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Curious (26)

1 Name: Marethyu : 2012-12-14 01:11 ID:FcFujkzB [Del]

Why do some girls consider going lesbian ? Anyone there who can give me some insights ? Really curious whats going on in their heads. If anyone has any firsthand opinions I'd be really thankful

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-14 01:24 ID:jeK2B5bW [Del]

It's just a thing that happens. Some people are naturally attracted to people of the same gender, it's called homosexuality.

It's not something typically done out of any logical reason for some sort of gain, that would be as silly as trying to explain why people like people of the opposite gender (from a non-biological standpoint).

3 Name: Marethyu : 2012-12-14 06:28 ID:Tq5FyODM [Del]

Really ? Because thats like saying its normal dont ya think ? And it is definitely not normal

4 Name: Hoodie !.WfNJeo6i6 : 2012-12-14 09:26 ID:tBnDvEQy [Del]

>>3 I might not like people of the same gender as I am, but I do support it. Saying that homosexuality is definitely not normal, is just plain rude and offensive. The only reason that you and some others think it's not 'normal' is because it's just different.

5 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-14 14:16 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Derps, lol.

He's talking about a habit that women tend to have, and as bad as this might sound, I can back him up on it since I've got a lot of chick friends. For example, like after a break up, they might say "I'm never dating another man again" and end up saying that they're 'going lesbian'. Or maybe, rather often, girls might flirt with each other in front of people on purpose in a more taunting way than you might see if two guy friends are pretend flirting with each other just to mess with each other. It is an often thing though, and if you don't know what he's talking about then you should get your one-sided minds out of this conversation. He isn't saying ANYTHING against homosexuality.

As for why women do that at times, no idea. Tbh though, lesbian couples are more populized in society than male couples are, to the point where not only has it slowly become more of an eased in topic, but just overall easier to accept. Now yes, there are still a ton of people who might be against both or accepting toward both. Personally, I think that it's just been supported to the point that it's sub-conciously effecting other people. When it comes down to it, you're much more likely to hear complaints over a gay couple in this day and age over that of a lesbian couple (though if there were negative feelings between someone that acts that way between themselves and a lesbian couple, I wouldn't put it behind them to use their preference in gender as some sort of an insult in the long run of things). Most humans are stupid after all, and stupidity that exists in a world that runs on sex appeal all over the place, these kinds of things are expected to develop.

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-14 14:32 ID:jeK2B5bW [Del]

I don't think anyone seriously does that, though - saying "I'm never dating another man again" is usually said as a joke or out of desperation. And if they actually go through with it, then they were just homosexual or bisexual to begin with.

Once again, it's just a thing that happens. The amount of times it happens for some sort of social reason is far less frequent (and when it does happen, far more frivolous) than when it happens because that's who they are.

7 Name: musiclover : 2012-12-14 15:23 ID:rF0J8lqR [Del]

pretty much girls are scared of another heartbreak and a mantle break down and cant take it anymore. i hope this answers your question. ^-^

8 Name: Neko : 2012-12-14 15:35 ID:OTV8o0o1 [Del]

Plus some girls that i now are just scard of men for one reason or another
like abuse from a male parent,classmate,teacher
This can make girl associate that ause with all men

9 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-14 15:36 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Lol. Most of them normally don't go through with it. But they do consider it. Hence, answering the original question.

>>7 Heartbreak? Lack of a penis might mean that something isn't going to be broken, but it sure as hell isn't a heart, lol.

10 Name: Neko : 2012-12-14 15:38 ID:OTV8o0o1 [Del]


11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-14 20:14 ID:JbBLRvUq [Del]

I'm not sure if I agree with Misuto or not. I mean, if you legitimately have no reaction to a certain gender, then it makes sense if you don't want to have sex with them, but that doesn't mean you have to completely override the idea of a relationship with them. Also, there are a TON of shallow lesbians/homos who still like the other gender but are pretending they don't because they want to be "different" or are trying to prove some half-assed point.

You can usually tell because they're the lesbians who continually rant about how disgusting guys are, by the way. It's fucking annoying. I have to deal with it every day, too =_=

I had a friend who was never once attracted to girls who went lesbian a few years ago. We used to always talk [insert inappropriate sex/penis related topics that teenage girls talk about here]. But then the guy she liked rejected her. Next thing you know, I can't even bring up the idea of a dick or even just a shirtless guy without her cringing or reminding me about how she's lesbian and how ugly and gross guys are. It's... nuts. She's not the only one, either. I have several friends online and offline that have gone through similar situations. They seem to think that people of the same gender are going to be nicer to them or some shit, which they aren't, but they like to pretend that they are to prove their point.

The majority of those in my female friend base are bisexual or lesbian. Some of them have been that way for a while, but most of them have turned lesbian in the past few years after a break-up or rejection. I think it's pretty stupid to change your orientation because of that, and it may not be my personal cup of tea, but w/e. To each her own.

The ones who have been lesbian for a while are pretty serious, but the other ones are so obsessed about the idea of being lesbian that they feel the need to continually wear rainbow and go on and on about gay rights. IMO, if you're legitimately gay and think it's alright, then you won't feel the need to go reminding everyone about it. You know you're gay; you don't need public response to remind yourself of it.

12 Name: yuuki : 2012-12-14 21:36 ID:+geMRvWJ [Del]

its because men only want sex and food.
girls want a real relationship.

13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-14 21:50 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>12 My god. The ignorance and stupidity...

14 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-12-14 23:40 ID:BxlHLyYT [Del]

>>12 Pfft. Girls don't want relationships. Most of us just want boy toys.

15 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-12-14 23:49 ID:/dPuxz79 [Del]

Kind of what Barabi said.

I quite honestly don't understand why some people choose to be homosexual with all of the hate it's getting, but I guess a part of it is because of the hate it's getting. I kind of think of it like a person doing weed because it's illegal.

Then Barabi also brought up the whole "to prove a point" concept, which I also agree with. I kind of think of that as something similar to what I said above. Someone tells a girl, "You can't date girls." The girl might respond with, "Watch me." Just to to stubborn and because they are egotistica bastards.

Then there are the people who have absolutely no interest in the opposite sex. Just like a completely straight person will hold no interest in the same sex. I mean, you can look at someone and say, "Damn! I wish I looked like that!" That would be completely different than saying, "Damn! I want to fuck that!" though.

Then there's that gay vs straight meter/rating/thing that I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. It's basically a test you take that says, "You are x% gay," or "You are x% straight." Something like that. Either way, that thing says that there are very few people that are truly 100% either way. If anyone knows what it's called and can better explain it, please do.

Long story short, there are many reasons for why someone can swing either way. It kind of pisses me off to admit it, but it's true. I kind of only really accept the people who really can't help it, not the attention whores that do it to be rebels.

16 Name: Tsuchimikado !fSq5qseG8. : 2012-12-15 00:52 ID:thw+Dbpn [Del]

It's true that people CAN be naturally attracted to the same sex. In all truths, it's actually uncommon though. Most homosexual cases are choices.
And there's the actual homosexuality, then there's the playing around, and the little phases everyone has. Those are completely normal.
It depends on your perspective. Some consider being attracted to the opposite sex naturally impossible and strange as mess, some find it purely logical.

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-15 03:08 ID:jeK2B5bW [Del]

Ah. Fair enough. My response was assuming they weren't just asshats jumping on a special snowflake bus ride to the town of no one gives a fuck. That's what you'd hear in social justice circles as "appropriation" :V

Normal people just call it being an attention whore.

More and more, the topic of clear-cut sexuality is getting obfuscated as homosexuality gradually becomes more accepted in the mainstream, and some would be inclined to believe what Leigha described.

Despite some controversy I'd say that the generally accepted theory is that homosexuality is inherently genetic or at least biological. Some would argue that it actually isn't unnatural at all, and such a thought is a perpetuation of society. Uncommon, but not unnatural. (For example, homosexuality has been accepted in some civilizations historically (see: Ancient Greece) and it's also a natural phenomena in some cases of animals)

In any or all cases, though, it is my opinion that it's not something that needs an explanation, glorification, or vilification to any greater degree than any other personal decision. And besides, how would you explain something like that in the first place? Why do some people like eating vegetables? Why do some people like the color blue? The range of reasons is too broad to associate with a particular happenstance.

18 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-15 12:41 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Call me cruel for saying this, but I'll be frank about that whole "men just want sex whilst women want relationships" bit. To ANYONE that feels that way, you are dead wrong. There are sluts all around us. If I wasn't against banging everything in sight, I could get a girl at any moment that I want and do the inverted disco.

Not defending dudes. Most men are sluts too. The moral is, 83.11% of the human population are sluts. Anyone that says that they're switching their gender interest just to avoid heart break is just.....

The human population is gonna get palmed in the face one day. The sun's going to end up going completely dark, and we'll hear the voice of God in the sky. "Huh? Humans? What you talken about man? I got rid of those ages ago *quickly kicks underneath bed*"

19 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2012-12-15 22:00 ID:dSYYsH74 [Del]

oh boy, isn't there a lot going on in this thread?

as for the original topic, i think most people have an understanding as to why someone would pretend to be a homosexual(or any other variant of it). like it think it's been mentioned, they are whores of the attention seeking variety. though i do believe that a decent number of them are also genuinely interested in the oppisite sex, if only a little, using the "playing around and pretending" as a mask. not everyone is bursting with gay pride, and i think it could be a way to vent without coming out of the closet completely. i know i couldn't kiss, fondle, or fool around with a girl i wasn't attracted to. not sober, anyways.

as for homosexuality being normal or natural, well, that depends on your definition of the word. normality would depend on the times, and like misuto mentioned, it was widely accepted throughout history in various cultures, and is becoming more and more "normal" in our day and age (though it's my understanding that bottoming was still pretty disgraceful in ancient greece). i believe that, like the kinsey scale suggests (and you are welcome leigha), pure heterosexual and homosexual people are very rare, and the vast number of them you see today are just a product of the times, and most wouldn't think twice about orientation in the right setting and upbringing.

oh dear, did i just go and suggest that bisexuality might actually be the "natural state" of things if societal and social restrictions were removed? no comment.

oh right, i have to say. when someone calls my species a bunch of slutty idiots, i can't just take it sitting down. i don't know what planet you are from, mister nomad (quite a clever name for a universe-traveling alien), but i think if you gave people a chance you'd find out that you aren't giving them due credit. you shouldn't let the vocal minority spoil your opinion on all of us.

and in the much more likely case that you aren't an alien, but rather just another person who thinks there pessimism and misanthropy makes them look cool, then shit, i was kinda excited. if you want to call yourself a slutty idiot, then go ahead, but to accuse everyone else of it is kinda unfair, don't you think?

20 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-17 09:34 ID:0xd44zX+ [Del]

Mare, have you heard of "sexuality"?

Lemme give you some links you could have looked up yourself.

21 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-12-17 20:23 ID:54sfE7X4 [Del]

>>20 If you bothered looking at the rest of the thread you would know that's not what they were asking about.

22 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-19 11:11 ID:M+tcNP6W [Del]

>>21 I'd correct you, but I'd prefer if you just look stupid and leave you in wonder, if you can actually process thoughts.

Use your brain before you put your fingers to the keyboard.

23 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-19 11:45 ID:h1VuvwiH [Del]


Barabi! BARABI!
Do Something Right Here Please!

Or even Leigha!
Hell, Crisis!

Anubis so did not need that shit.

24 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-19 11:57 ID:h1VuvwiH [Del]

Damn... it'll probably be a while before they come on.

Sigh... listen Day. The op isn't talking about lesbians who were lez from the get go. They're refering to more like my friend who recently TURNED lesbian. She didn't COME OUT. She TURNED. Her reason was because she was tired of men screwing her over, so she wanted to try the girl scene. They call themselves lesbians, but they're technically bi. She'll hit on me as much as she wants, but in the end, she tends to check out guys more than girls.

25 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-12-19 14:49 ID:54sfE7X4 [Del]

>>22 *reading the rest of the thread* Hm...not a thing about sexuality, just about those people who are suddenly like "I wanna go lesbian because guys suck". Hm...still not seeing anything about sexuality.

>>23 Implying I need someone to defend me. Thanks though :)

26 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-19 15:44 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>25 more like wanting to start something because I love shitstorms but I didn't mean to offend.