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I can't deal with this anymore! (15)

1 Name: Neku : 2012-12-04 22:54 ID:FzRrTVkX [Del]

I don't get it! i do everything i can in life and life just backfires at me! im doing my best in college, but it's not working. im sorry for venting, but i need to let this out. i taking a break from college for one semester,but my parents are going to mad for doing so. i need a job to help them out, but i can't do both at the same time. alot of people have though, but i don't see myself doing that. why is life doing this to me?! is there a reason for what's happening to me? i don't how to go on when life is treating me like crap! its so frustrating when the things don't my way! for once can i get a break from all of this and let me live my life how i want it please? what do you guys think i should do?

2 Name: Sid : 2012-12-04 23:25 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I took a break from college, and am going back next semester. I later found out that my dad caused most of my stress, since after moving out I am a lot more relaxed and carefree. But I could still hold a full time job and go to school. But at first I thought I couldn't do both. In turn that might have helped a little, since I had to actually prioritize some of my time. But if you need a break then take one, but a semester is a long break. I was ready to get back to school halfway through the fall semester, but I just have to wait for the spring.

Above all do what you want to do. That is another reason why my dad stressed me out so much is he wanted me to live my life the way he wanted. Take the courses you want to take, though an idea of what you want to do would help. You could even take some years off and just work if you wanted to. I know people that did that just to get the partying out of their system. And you can work and go to school at the same time, just don't work too many hours.

3 Name: Neku : 2012-12-04 23:51 ID:FzRrTVkX [Del]

my parents don't understand, i doing my very best in college,but it's not working. i want to help them so they can get off my back for awhile, i don't what i want to do, and they want me to take classes i don't want to do. that's why one of the reasons i want to take a break.

4 Name: Sid : 2012-12-05 01:04 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Well the main reason is that you are doing something you don't want to do. I don't really know what you can do, other than maybe move out. But then you would need a job to do so. But then you could figure out what you want to do, not what they want you to do. Though most people tend to take alot longer to finish schooling if they move out and start paying bills, since there is less money to spend on school.

5 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-12-05 10:20 ID:c83DByQ2 [Del]

>>1 wow I feel like this a lot. I get burned out at college it sucks. I'm there with you.

6 Name: Neku : 2012-12-05 15:52 ID:FzRrTVkX [Del]

i've just made the wrong decisions this semester

7 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-05 18:35 ID:l90j3p5K [Del]

Have you ever taken the grade 10 careers course? Maybe you should do a few inventories, or just take a few personal questions tests. That might help you sort yourself out a bit, figure out who you arenow and get you on the track of where you want to go.

8 Name: Neku : 2012-12-06 02:10 ID:FzRrTVkX [Del]

>>7 what the heck is that?

9 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-06 14:22 ID:aQEgrlky [Del]

i think u need to relax dude....dont be so frustrated....just calm and talk to your parents about this...maybe they will help

10 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-06 17:36 ID:l90j3p5K [Del]

Grade 10 Careers course? It's something that some school boards made manditory for high school graduation.(At least in Ontario Canada) It's basically about you, helping you find out what you like, and what careers you like, and how to get them. They want you to get a good job that you'll enjoy. It's helped me figure myself out a bit and plan for the future. Just look up some self assessment inventories on the internet. Maybe getting to know yourself first will help you out, get you out of your rut.

11 Name: Neku : 2012-12-10 13:41 ID:3UyiyA0O [Del]

>10 maybe. it's just my parents want me to stay in college while i want to be a full time employee but im messing up in college and they are picking my classes for me. i can't take it anymore!

12 Name: Deus Pyro : 2012-12-10 14:42 ID:ifEqW96E [Del]

life doesn't treat you like crap. Life isn't sentient, you are. Its your situation and your response is your responsibility. first step: stop blaming "life", grow a pair, and whatever you decide to do make sure its the best you can do. good luck mate

13 Name: Deus Pyro : 2012-12-10 14:42 ID:ifEqW96E [Del]

life doesn't treat you like crap. Life isn't sentient, you are. Its your situation and your response is your responsibility. first step: stop blaming "life", grow a pair, and whatever you decide to do make sure its the best you can do. good luck mate

14 Name: Neku : 2012-12-10 15:36 ID:3UyiyA0O [Del]

im not blaming life anymore. i just want to do my own thing without having someone tell me no and stay in school.

15 Name: Nomad: Death : 2012-12-11 13:26 ID:6tkC2phO [Del]

You're not going to get to do want then. Life is full of conflict, fool! Learn to battle the things that oppose you and stand up for yourself like a man, instead of getting bitched around and letting other people run your life. You are you. If you cannot fight to live, then you are not living. Simple.