Dollars BBS | Personal
















Thank You (3)

1 Name: LostBunny : 2012-12-03 18:59 ID:sATr2cbO (Image: 276x182 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1354582758931.jpg: 276x182, 5 kb
I didnt know where to put this so im putting it here. THANK YOU DOLLARS! You all have helped me so much. people might think this site is a joke but haters be hating this site is full of awesome great people.You've all helped me feel a little bit of happiness and i can't thank you enough for it. Im a cutter, my parents are alchoholics that fight every night,and my brother's a herion addict,but because of this website i can feel happy. so thanks no matter how many times i say it it wont be enough. :D If you have stories about how much the dollars has helped you leave it here. thank you <3

2 Name: Need a name : 2012-12-03 19:07 ID:0BynhcWb [Del]

I'm glad they helped you. Good luck at home. And as for my story:
The dollars gave me purpose. Motivation. The cause is exactly something I'd work to do myself. Knowing others are there to do it too in other parts of the world just makes it easier to work for the cause.

3 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-12-04 12:42 ID:sqhdEDpT [Del]

This is the aspect of the dollars I love. It's real though. I understand completely that in the real world things go different than in some anime. You know what though? The cynics on this site don't seem to realize they are sounding exactly the same as the ones from the anime. The power of peer to peer influence is what defines the type of place this is. This is the kind of influence I want to have. Thank you to everybody here who has been helpful. Thank you on behalf of lost bunny and people like them. Being a realist =/= being a cynic. Thanks.