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Akward Friends... (8)

1 Name: L : 2012-12-26 17:33 ID:fjmNwPf7 [Del]

So I have this friend, she was never the prettiest (some teased her because she kind of looks like a guy) or most popular person ever (but I never cared.) We were good friends. Until, one day she sat next to me and said, "I have something to tell you. Promise me you won't judge me when I do?" Of course I said yes. I don't like judging. "I'm bi." she said. I was shocked! I didn't know what to think at all. She left without saying anything else that day. I am a Christian and I know God does not like homosexuality. As the weeks went by I noticed change in her. She began making her shirts very layered so no one would notice she has a girl body. She had her hair cut like JB's hair. And began wearing guys clothes. I feel really bad for her. Her personality never changed, but everything else did. She always was a person that needs to get her point across so she will get in huge arguments if anyone says anything out of term about GAY. But..... I don't know... I am really confused about the whole thing......gaaa!!! It's driving me nuts. Feel that I should help her, but I don't know.... HELP!!!

2 Name: Chill968 : 2012-12-26 17:54 ID:B6zXj2SP [Del]

Well first u can either convince her to be back to her normal self I would suggest that or you can accept the the fact that she Is a bi and deal with it.

3 Name: Emiri : 2012-12-26 18:08 ID:a65XmxJO [Del]

So her apperance changed she's still the same i say accpet her for who she is.

4 Name: ♥Nunnally vi Britannia♥ !CHQwTy0nfY : 2012-12-26 18:33 ID:8z6prOg6 [Del]

I mean no true disrespect, but I'm getting sick and tired of religion; Christian, Catholic, Muslim, I don't give one one-billionth of a shit. I've read the Old and New Testament and all I can say to people that say G-d hates gays is; who the fuck made them that way, he did! So your friend is bi, I'm a Catholic pansexual girl, does that bother you? G-d made her that way, so wouldn't trying to change that be going against his divine judgments?

5 Name: Nato !hQPz52AA/. : 2012-12-27 00:48 ID:/5iJkvuT [Del]

Sort of reminds me about one of my (albeit distant) friends. He has a friend that's gay and he's a devout Christian, and he often talks about it to one of my other friends a lot.

He has a similar problem, in that he doesn't want to ruin their friendship but also feels like he needs to do something about it because of his religion. There's also the problem that by having a gay friend he worries that it will make it seem like he approves of it or even tolerates it, which he does not want to do.

It's a tricky spot, because you have two sets of feelings and one set of morals to worry about. I would recommend that you prioritze your friendship over your religious beliefs, but that decision is up to you. In either case you're going to have to tread lightly to protect whatever you value most.

6 Name: Ranguna : 2012-12-27 07:41 ID:f2nQX+jQ [Del]

Just accept ot she lives her life as she wants it, it hers not yours, just give your oppinion without breaking your relashionship with her

7 Name: Setton : 2012-12-27 11:51 ID:anDCHEN9 [Del]

Just because she is bi doesn't mean that you can't be friends with her. A lot of my friends are gay/bi and I still love them. Although, that may be because I am Trans and open to anything. But anyway, it is her life and she makes her own decisions. You should support her with whatever she chooses. -Setton

8 Name: FTP : 2012-12-27 14:27 ID:h20qwbuu [Del]

I don't believe in god but I understand where you're coming from. As most of the others here have said, I think you should accept her for who she is. I don't find religion to be a good source for morals when it teaches discrimination against someone for their sexual orientation.