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Can you help? (5)

1 Name: Sun : 2013-01-04 21:06 ID:k76l+ZCp [Del]

I am currently in a very unstable position. One of my best friends has been having major issues with his girlfriend. His girlfriend, lets call her Samantha, Is a total mess, she has been in and out of foster homes her entire life, most of which ended abusively. She is very depressed and is a regular cutter. I have known Samantha for several years now, but I never really talked to her in the past. The only real reason I know so much about her is because my friend confided in me. Now, just over the last two or three days, as they have been going through major relationship issues that I wont go into, I have begun talking to her and getting closer to her. As it is, I have been a shoulder to cry on. I am asking advice on how I can help her without getting between them. I really don't know what I can do or anything.. I know that there isn't a lot to go on, and If i can answer questions I will.. Please help...!

2 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-01-04 21:22 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I'd say the best thing you can do is just be there for her. There isn't exactly much you can do for her as far as I can tell. Other than the relationship issues, what are you trying to help her with?

3 Name: Sun : 2013-01-04 22:21 ID:k76l+ZCp [Del]

>>2 Well, basically, as I said, I've just been there to listen to what she's going through.

As for the relationship issues, I suppose I should lay out what's going on... basically, my friend has been dating her for a couple of weeks.. however, another guy that apparently Samantha has had a crush on for years now just came back in and basically told her that he's loved her since the day he met her... Basically, Samantha has been torn between the guy she likes and the guy that she's already in a relationship with.. the messed up thing is that I have known the "new guy" for several years as well. through school. and he is a total A**hole player. I have seen him break hearts over and over and I don't want him to hurt her. my dilemma is that i really don't know Samantha that well, and It would honestly look like i'm just trying to slam the "new guy" to keep her with my friend.... I dont know what to do.. she is already threatening to cut atm soo... yeah...

Thanks for listening :/

4 Name: Sun : 2013-01-05 02:12 ID:k76l+ZCp [Del]

Well, I suppose this thread is moot now..

"Samantha chose "the new guy" and my friend is breaking all ties with her..

He hates her now

I'll still be there for her when "A**hole" dumps her, but until then we'll see..

5 Name: Sun : 2013-02-11 01:52 ID:k76l+ZCp [Del]

If anyone reads this, i just thought i'd wrap it up.
She lied. She lied about everything. Her life is just fine, she does actually cut and for her to lie about all of this, she must be really f***** up. and this isn't the first time she has lied like this.. anyways the "new guy" dumped her and i haven't talked to her in almost a month now. don't know if i will even try...
I guess thanks for reading..