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Friends, College, stress (6)

1 Name: Sekemiya : 2012-12-10 21:07 ID:ne8QST+B [Del]

okay, so for the past couple of weeks, i've been feeling like shit, mainly because my family is never quiet and there is always some kind of drama going on. my mother and sister have constant arguments about repettitive and awful bullshit and on my 18th birthday my mom ended up being pissed off at me because she's sick and tired of the fact that i always look "miserable" for no reason. sometimes i wish i could blurt it out to them that most of the time they're the reason and the shit i get from school isn't great either. no matter what i do, i always end up alone. i'm pretty sociable but i don't really have a set or group of friends to go to. not even a friend in general in my whole class. the last person i was sort of close to graduated last year and most of them are in college. not to mention most of the kids in the senior class either just turned 16 or 17, so even though i'm not that old, i still feel old. even though i'm absolutely alone, and i hate it, it's the only thing i'm good at. i hate random crying to bed at night knowing that's the truth, i just need to get out or idk what's going to happen to me. i've gone over the edge once, stopped cutting too, but idk what to do now. will i always be this alone? if so, i think death would've been a better option.i know, no one is going to respond to this but, i just needed to get all my feelings out there..

2 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-12-10 22:30 ID:pzOULHfR [Del]

I know how you feel with the family problems. Well, kind of. My family problems are different but still there. I also feel alone. I live with my grandmother because my mom and dad dumped me with her when i was barely 2 months old. My grandfather, who was my father figure, died when i was 10. The friends i do have seem to be ignoring me completely. I'm much taller than most people in my class which makes me feel kind of awkward and out of place sometimes. Will you always be alone? No. Not if you look for friends. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places. Death is never the best option. I know you may be in a dark place now, but keep your head up and fight your way to the next stage of life. You're not alone. A lot of people, including myself, are in dark places. Nothing in life is free. If you want something to change, fight for it.

3 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-11 13:15 ID:6tkC2phO [Del]

You are pathetic. As you are, you should let the person that you are die now.

On a personal level wise that is, and nothing else. Cutting yourself? Thinking that it's better if you're dead? If you think that it's better that you die, then get it done and over with. Otherwise, quit bitching, grow a pair of balls, quit wasting a life and actually do something for yourself. You're 16, which means that you can move out. You're with a family full of half wits that aren't worth half a damn, so quit letting them influence you. Think about something that you actually WANT to do with your life, and after you take care of that, then start working toward it. Don't give a shit about what society says you should do. Don't give a shit about what your family thinks what you should do. Be selfish for yourself, do what you want, and if you have nothing better to do, then go help out people that CAN figure out what they want to do with their lives.

It's better than wasting your own time, which apparently is the only time that matters. Better to have no friends then pathetic friends. But like said, just be selfish for once. That doesn't mean being stupid, but be selfish. No matter what that means. That's right, everyone is in dark places. So do something about it. I know from experience how easy it is to do when the world is against you.

4 Name: Sekemiya : 2012-12-11 21:52 ID:ne8QST+B [Del]

@Nomad you have a point and so do you @dxb. @Nomad as harsh as your words were, you had a point, i have to start being a bit selfish and figure out wth it is that i want to do with my life. @dxb i agree i have to fight for what i want, i can't afford to stay like this anymore. anyways, thanks you two.

5 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-12 22:37 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

My words are only meant to be as blunt as the situation is. You need strength to be able to get what you want accomplished. Long as you're gonna try to do something to fix it, I'll wish ya the best of luck. Cheesy as this might sound, believe in yourself, and anything is possible.

This is my last post to you though mate. Make something of worth of yourself. There's a small part of me that'll be rooten for ya.

6 Name: Victor Del'Toro : 2012-12-12 22:48 ID:CiapqduS [Del]

Okay; first: I'm not going to college till I graduate from high school as longest as I live and stayed young forever.

Second: I hate college.