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A to B? (11)

1 Name: Mushy : 2013-01-09 09:49 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

Before I get to my main question, I have to explain some things.

My father is an extremely careful man. He sin't the kind of person to push red-lights, or use a weed-wacker without 2 layers of clothes. a few months ago, he began driving around the neighborhood an extra ten minutes before stopping home. Why? Because he was afraid someone was following him.

Two months ago, he wasn't home for dinner, so my mother decided to call him. He said he was pulled over by County Line Rd, refusing to come home. She asked him why, and he wouldn't reply. My mother stayed on the phone with him while I drove up to see what was going on. He was off to the side with his hazards on. I knocked on his window and he fuckin' shot me. The bullet tore through one of my lungs, and he just stayed in the car while I struggled for my phone.

I woke up in the hospital. My mother had heard the gunshot and called 911. My mother saved me from my father, as poetic as that sounds. Fucking don't know what he was thinking. How the hell does someone shoot their own kin?

So this leads to my question. How the fuck does this make any sense? What could connect A to B in this shitty situation.

Like, fuck the guy, but jesus, I don't get it.

2 Name: 0bserver : 2013-01-09 15:51 ID:1Eekzn0H [Del]

my first thought was a long term paranoia set off by cause x.
However it is important to look into other information like the case of misuse of substances , a mistress( no offence) , debt leading to dodgy business however if you could offer further information we could help a little more.

3 Name: Whisper : 2013-01-09 22:41 ID:jUa6bC6D [Del]

Take your father to a doctor. It could either be a mental problem or drug abuse. And talk to him when he's most peaceful. Trick your father into talking about his problems and his more personal life. Any small information can lead to the truth.

4 Name: Mushy : 2013-01-10 09:08 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

I don't want to talk to my fucking dad. Fuck him. No way. If I'm talking to him, it's in court.

The bastard.

5 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-01-10 10:34 ID:ZnQ/UPoy [Del]

Holy crap!! He shot you and didn't even help you?! WTF?! He seriously needs help! D:<<<

6 Name: Mrs.Izaya : 2013-01-10 14:43 ID:vMkoSCqR [Del]

i agree with @yamie and the others,its obviously that he is mentally disturbed and needs help.maybe he was blackmailed...

7 Name: Mushy : 2013-01-11 08:10 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

Blackmailed? Guys as cautious as they come. You think some prick like him would get caught up in that kinda stuff?

Hell if I know.

8 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-01-11 09:23 ID:Wu3KVVkP [Del]

Shit, I feel sorry for you. . . And is this guy being held criminally responsible, Attempted Murder and all that? My guess is that something un-orderly happened and he just snapped. If you ever heard some negative stories from his childhood, use that. Kids can get seriously screwed up from parents arguing, etc, causing PTSD even, which can result in sudden violence. I'm no professional though, that's just my best guess based off of what I know. In my neighborhood a while ago, some senior committed murder-suicide to his spouse. Before that, a teenager slit his mother's throat because she wouldn't give him allowance. Acquaintances of the senior and teen described them as perfectly normal before that. Screwed up. . . I'll say it again, I feel sorry for you.

9 Name: Mushy : 2013-01-14 08:07 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

He's been taken into custody, and is most likely going to jail. Good riddance if you ask me. I'm tired of his weird shit.
And you know what, fuck him and his cautiousness. I hope he gets the shit beat outta him in jail.

10 Name: Mushy : 2013-01-25 13:20 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

So my father is being taken to an asylum for the time being. Since he fucking shot me, he's been delirious. Even in court, he's rambled on going crazy and shit. I don't even fucking know.

He kept screaming about some box. I don't even know.

11 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2013-01-26 06:01 ID:RUKVdo57 [Del]

Dude what the hell he's your father!? He's family and your all he got but you leave him in the gutter to rot!? You should be ashamed of yourself! I don't give a fuck if he shot you and left you there; this is not right! Why didn't you take him to a hospital to get checked up on? Why didn't you talk to him? Did you bother to do any investigation at all of your fathers problems? He sound insane but he also sounds like he's in trouble. Dude you got to help him; even if he talks nonsense you have to listen to him seriously and carefully and put the pieces together that my save your fathers life. Approach him as his son and reach out to him and help him; get him to tell you everything; that is what you should be doing. Never give up on family; not ever. And don't you say I know nothing about whats going on with you because I have my share of problems with family that I never gave up on; my mother did but I didn't and nether should you.