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Young & foolish (7)

1 Name: Vintage : 2012-12-30 01:53 ID:pql5LpSo [Del]

Hey. I have this problem, and I really didn't know who to exactly go to at this hour (1:46 am). So, I started talking to this girl on the internet. She lives in the next town over basically. Her profile pic wasn't like super model with her breast all out. She just looked like her, a down to earth nice girl. Any way, the first day we talked I really thought she was great, and like 3 weeks later I asked her to be mine. She said yeah. So, my birthdays coming up. Its on Wednesday. She's coming down, and spending the night. We bought each other stuff for Xmas and birthdays, because we're both born in January. Any way, main thing I need advice on. I bought her some chucks (Shoes/converse), and now I kinda feel like its doing to much. Can you ladies and gents give me some advice, mostly opinions. I Have very strong feelings for her, but it just seems really soon for something like that.

2 Name: Koizumi !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-12-30 02:01 ID:NPfWJThE [Del]

explain lil more. do you feel bad or something?

3 Name: Vintage : 2012-12-30 02:08 ID:2ilPyOX8 [Del]

I feel weird in a bad way. I've never gotten a girl shoes before. Plus, I got her more than that, but thats the most expensive item. I started watching this show called Catfish, and I just dont wana end up putting all of me into something that could be just a game to someone else, or something that may not last as long as I'd like.

4 Name: Koizumi !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-12-30 02:14 ID:NPfWJThE [Del]

do you hope it'll last or be real?

5 Name: Vintage : 2012-12-30 02:31 ID:z47VkjAr [Del]

Yeah. She's wonderful. The kind of girl you bring home. I'm in love, and I always hate that feeling, because the ones you love are those who can hurt you the worst. Any way, yes, I really want it to last. We talk every night from like 11-4 am. I haven't met her yet thought. She wants to meet me, and take me up to another town to meet her family.

6 Name: Kumiko !tY7TKVZoW6 : 2012-12-30 04:02 ID:3cCJNtaW [Del]

I guess giving shoes to a girl (And I hope these are shoes she likes) in general is not a bad thing. It doesn't scream commitment, but it also doesn't say anything less about how you really feel. If that's what you want to give her, then go do it! I hope she likes it!

Oh yes, I hope you can re-post that on the Dating Thread here
We need to cleanly post things to help the mods and our admin to maintain our site :) This is technically a dating problem thing since you two are dating.

For the next comments, please check the sage box if you still can't help but comment ^^

7 Name: VivaLaPanda : 2012-12-30 15:48 ID:l4BQsX04 [Del]

Well, if you are looking for something long term, let her know so you are both on the same page. Find what she likes, and get her things that have to do with that. Small acts go a long way, a nice handwritten letter, a visit somewhere nice.Now this is a personal belief but if you do get serious, wait for marriage before sex. People may say that marriage is just a piece of paper and it is if you don't mean your vows. Marriage is telling each other that you fully plan to stay together no matter what.
Best of luck!
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