiet when im in a new place or with new people with out anyone else(though, of course its different on the internet). when I first met one of my closest friends, I had asked for help on a question. she thought she had been hearing things because in that class I hardly ever spoke up and ignored, haha. now she looks back and tells me"i still can't believe you could be that quiet!" haha. anyway, try to brave it through and goodluck~! ;)