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Help... (20)

1 Name: L : 2012-12-23 17:13 ID:f7YICeIO [Del]

So I love to watch anime!!! But my parents have no idea. I am not allowed on youtube (that is where all my anime watching is from.) I feel soooo guilty, but I can't stop. My mom doesn't want me to be on youtube because she is scared of me watching porn. (when I was younger I used to, but that was because I was dared to and she doesn't know. Plus, I stopped and I totally regret watching it.) One girl from the chat thingy told me I should still watch anime and not feel guilty. If it is something I love, I should not be ashamed of it. But still, I am disobeying my parents. I am sooo confused on what I should do. I want to be able to have them know I watched these animes without them really knowing.... I tried to convince them to watch Death Note with me as a family, saying my friend suggested it to me, but I was turned down. I don't know what to do! HELP!!!!!!

2 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2012-12-23 17:31 ID:+nfTLLbq [Del]

Tell them youtube doesn't allow porn. Read up on debate and how to mount an effective argument.

Also, your peeps sound like pussies.


3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 17:34 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

There are plenty of other sites to watch both anime and porn on :V YouTube is actually pretty crappy for watching anime on. I'd say to torrent/download it, but I assume that your parents don't allow you to download things if they don't even let you go on YouTube.

Just go to Google and search up, "[anime name] Episode [#] [Dubbed/Subbed]," and watch as the endless results pop up :I

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-23 17:36 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

" My mom doesn't want me to be on youtube because she is scared of me watching porn. "
What the fuck are you talking about?? Or really, what the fuck is she talking about??? You'll just rick roll'd if ur idiot enough to try and find porn on YouTube!

Neither real life or hentai(which is what it sounds like u had watched before.)

In fact, after rereading this... This really doesn't make sense. Do you feel guilty about watching what ur parents told u not to watch or are u feeling guilty about what ur watching??

Either way, youtube's not the only way to watch anime by the way. There are plenty of free sites out there...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-23 17:40 ID:1BtZn6Bd [Del]

OP reminds me of when I was like 12 years old, trying to find anime on Youtube.

I did find some anime, but I found more theme songs and AMVs. This leads me to a question for OP.

OP, are you 12?

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 17:40 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

>>4 You can find some scenes close to porn on YouTube, but nothing extreme.

BUT YAOI, ON THE OTHER HAND... is very popular on YouTube, and even all-out Yaoi is rarely flagged. (For some reason, Yuri is flagged a lot more than yaoi is... not that I'd argue with that.) There are less hentai bits, but you can find them if you get into, "that one section of YouTube."

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 17:47 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

And yes, I do spend the majority of my time on YouTube.
And yes, I do look these things up and find myself in, "those weird sections of YouTube."

I don't think I'm ever on the computer without it running (at the very least) in the background :I

8 Name: L : 2012-12-23 17:50 ID:f7YICeIO [Del]

@Magnolia My mom is very... how do I say.... Over protecting. I feel guilty not from what I am watching, but where I am watching. I was not aware though of the other web pages though, thanks.

@Anonymous No I am not twelve. I am in Highschool.

@BarabiSama Exactly!

9 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-23 18:25 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>8 yeah. Too lazy to give links (sorry), but nearly everyone's got a smartphone or laptop to look stuff up when they're not at home.

>>6 Totally forgot about the yaoi. >///> Somehow I just don't see that as porn..

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 19:01 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

>>9 I was in denial that it was considered porn for a long time... I did eventually accept that fact, though, as well as the fact that I probably watch too much of it /o/

11 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-23 19:04 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>10 no no no! You see.. u don't do squeal at porn.
So you see...
It's more like.......uhhh..

12 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 19:13 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

>>11 I don't squeal at yaoi, either :L

I'm not some obsessive fangirl who says they like yaoi for the sake of saying that they like yaoi; I just find it kinky and amusing to watch.

It's kind of like watching a nontraditional movie with weird ideals and sex scenes.

13 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-23 19:36 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>12 U DON'T SQUEAL??? Ur not human...

The rest of that.. I didn't really understand you. Isn't that the reason anyone watches yaoi?

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 19:43 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

>>13 Not really. Amongst the anime community, there is a kind of "yaoi team" that thinks they're better than everyone else. There are as many stigmas against girls who like yaoi as there are self-imposed stereotypes. A lot of girls watch yaoi just so they can fit into that group where there friends are; not many watch it because they legitimately enjoy it.

I don't really have any friends to talk about yaoi with these days, so I like to think that like I don't fit into that group anymore :I

Most girls who squeal and fangirl over it are part of that stereotypical bandwagon of girls-who-like-yaoi.

15 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-23 19:48 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>14 ....Really? I'll take ur word for it. That's kind of confusing. This is the first time actually talking to someone else who watches it and I've always watched it for the same reason you do, but I squeal cuz those blushing Ukes Are. So. Cute!!

Ahem. Anyway. So which category do I fit in?

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-23 19:50 ID:NDJzIVPD [Del]

>>15 I guess I don't know you well enough to categorize you. I was just sharing what I've experienced between my own friends, online communities, and anime conventions :L

17 Name: KiKi : 2012-12-23 23:58 ID:pVKu57zo [Del]

no offense but an anime about a guy who wants to kill all the criminals in the world and rule it with a death god probably wasn't the best idea. Try something with (i don't know, this is just an example) family values or something everyone would enjoy. You can tell them that you are getting into manga but you want to watch animes too. There are websites other than youtube that you can watch anime on. You will have to tell them sometime though. The longer you wait, the worse it could get.

18 Name: L : 2012-12-24 08:26 ID:fjmNwPf7 [Del]

@KiKi Thanks that really helped... You know? I'll do that!

19 Name: Rail Tracer : 2012-12-24 11:31 ID:UF/fMlTb [Del]

Hi L,
I really do know how guilty you feel because I had the same problem. I don't know why, but for some strange reason parents don't approve these kind of hobbies. Luckily I have an older brother who is also into anime so he helped me. Anyway, we tried to make them watch some sort of anime that they might like. I mean, if your parents are quite strict or narrow-minded (like mine), you should convince them to watch something that they could be interested in. Of course if they think that you watch porno, you should avoid making them watch an anime with naked girls or something like that. If they like sport, they could watch an anime concerned with sport, for example.
Anyway, you don't have to feel guilty. It's not your fault if your parents can't understand. I hope you will sort out the problem, but remember that if we like doing something, no matters what the others say, we shoul do that. Like Keima Katsuragi said "I don't give a damn about the real world because I do believe in my own world!"
Bye, Merry Christmas

Rail Tracer

20 Name: L : 2012-12-24 12:45 ID:fjmNwPf7 [Del]

@Rail Tracer
I didn't think of it like that! Thanks! My parents are very strict, but I think thanks to your advise, I can get over this hill. You have been good help.
Merry Christmas to you too.