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Who are you? (21)

1 Name: Sheik : 2012-12-10 18:37 ID:Z3wIroO+ [Del]

A lot of times, I have a hard time knowing who I am. I can be angry and arrogant, caring and thoughtful, or downright depressed. I can feel like one person one moment and another the next.It's been a while since I told anyone who I am, but who better then a bunch of random people?
So, the gist is, since I can act so many way at a time, I've kinda...personified, you could say, my attitudes. There's Dark, which is when I feel like one reckless, angry, arrogant sonofa bitch. Lately I've been feeling like that more and more. Then there's Shadow, who I mentally refer to as Arian, but I don't know why. That's when I feel more thoughtful, I actually think before I act, and can focus on caring.
There are times though when I feel... weak. Like no one in the world could care about me. All the ones who used to moved away and things will never be the same. As the days go on, I've been feeling more depressed as well. I hate the feeling, but it's who I am. It took me years to figure out who I am, and even now I'm still not sure.

The only question left, who are you?

2 Name: Sekemiya : 2012-12-10 21:09 ID:ne8QST+B [Del]

i can't even...
- idk who i am either and hell idk how long it will take but you're not alone.

3 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-12-10 21:39 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

It depends on what side of me you want. The lie or the truth.
In public, I usually act kind, thoughtful, decently happy, and quiet but not anti-social. When I'm not with my closer friends or in a conversation, I'm usually thinking but don't ignore people. Overall, I've been told that I am a strong individual who is a good friend. But allot of that is an act.
In private, I feel weak. If I'm not angry and wanting to punch a hole in the wall, I'm just sad and wanting to go up to bed and cry myself to sleep. I often feel like I'm a useless excuse for a life. That's who I am.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Khaos : 2012-12-11 07:19 ID:UZIssIW1 [Del]

Im a living sin mixed with a Wild wolf i live for thrill of battle i fight to fight thats my purpose to be the best fighter thats who i am

6 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-12-11 18:08 ID:ZmdVgAcs [Del]

I'm many things to many people.
To some I am a beautiful, independent, motivating, and strong person.
To others I am a selfish, arrogant, annoying, stuck up bitch.
Few think I am intelligent and think before I act
Even fewer believe that I have a future in this world that isn't anything like being a hooker or something.
Then there are one or two people who know who I truly am....
I am human. I'm curious, I make mistakes, I learn, I see, I inspire. I have potential to conquer, but can learn to destroy. I have many destinies, and many choices. I am one person, and I am not perfect. I am not pretty, yet I am not ugly. I am me. I have the ability to get back up when I am knocked down. I am sad, crazy, happy, annoying, tall, and adventurous, but I am also angry, smart, inspiring and invisible.
I am human, and that's all I wish to be

7 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-12 12:23 ID:WUlOOS0e [Del]

I am many different things to many different people.

To my friends at times I am rather insane, yet a lot of fun, always good for a hung and making you feel better. Other times I am also a voice of reason and a mother to those who need it.

At work and school I am hard working, focused, kind, and I keep the kitchen running as it should be. The kids in my class say I will be a manager someday with the way I take control and get things done right.

At home my parents believe me to be childish, immature, lazy, rebellious, and a dreamer. Really I am an over working, under paid 20 year old who spends all day cleaning up everyone else messes and just wants to go to sleep when I get home, and ends up skipping my chores about 2-3 times a week, but always makes up for it.

And at the Theater. :) I love being at the theater most. That is were I relax, don't worry about what others think and just be myself. Which is a perfect blend off all things above. That is who I am. A mix of it all. I am a joker and happy, I am a motherly figure, I am a rebellious child, I am an over worked 20 year old, I am a dreamer who loves the arts, I am realistic and reasonable, I am a friend, a chef, a manager, a thespian, a mother, a child. I am, like everyone else. Layers of many clashing things that build up into one being. I am me and no one else.

8 Name: SanityJinx : 2012-12-12 12:34 ID:CtVV+evL [Del]

I'm a total idiot, Whome has gone through alot and may do anything weird just to feel calm, I may not be accepted well enough but I still keep a smile during the worst of times.

9 Name: Doju-chin : 2012-12-12 17:40 ID:NiDyu19o [Del]

I still don't know who I really am. But indeed I have the public and the alone side. In public, I try hadrly to smile, show my happines. There are few times when you can see that i'm sad or amused But alone, most of the time I am sad. I am weak and useless. I don't smile very often when alone, even if I was really happy with my frieds. I can have a wonderful and perfect day, but when I get home, I will be sad. That's a fact. I don't know why, and I hope that someday I can figure it out.

10 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-12-12 19:12 ID:6F6+XrY8 [Del]

I may be a memory who loves writing stories, a dark entity who laughs at one's pain, or the original(myself) who takes so many lashes of words from the ones she loves most.
I am just a lonely, forgotten shadow of the world and can easily be replaced by another.
I am full of burden with useless talents and skills.
I am a fool for taking many things seriously.
I am nothing, but the wind wishing to fly away into a phantasm.
I wish to end this beating heart of mine; an eternal sleep without a cure.
Who am I indeed? I have absolutely no clue...

Who knows how long I'll last in this world? I'll probably die someday, early in my early 20s. It's okay... I plan on living in the memories of others.

>>6 You sound so much like my older sister! :) Except my sister is short! Lol! XDDD

11 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-12-12 22:31 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

I know who I am, but not who I am. I'm formless. I have many shades, colors, and hues, yet I hold no shape. Like a 3-D picture, but without tangible depth.

There's me, the other me, and the other me of the other me. All separate, all in unison. I can become reckless, angry, and out-right pissed. I can become recessive, dark, and detached, as if the world i'm living in is just a painting with faceless models and broken skies. Then, just like that, I can have a complete swing around. I can be happy, crazy, and social. My mind will race and I'll have ideas and visions and enjoy living.

I am always scared, though. It may be crammed into the back of my head, but still. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I'm young, and I know I have time, but it gets me.

I don't want to be. But I am. Things that tie me to this world won't let me go. Ever accidentally tie a shoelace the wrong way and can't get it to come loose? That's the kind of tether that holds me. My family, my friends. Things I want to do and try.

The models may not actually be faceless, maybe it's just me. Couldn't ever read faces well anyways.

Surely, that's just a scratch on my surface, but it's a good one.

Who am I? I wish I knew. I wish someone else knew, so they could tell me.

12 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-12 22:34 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

Death is my actual nick name. Long story behind it. Like Death, I'm pure, and nothing is safe when it's in my path. Plan to find Immortality at some point since both Heaven and Hell might as well be utter wastes of anyones time, and I'm gathering people of a certain breed that I plan on traveling the world with. I'll find immortality, I'll gather together the greatest group of people anyone has ever known, and I'll make sure that this world never stops being interesting.

So long as you're staying true to yourselves, not really much to matter with. Otherwise, no point in having fake real selves if you aren't going to be your real self.

13 Name: Pielogist : 2012-12-13 06:14 ID:O6FK0YZk [Del]

I can't really describe who I am: I don't know how to express a personality with only a few words. Rather, why don't I talk about my mood and my emotions, the small part of me I can describe?

I can relate to a lot of the posts above. I do feel, or have felt, the same way as a lot of people here. Now I'm not going to post dramatic confessions or complaints about my life; as mine are the same as yours, only in a different form. I wish to gain a complete understanding of myself as well, but that's probably impossible.

I don't have a burning passion, or a miserable depression. What I do have is melancholy. There is a dullness and greyness in my life that's, at the same time, the most beautiful feeling I have ever felt. I live for the thoughtful, bittersweet pang of melancholy

14 Name: Xavier Maddux !hMypHw1jWo : 2012-12-13 11:23 ID:u5aU8/Bj [Del]

I am Me, but I am also those who influenced me, I am my mother and father, my big brothers and my twin, I am my teachers and role models, though I let other influence me, I am not them. I do not copy people I only take their ideas into consent. I am a friend and a foe, I am though, on the top, where I shall stay, I am me.

15 Name: Morvan : 2012-12-14 06:15 ID:AcUNDEoR [Del]

I am a Dollar. Worth almost nothing to some but worth everything to others. Alone I'm powerless but with others I can make a difference. Forever cursed to have two sides. Forever blessed to have value to someone. I am a Dollar.
Smile. Because the world isn't as bad as you think.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-24 21:27 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]


17 Name: John Johnson : 2012-12-24 22:32 ID:HoK66L9i [Del]

I am John Johnson, a guy with an impeccably fake name. I am the product of my father's balls, let's keep that fact in mind. I'm logical, intelligent and lack a work ethic of any kind. I look at life in a scientific manner and revel in the elegance and beauty of the world around me. Learning anything and everything is what I enjoy the most. I'm not a social person; I'd prefer a good book to people. However I enjoy talking to strangers, hearing their life experiences and learning a thing or two from it. I once wasn't positive but that changed, I used to be a depressed moron, but I grew up at some point. I still have some bad parts of course, but I like them. I like all of me. In short I am me, I think interestingly and I'm a decent guy.

18 Name: Acid Scr3m : 2012-12-25 00:10 ID:VyukcvR4 [Del]

I'm fucked up and find pleasure in hurting myself anyway I possibly can. In short I'm a masochist. I'm impulsive. I'm a very agitated, angry person, but I take things as they come. I only plan out my future 2-five years in advance so I can be proactive. I always keep in mind that we're all gonnna die someday so it doesn't matter how soon I die, as long as I have done something good. Since I was 9 I always figured no one would attend my funeral. I wanted to kill myself when I was nine so my mom and my siblings would feel bad at how they treated me. I wanted to have cancer when I was little so people would be nice to me. I speak my mind often and that gets me into serious trouble. I'm an AB student but I have a knack for getting into trouble. I care about my friends and would do anything for them. I try not to judge people. I have friends that are pregnant,but I don't alienate myself from them. On the contrary I try to be friendly. Especially since they stil go to school which is good.

19 Name: Snake Eyes : 2012-12-25 03:49 ID:tEou3eiY [Del]

i'd have to say im like you, im many diffent types of people although i didnt give them names...still i guess thats just me

20 Name: Ayano : 2012-12-25 18:22 ID:dUS7e53K [Del]

I am a young girl.
When I was younger, I was crying in the hall. I'm sorry to the teachers I made worry about me, im sorry to my classmates too.
My teacher described me in the middle of the class that I was the type of person who doesn't look sad unless she cries.I have no idea what that means. My teacher always said I could come to her for help with anything.
Sometimes, my classmates bring this memory back up and ask me why I was crying.
I wish I could answer.

21 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-12-25 23:10 ID:1FoqvHFl [Del]

I am what most called a loner but, I help my friends and co workers out. If I keep on being a loner I won't go anywhere in my life. I can keep my anger at bay so no one see how I am when I am angry other than my family. With everything I am shy and quiet and I am lucky that I have friends at all. With that I never had a girlfriend and I almost 20. I don't really care about money if it $1 or $10,000 because I understand it comes and goes(by spending or being robbed). In a nut shell I am person that can't speak well and like being alone. I have to admit it some times get lonely being alone.