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I think I'm scared of a relationship (9)

1 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-12-08 13:40 ID:cHAIzfdA [Del]

Okay, I'll start from the beginning.
Last Christmas I asked a girl out, who I truly believed I loved. I was rejected and cried for days, weeks even. About 2 months ago, a different girl asked me out. I had no-one and felt really lonely at the time, so I said yes. I quickly grew emotionally attached to her, and only a month later she dropped me because I was "smothering." The next day, she was flirting with about 3 other people. Now I'm not sure what's happening. I kinda like a different girl now, and we have common interests so things are looking up, but I don't know if I'm just trying to rush myself into another relationship because I'm lonely and sad. I don't know how I feel about it all. Am I just having these thoughts because I'm scared? And if I do get to go out with her, I'm worried I'll be smothering again, or that I'll do something wrong and I'll lose her again. I really don't want to feel the loss again, especially for a third time in one year. So is there any advice I could have? It would be much appreciated. :-)

2 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-12-08 14:56 ID:5cq8TykJ [Del]

With each experience you had with your ex-es, you learn your mistakes and try not to recreate them. Don't worry if you're going to be smothering again because you'll catch yourself doing it. If there is a misunderstanding, you must clear yourself and talk it through with your girlfriend. It is the past which makes us who we are today. I hope this helps! :)

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5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 15:19 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

La~st Christmas, you gave her your heart
But the very next day, she gave it awa~y
Thi~s year, to save you from tears
You should give it to someone specia~l

Sorry, I just couldnt let the opportunity slip.

But naw, seriously, me & you are paddling in the same boat. Before my last break up, my ex told me I was "too demanding" or needy (which, btw, didn't make sense to me, cuz I thought all males were horny lil animals, and we were teens too). Anyway, after searching around, I found a book called The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Though this book's market target is primarily for married couples, I feel like this helped romantic relationships in general no matter the stage. And it helps even more to finding the right partner who speaks your love language.

Mine is about 40% Words Acclamation (which means speaking of your affections)and about 60% Physical contact(hugs, kisses,kinkysex...). Yours might be the same; hence why they keep saying we're "smothering" them. It's just our love language. (Shrugs)

You should probably try to find someone who speaks the same love language. You're usually able to know on the very first date.

Google the website or something like that to learn more if your interested, cuz I could be completely wrong about you way of showing affection. (Shrugs)
Anywayz, best of luck to ya, and lemme know what advice works for ya.

6 Name: RadioMonkey : 2012-12-08 16:01 ID:MIjrrj+L [Del]

Take this little piece of advice a friend told me once. If you think someones worth the gamble take it. yeah you could get hurt, but is your fear of getting hurt stronger than what you feel for that person? If it is then don't bother, you probably are just finding someone that you feel you could have because you're sad. I've been there too.

If you feel that you want to be with her more that your scared of doing it then do it. Like I said, yes you could get hurt but you get get something much more out of it. If you feel right with someone, try to be with them.

7 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-09 14:28 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

If you think that you'll smother them, then don't bother. It's wasting your time and theirs.

If you do not know if you are in love with this person, then don't bother. People know what love is. People know what a crush is. People know what loneliness is.

Before you can properly hold your own in a relationship as something worth while, you need to know how to be able to stand on your own. Your inability to act on your own is what causes you to smother them, and in turn, is making yourself miserable. So yes, be afraid. Be very afraid of yourself. And in doing so, learn how to fix it, evolve, and move on. In the end, people make decisions by themselves. Other people can tell them the best options they have, but their decisions are still their own at the end of the day.

8 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-10 16:01 ID:l90j3p5K [Del]

Have you ever heard the saying "Marry your best friend?" If I were you, I'd let things happen, you can afford to wait right? Love may take a long time to find you, but that's okay. If you're so hyperawere of finding someone, things can go real wrong, real quick. When you're hyperaware of things, you can convince yourself that things are happening, you can convince yourself to believe things that you normally wouldn't. So just chillax and live life. Eventually you'll be confident in yourself that you won't question every thought and feeling you have about someone.
That's all the advice I can give you right, it's worked for me so far!

9 Name: Paraturtle : 2012-12-10 16:04 ID:VI3Xu/tC [Del]

Honestly, bro, if you're this worried, then don't date. Otherwise, you'd be dating for the wrong reasons.