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Is it wrong to call a girl..... (5)

1 Name: Kenpachi : 2012-12-21 10:14 ID:QMlDJNyr [Del]

So ive been liking this girl for a long time know, although it´s really hard to come closer to her when she dosen´t reply to texts -.- but i still have my hopes on. Anyways, she went to Mexico like 4 days ago and i didn´t text her for like 2-4 weeks so i thought lets see if she replies know. My text was just a funny text about how she had it there in Mexico and stuff and guess what? She replied! I was really happy and thought id reply to her again with another funny text..She told me that there were many guys in Mexico and i wrote "Haha i promise that you will date everyone of them, your´e a player after all ;)" But then she stopped replying..Sigh. Im not gonna make a big deal out of it since girls don´t reply back sometimes for reasons that i cant come up with xD Anyways so my question is: Was it wrong to call her a "player" even though meant it as a joke?

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-21 13:02 ID:nr/nb9i/ [Del]

Yes. Don't insult the girl you like, whether it be in play or not.

Player, cunt, bitch, slut, whore, et cetera are all off limits. Player may not seem bad, but it's the equivalent of calling her a slut; same meaning, different word.

3 Name: Sid : 2012-12-21 13:51 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Depending on how well you know her and how good of friends you are it would just be taken as a joke. I know someone who wouldn't take that as an insult and she would just see it as a joke. But if you don't know if she could take it the wrong way then you most likely don't know her too well. Also it is kinda hard to reply to something like that, other than a haha, or lol.

4 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-12-22 10:47 ID:bJoBenUx [Del]

Is it something you would normally say to her face to face? If it's not, then she may not take it as much of a joke as you think. I agree with >>2 because some people often think of, what you might call, trivial humour, as something much more serious. It all depends on the person. Some may over-think the comment, as she might be, or she may just be too busy to reply.

5 Name: Kenpachi : 2012-12-24 18:23 ID:QMlDJNyr [Del]

Thanks for your comments guys, helpful! Turns out that it wasnt such a big deal, i messaged her again like a couple of days later and she still replied. My joke was maybe to boring for her T_T