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Should I Let This Continue (16)

1 Name: Karma : 2012-12-19 00:45 ID:eCs+r0Wa (Image: 194x259 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1355899548846.jpg: 194x259, 12 kb
My father will not stop touching me I thought it was nothing at first he is my father after all and its not like hes touching me anywhere inappropriate or anything but every time he sees me he always touches and if i tell him to stop or try to move away he gets this hurt expression on he face and makes me fell like I am the one that did something wrong not him another thing that has been bugging me is he will not stop saying "I Love You" i don't know may be its all just my imagination but i need to know if i should do something about this and if so what

2 Name: Spirit_fox : 2012-12-19 01:20 ID:O81jqyu4 [Del]

Yes you should a father shouldnt be harassing his child!! this isnt something to take lightly hes Harassing you! You need to get someone to help you because he just might make things worse so you need to hurry and get help before that happens!!!
Dont feel bad because if you give in more he will just take Advantage of you!!!! SRLY you need to hurry and get help!!! Because i know if this continues it will get worse and such (TT_TT) Dude i wish you good luck and please!! Contact someone and get help!!!!!!!!

3 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-12-19 01:26 ID:0oyP42Dg [Del]

Depends on where he's touching you, and how you feel in response.
Try asking him why he touches you. If you're ok with it, and it doesn't make you uncomfortable, then let it be I suppose. Some people simply have compulsive disorders, which isn't entirely out of the question. As long as it's not inappropriate, then there's no immediate need to get help. Although you're obviously concerned, I would ask him up front why he does it.

It's up to you where to go from there, really.

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-19 05:11 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

The courage you must've had to type and post something as embarrassing as this. Honestly I was in the same boat as you. I never said anything about it out of utter embarrassment tho.

I'm thinking u should find an adult you have a good relationship with; your mom, uncle, aunt, etc.
Tell them about this because they know your father and know the right words to say so it wont be too awkward, but also they'll use the proper amount of discretion needed.

5 Name: Victor/LEGION : 2012-12-19 06:43 ID:CiapqduS [Del]

Maybe he was a pedofile. I don't wanna see that but pedofile makes me wanna laugh, no offense.

6 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-19 07:20 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

He keeps touching you, and it's creepy, and you told him to stop, and he won't respect your wishes. If it continues, then yes, put an end to it. His foolishness should not be tolerated. So end it.

7 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-19 08:59 ID:Tm2W2VdT [Del]

Get him away from you

8 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-19 11:09 ID:M+tcNP6W [Del]

Ask him why he is touching you and tell him that you feel uncomfortable with him touching you if you do feel uncomfortable. Perhaps he is lonely and just wants to show his love to you. Perhaps that this is more than just that.

However, if you feel uncomfortable, it's unacceptable. No one should ever disrespect your privacy like that.

Remember to stand your ground and that no means no.

9 Name: Tatsuo !ED/x3/tA2I : 2012-12-19 23:30 ID:xla4CS9t [Del]

It could be just because he feels distant from you.
He could be feeling as though you haven't spent alot of time with him and he wants to reconnect, if you say he's not touching you in an inappropriate way then he could just be saying I miss you.

All in all, just talk it out that's all you can do...
(Besides call the cops)

10 Name: BluBerry_Blue !Q6BaGqiaE2 : 2012-12-20 01:22 ID:smQDj0Xe [Del]

Where exactly does he touch you, since you said it wasn't in an inappropriate way. If he's touching you near the NO-NO areas talk to him about it and don't give in to the pouty face. And if that doesn't work talk >>4 to an adult like Magnolia said. If he's just being annoying and giving you too many hugs and kisses hang in there, cuz I'm sure it's just him giving affection. But if it is the other way come and tell us and we'll talk to you about it, okay?

11 Name: FTP : 2012-12-20 02:08 ID:h20qwbuu [Del]

Like some of the others on here have said, if he isn't touching you inappropriately there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. He is just showing you affection. If you still feel uncomfortable with it then just tell him. Let him know you're uncomfortable with him touching you so often. But I don't see any harm in you father being affectionate with you as long as it doesn't get inappropriately. Hugs, kisses on the forehead or cheek, or arm around the shoulder are nothing to be worried about in my opinion.

12 Name: Miyamato : 2012-12-20 02:55 ID:maTneyzo [Del]

How recent is this? I mean what with that school shooting I'd want to hug my children and remind them I love them. Maybe he got really shaken up by that.

13 Name: Karma : 2012-12-31 00:00 ID:eCs+r0Wa [Del]

>>12 it was going on for about 4 month before the shooting

14 Name: Gelber Alpfen : 2012-12-31 06:36 ID:M7CWtncS [Del]

I...can understand. My biological father (I live with my step-father and mom so I don't see him a lot) touches me every chance he gets. It's usually the lower back or my neck, I find it repulsive and weird. I'm the only child he does that to, not my sister, brother, or any of my half-siblings...I under

15 Name: Gelber Alpfen : 2012-12-31 06:37 ID:M7CWtncS [Del]

*phone bugged out* so yeah I understand where you are coming from....

16 Name: Mimori : 2012-12-31 10:40 ID:TFqaQMJC [Del]

the fact that he loves you is there.. but don't be afraid to speak up if you feel uncomfortable.. He's your father after all..I'm sure he'll understand.. and it's not wrong to speak up when one feels uncomfortable.. don't worry..