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First World Problems (7)

1 Name: Alias' : 2012-12-12 00:53 ID:/QoGBcAa [Del]

I'm just wondering, am I horrifically bad person if the girl I like is afraid of me because I'm unpredictable? I mean, it's not that I've ever done anything of extreme or lesser violence to her that has given her reason to be afraid of me, not that I know of at least. Maybe someone told her a rumor or a truth that didn't apply to her that worried her, I can be unpredictable but is that enough to warrant fear? She seems to believe that if she told me something I didn't like I would kill someone or something, it is rather worrisome as I am if anything a pacifist, I wouldn't fight anyone if I didn't need to.

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-12 01:35 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>1 While it's not terrible, you should learn how to compose your thoughts into writing a little better.

Now to the matter at hand, she's probably being a drama-queen, you appear much worse to others than you think you do, or she just means that being unpredictable is a worrisome quality in a relationship.

3 Name: Pixel : 2012-12-12 09:22 ID:OC8BffeZ [Del]

>>1 I totally agree, she's probably overreacting :3 I don't think unpredictable is a bad thing, is very awesome being unpredictable :D

4 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-12 12:03 ID:WUlOOS0e [Del]

>>1 they make good points. I would say she's either a drama queen or has heard some rumors about you. I think you should focus on proving that you wont hurt anyone no matter what. As for being unpredictable, like spontaneous. well.... if that's a part of who you are and she can't except that then kick her pathetic ass to the curb. It's true you should always strive to be a better person and when you find someone special they may motivate you to do that even more, but when something is a part of who you are and you don't have a problem with it then don't change for anyone! You should really sit down and have a talk, just the two of you, no interruptions. Make it clear you will not be upset with anything she says, and DON'T get upset at anything she says. Just listen, speak softly, smile, and try not to do anything to spontaneous, at least, just for that talk.

5 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-12 22:30 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Don't bother. She's going on rumor and rumor alone. If it's a yes then it's a yes, and if it's a no then it's a no. SImple.

6 Name: Omega : 2012-12-13 12:02 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

>>1 dont worry about it just talk to her, and never listen to crisis he is a huge asshole

7 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-13 14:02 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>6 Go ahead and tell me what I do that's so bad.