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I just don't know what I'm doing wrong... (19)

1 Name: Mikoto-chan : 2012-12-09 15:39 ID:3f1F47y5 (Image: 640x450 jpg, 158 kb) [Del]

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I confess that I have no experience with boys at all.It's weird because,all of my friends have had at least one boyfriend or they hang out with boys at school.And yet,here I am,the girl that knows NOTHING about boys,relationships etc.I feel uncomfortable just by talking to a boy!I dunno why,though.I have to admit that I'm not popular and I'm also a little shy,but I act like a normal girl would when I'm with boys and I'm not the hottest girl you can imagine,but people tell me that I'm good-looking.Also,I'm not really interested in relationships but I've always wanted a guy friend...It would mean a lot to me if you guys let me know what I'm doing wrong!!!

2 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-12-09 15:52 ID:v3MRZRtB [Del]

> "not really interested in relationships but I've always wanted a guy friend"

I can tell you right now guys don't like that. I mean, most guys aren't opposed to being just friends with a girl, but they usually make friends with them so that they are an option. Yeah, it might seem like an ass-backwards way of thought, but, unfortunately for you, it's more often than not true.

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-09 17:55 ID:XS1LXV1s [Del]

>>2 I have plenty of guy friends who aren't interested in getting in my pants :L Then again, I tell guys right away that they're going to be friend-zoned to make sure I don't get any horny bastards with the wrong idea trying to cuddle up to me.

>>1 Just try talking to them. Join a club that revolves around something which interests you. You'll find it's not much harder to talk to a guy about something you like than a girl. Slyly slip in your disinterest in relationships during your conversations so that they don't get the wrong idea or think you're flirting with them.

Just be natural and happy. Guys are a lot more dense, retarded, and horny than girls, but don't let that stop you from being friends with them :) /shot

jkjk, but really. Be natural. Treat them like you would treat your girl friends. The hardest part is getting the courage to get the conversation going; after that, you should be fine.

4 Name: ala02 : 2012-12-09 20:49 ID:Nd/WI90J [Del]

Ok, so you don't have a boyfriend at your age. I never had one at that time too. Neither did my sister. But let me tell you something. You don't need to try extra hard just to find one. When you get a boyfriend, you want to get one that wants to be with you because you are you. And remember that not your first boyfriend will be the one you'll spend the rest of your life with. Just be careful and be yourself. Don't be so quick to jump into a relationship that you loose yourself. You'll find a boyfriend soon enough. Just have fun with your life until then. Hope this helps a bit.

5 Name: astin : 2012-12-09 21:16 ID:Jut1rZbA [Del]

just...stike up a conversation. it's not that difficult to becomes friends with a guy ^^

maybe you two'll have similar interests or something. try talking to some that you sit near in class or maybe you're in a similar sport as them

but yeah, just try talking to a guy and get comfortable with him ^^
just don't do anything weird like, flash him or something o-o

6 Name: Paraturtle : 2012-12-10 08:20 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

From my 17 revolutions around the sun, I've learned very little, but I've been in a few relationships, so I think I can answer your question.

I'm going to be rather blunt. And in this case, when talking to teenagers, it takes something blunt to really rattle the cage in the right area. So if you are offended, I'm truly sorry.

If you are out to get into a relationship because your friends are in one, or because you've never been in one, or because /you/ yourself just want to be in one, then I suggest /not/ being in a relationship. And if you feel uncomfortable talking about boys, then more power to ya! Innocence is a wonderful thing.

I think your best bet is to wait until your older. I get the /want/ for a relationship. Hell, I want one right now, but I know it won't work out because I want it selfishly, not for any reason other than that. A selfish relationship will NEVER work.

So yeah, that's my two cents.

7 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-10 15:51 ID:l90j3p5K [Del]

Amen Paraturtle!
Don't look for a relationship just for the sake of have a relationship. You've got actually like the person for who they are, and they ought to like you for you are. If not, it's cheap, and it makes you feel cheap too. Trust me, I know.
But if you want to talk, I'm here for you, e-mail me at

8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-10 17:31 ID:JjeVBxnT (Image: 185x272 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

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9 Name: Sekemiya : 2012-12-10 21:16 ID:ne8QST+B [Del]

what the other two just said are correct, i'm 18 and it's best to not get involved with another person until you've fallen head over heels for a person and know you want to be with the person because you like them. going out with someone just because you want to isn't really a good idea. also, don't rush into anything, that'll just hurt more, so as cheesy as it sounds you'll meet someone and things will fall into place. hell, i'm not in a relationship right now and even when i want it's just like what the others said, it's more selfish than actually liking the person. as for guy friends, when you get older it gets easier, because well they're just guys, in the end they're just as human as we are, remember that. anyways, sorry for that little rant,hope that helped somewhat.

10 Name: Nato !hQPz52AA/. : 2012-12-11 01:11 ID:/5iJkvuT [Del]

More than anything else, do what you feel is right. Remember that regardless of whatever advice you receive from anyone, including me, in the end you're the person who has to make a decision and you will most likely have your own interests at heart, which is what is needed.

That said, if you're just looking to make friends with a member of the opposite gender, it's a lot easier to do so than you might think. It's like finding good freinds anywhere; if you can find some similar interests or someone who is in the same situationa s you, you've got a good foundation.

If you want to date... that's tricky. Again, it's mostly what you end up feeling like. I never was one for casual dating, but I understand how other people date just to have fun and to spend time with someone. But if your problem is finding someone that might work out or being able to communicate when you're thinking about possible boyfriends, you've got yourself an age-old problem, one that has no definite answer.

I'f you're really just looking to be able to break the mold and become more relaxed around guys, try getting to know a guy through one of your female friends - if you've already got some sort of connection it's usually easier, and having someone else that both of you know works as a great stablizer.

And despite popular conception, most of the guys I know - even the extremely horny ones - have at least one or two frinds that are girls and that they're not really interested in going any further with. It is possible, just saying. (Although yes, a majority of the time you'll be added to a list of potentials... sorry, it's how our minds work.)


[[Just as a side note, I think it would be interesting to point out something. Before I ever had any freinds that were girls in "real life", I had made at least four friendships with girls over the internet. Maybe it's something about the medium, but it was a lot easier for me to talk to them, considering the fact that I was (and still am a little bit) shy and anti-social and could never talk to a girl casually to save my life.]]

11 Name: Paraturtle : 2012-12-13 09:25 ID:RLzTFyfF [Del]

Don't make a relationship or have close friends over the internet.

That's a terrible idea. It's all anonymity, and nothing is real.

12 Name: Mikoto-chan : 2012-12-18 16:38 ID:fr3Fj9Ta [Del]

>>11,I never really wanted to make a relationship or have close friends over the internet...I just made that thread to ask other people about their opinions on the matter,because they've lived different experiences than me,so they will help me make the wisest choice.Anyway,thanks for replying,guys!!^-^

13 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-19 09:03 ID:Tm2W2VdT [Del]

Um, well I have no idea how to answer, but I know that most guys you will talk to will be idiots as most of my gender is T-T. If all you want is a guy friend go and talk to a boy that is resonably close to where you sit, try to build a relationship and then maybe go out a couple of times at the weekend, but try to keep it all friendly.

14 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-19 11:05 ID:M+tcNP6W [Del]

Turn lesbian.

15 Name: FlyingKnives : 2012-12-19 18:58 ID:6Eo001zJ [Del]

I'll be your friend! :D

16 Name: SanityJinx : 2012-12-20 12:30 ID:CtVV+evL [Del]

I'll be your friend as well.

17 Name: Snake Eyes : 2012-12-20 19:22 ID:tEou3eiY [Del]

me three :)

18 Name: Nato !hQPz52AA/. : 2012-12-20 21:23 ID:/5iJkvuT [Del]

>>11 Oh, I never really got to the point where you could consider it serious... mostly what I mean is that they were people that I talked to a lot and had fun with. It wasn't super serious stuff, no one was relying on anyone else or sharing deep secrets, it was just a relaxed kind of atmosphere that makes you feel better at the end of a long day.

Also, real life freindships can be just as hollow - I've got burned by more than one person who called themselves my friends, and I've dished out my fair share of hurt as well. A majority of my friends probably wouldn't be there in my time of need, but they're fun to hang out with, and I do have one or two that would come through for me.

When it comes to people, I take what I can get. Doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough. If you wait for someone that's perfect, you'll miss out on a lot of good times and silly mistakes that will help you learn.

19 Name: kuroshiro : 2012-12-21 05:20 ID:XpsIt+r2 [Del]

Daijoubu :) You're situation is the same as me. Well, sorta. I look like a boy, acts like a boy and even my principal mistook me being as a boy and gave me boys' uniform to wear. Since I'm used to "act" like a boy. My friends (boys) always see me just as their best friend and have no romantic thoughts for me. So it's kinda hard for me to to like a boy. Hell, I thought to be single forever. Even in the Valentines day, most of the girls do give me chocolates. (That chocolate-giving tradition is still used in my school) So, I sorta have the same situation as you. And FYI, I'm a GIRL.