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In love with the past (5)

1 Name: KiKi : 2013-01-09 21:00 ID:FfYDv+W5 [Del]

I have a friend who keeps telling me that he loves me. I've given him several chances and gone out with him three times. Each time I was the one who broke up with him because I felt like he was smothering me. He's suicidal and suffers from depression. He's also in love with the me from sixth grade. He was convinced that I was the only person who liked him and was nice to him when he was being bullied. But I know I bullied him too. It's a bad thing to do and hard to admit, but I was one of the meanest. He still liked me because I always talked him down from commiting suicide. I still did everything I could to convince him I didn't like him. I went out with his cousin, dated other guys, told him I didn't care about him. But when we did go out he told me he loved me even though he knew I wasn't ready to say it back, ever. He would text me before I woke up and late at night and came to my house every day even though a) my parents didn't like him and b) I technically wasn't supposed to date. I laid down the law several times but he still bugs me to this day. How do I tell him the girl he was in love with is dead and didn't love him in the first place?
Nicely if possible.

2 Name: Whisper : 2013-01-09 22:32 ID:jUa6bC6D [Del]

Try to tell your honest feelings as soon as possible. He may get the wrong idea if you don't tell it to him straight out. Also, force him to communicate with other people. Get him to realize that there are others who will like him too; the world is vast, tell him that. If he suffers mentally like that, then he needs help and meeting new people is exactly what he needs. Be gentle. Talk to your friend slowly, calmly, and peacefully. Make sure he's absolutely focusing on what you're trying to say and not on just you and take him to a nice quiet place. Do anything that helps lightening up his mood. Since he's suicidal, you never know what might happen so be sure there's someone who's ready to be at your side and help you with anything.
Best of luck to you. I hope he'll understand.

3 Name: Thorn : 2013-01-10 21:50 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Agreed. You've godda be blunt. Not sure if being nice about any of it or being kind to him is gonna help though. Honestly, that kid is gonna have to find his own way to get out of things. If you keep on letting him on like that and being kind to him, he's just gonna keep on loving you, right?

Not saying to bully him either, but regardless. It is how it is. Just be frank, don't pull any punches.

4 Name: Thorn : 2013-01-10 21:50 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Agreed. You've godda be blunt. Not sure if being nice about any of it or being kind to him is gonna help though. Honestly, that kid is gonna have to find his own way to get out of things. If you keep on letting him on like that and being kind to him, he's just gonna keep on loving you, right?

Not saying to bully him either, but regardless. It is how it is. Just be frank, don't pull any punches.

5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-01-11 03:46 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

The kid's nuts and co-dependent. He needs to learn to fend for himself. That's all there is to it.