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I just don't know anymore... (4)

1 Name: It doesn't matter what my name is : 2012-12-14 00:54 ID:bQpkbNsM [Del]

I usually go by a different name, but it seems all that name is associated with is automatic hatred from everyone who ever sees it.

My body is a malfunctioning mess. Not as bad as it could be but that just means that there's no real way to get help even though it prevents me from working or driving. I have things I want to do with my life, but everything just seems so far away due to my lack of ability.

It always, and I mean ALWAYS, feels like I'm just not good enough for whatever it is I'm doing. Even when I have natural talent for it.

Everything I thought I had any kind of knowledge of, turns out I know next to nothing. I have an IQ of 156 and it just means I'm a somewhat refined idiot who can never do anything right or say anything worth hearing.

Everything I do or say is met with antagonism. Even from friends and family. People apparently, somehow, came to like me, but everything that I do, everything that I like, everything that I am is the complete opposite of everyone else in my life.

And on top of all that, every one of these problems with me is causing problems for everyone who cares about me. I can't even tell if my own life is worth anything.

I just don't know. I can't just end it because I'm not a selfish person. But my options are dwindling, even when people provide solutions, the solutions just turn me away.

I know it could be worse. It could always be worse, but that doesn't stop it from being absolutely terrible.

2 Name: Marethyu : 2012-12-14 01:07 ID:FcFujkzB [Del]

I feel you bro. Most of those are normal , you just learn to accept yourself though , sometimes when you think everyone hates you, its actually just you hating yourself

3 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-14 14:22 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

You're right, lol. Might as well end it all now if that's how you feel.

I mean, frankly, everyone has options. Training yourself to become stronger is a pretty big option. I've known three different people with Tourettes that have been able to help improve themselves even (well, 2/3. The other one ended up giving up like you are now kinda. Funny since she had the least severe case).

Oh, but yeah. People can improve if they just make themselves stronger. Stop thinking about it and just do it. It's not that hard.

Oh, that's incase you ever feel like changing though. If not, then stop wasting everyone's time already. People change when they want to change. All you've done is tell everyone that you're a horrible mess, and you're loving every second of it.

4 Name: Neko : 2012-12-14 15:48 ID:OTV8o0o1 [Del]

Your still alive even if things are against you get up and start working to find a goal and work for it