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Relations are tough (22)

1 Name: Blue : 2012-12-07 18:53 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

me and my girlfriend are both freshmen and have been dating for about 4 months and be happy about it but the only thing in our relationship that scare me is that her friends dont like me at all no thats sugar coating it they hate me alot im just afraid on how they might impact our relationship like if they start to fill her head with lies can i get some advice on how to like make peace with them or just make sure they dont try to ruin anything

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-07 22:33 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>1 Grammar. They probably don't like you because you seem to be extremely uneducated.

3 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 05:04 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

>>2 Sigh. this is what I'm talking about Crisis...

And for op, communication is always the biggest and most important (and most difficult) part of a relationship. ANY relationship really.
Communicate with your girl friend, talk to her more and learn more about her and let her know more about you. Don't forget to mention at least once every other day something that you like about her; this entire process will basically be trust building. Then choose a right time when the mood is good and express this concern you have about her friend and your mistrust towards her.

4 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-08 09:07 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>3 Look at that. They're in high school for god's sake, and they don't even know how to use a fucking period. If I'm not blunt about it, then they're going to go around thinking that it's alright to be uneducated, which is only going to hurt them in the end. I'm trying to get this kid to pay attention in school.

5 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 13:20 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

I'd call you a dick if it weren't for me laughing my ass off first.

6 Name: Blue : 2012-12-08 13:52 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

>>4 first off i'm educated regardless of how i type it's not like i'm applying for a job so if i mess up when i type oh well everyone makes mistake so don't make assumptions on if i pay attention during school or not and if i don't use a period or not i don't care why do it won't hurt me in the future when i know when to use them

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 13:58 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

Blue, Blue.... Shhh. Come closer friend. You see that? Its a wild grammar Nazi in it's natural habitat. They're generally all bark and no bite mate, so just leave the little critter alone and be on your merry way.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-08 14:59 ID:UISkGgjS [Del]

>>6 Refusing to type anything that requires the shift key (and periods) is not a type of, "mistake." You didn't accidentally misspell something. You didn't forget a comma or period while rushing through a paper. Crisis isn't being a grammar nazi; he's being realistic. (Although he can be a serious ass sometimes, this isn't one of those times.)

You're not uneducated, though. You're just a lazy fuck who thinks that proper English should only be used in official paperwork -_- Anyway, that's enough of that topic.

Regarding the OP, if they don't like you, they don't like you. Don't try to force them to like you. What happens will happen. As a girl, I can say that I always listen to my friends when they say that a guy isn't worth it, and I hope she does the same. I doubt your girlfriend's friends dislike you for absolutely no reason.

Perhaps you should look for whatever faults you may have instead? It's kind of ass-y to want them to change their opinions of you without asking yourself what the actual problem is first.

9 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 15:39 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

Nope.. you're just both grammar nazis.

Question Here...

Why Do Y'All Give A Flying Fuck... About How Others Type?

Are you that guy? Do you know him? Is there any honest honest reason why any of you should give a rat's ass??

We're not perfect here.

I make mistakes all the time because this is the internet, not a paper.

Why did you put a comma before the word mistake? That doesn't even make a damn lick of sense.

People can be lazy about their grammar all they want as long as you can understand them. The only reason why apostrophes even EXIST in my sentences is because of the blessing and cursed auto correction. It's only when someone who obviously didn't learn english as a first language, butcher each word to the point that your brain is having a meltdown from trying to decipher the jarred piece of cesspool that that non-english speaking motherfucker typed, that the grammar nazi in you should want to through them alive into a gas chamber.

10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 16:23 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

See? I even fucked up and put through instead of throw. I do that shit all the time.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-08 16:48 ID:ngYqMG/w [Del]

I'd rather someone who doesn't know English as a first language to butcher to words than someone who does know English as a first language to butcher it, because the non-English person doesn't know they're writing it wrong, while the English person does know what they're doing but just doesn't care.

12 Name: Blue : 2012-12-08 16:54 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

but it's not like i did anything to you so why care so much

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-08 17:06 ID:ngYqMG/w [Del]

>>12 You're making me blind and want to kill myself from the poor usage of the English language. That's what you did.

15 Name: Blue : 2012-12-08 17:17 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

>>14 then you have two options either don't read it or like you suggested kill yourself

16 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-08 17:22 ID:Va53RFu6 [Del]

Lol I think I get it now. Grammar nazis are just that... Grammar nazis. People who are too anal and sadly can't even rationally explain why... Anyway Blue, ur not gonna get more help from this than what I told you just let this one die since everyone seems to care more about punctuations than someone who's feeling troubled. Not only is that stupid... but it's kinda sad. If you're gonna get bitchy about something that has NOTHING to do with opening title or message, at least respond to it first before you bitch about something so trivial.

17 Name: Blue : 2012-12-08 17:35 ID:rbJPx0q7 [Del]

>>16 your right Magnolia thanks for the advice and for the others well you were no help nazis

18 Name: > w < : 2012-12-08 22:44 ID:A37dFvzi [Del]

first thing i want to say
did you act like a jerk when you started dating her or did her friends just not like you from the start when you started dating.
and second if your girlfriends really loves you she will ignore what her friends say. you've been with her for a pretty long time she should most likely know that her friends are lying to her.

19 Name: Sid : 2012-12-08 22:45 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I hate it when somebody doesnt think periods and simple grammar are essential to know what one is talking about to make sense of the post is hard also I hope I am not confusing you by having you reading this part with no grammar

Now on to the real issue, it sounds more like her friends don’t like you taking her away for some reason. It could be due to things you have done in the past and think she deserves better. It could be that they just want to spend more time with her and they don’t like the people who take that away.
But if they fill her head with things then it will boil down to how much she trusts you and how much she wants to be with you. If you do anything to her friends then it makes you look like a dick. So my advice is to ride it out, and if shit happens then it happens.

There could be more reasons as to why they are doing this. Does she hang out with people that like to belittle, or make up rumors, about others? Do they seem bitchy? I am not talking about one or two; I am talking most of them. It could be that is how the majority of her friends act towards others, or all guys, not just you.

But if they have always done this doesn’t that mean they have already filled her head with stuff and she is still deciding to be with you?

20 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-09 14:22 ID:oi87wqxt [Del]

In war, one either wins or loses. The winner is declared when one surrenders, or one is destroyed. Be a winner.

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-09 15:56 ID:XS1LXV1s [Del]

How cute. I just love how OP blatantly disregarded my advice because the first part was criticizing him.

>>16 I see you don't know how read past the first sentence of a post.

>>9 "Why did you put a comma before the word mistake?"
In case you were referring to the first sentence of >>8, it's because I used quotation marks. If it's in the middle of a sentence, you need a comma before the opening quotation mark. It's in quotation marks because OP didn't make a single grammatical mistake.

OP's errors don't count as mistakes because he's a lazy fuck who wasn't trying in the first place :L It's only a mistake if you did it by accident.

22 Name: synicatemember!lnkYxlAbaw : 2012-12-09 19:59 ID:sk4wHqsX [Del]

So is no one going to give advice? BarabiSama, you make a very good point and I know what Blue is going through. All I can say is that, your girlfriend's friends do have an effect, but the outcome will depend on how attached she is to you. Try to figure out why they hate you, and if its something worth changing then change it. If not, it shouldn't make much of a difference anyway considering you've been together for 4 months.