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Financial issues (5)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: Need a name : 2012-11-30 17:38 ID:0BynhcWb [Del]

Save money when you go to restaurants by getting water and the cheaper food items. Save electricity by turning out the lights when you leave a room and doing other stuff. Every little bit helps.

3 Name: Momento : 2012-11-30 18:28 ID:eOvKg8BP [Del]

I can understand why your mother might be embarrassed to tell your brother and you about her financial troubles (should she have them), since, as you said, she used to not worry about money and doesn't want you and your brother to start worrying. It's possible that your mom isn't in as big trouble financially as you think, but you can't know for sure either way until you see clear evidence or she tells you. Since she doesn't have a spouse to help her support the family, I can imagine how difficult it might be for her to make end's meet.

I support the previous post (2); even if nothing is really wrong, or your mom has found a way to take care of it on her own, it never hurts to try and save money. Try to avoid spending money on things you don't really need, and try to re-use things you would normally throw out (if you can do so in a safe way). With the coming of the holiday season, you could also try to ask for fewer/cheaper gifts (though of course I don't know how gift-giving works in your family). I would also suggest searching the internet for more tips on how to save money. Although I don't know how old your brother is/how much you want him to know about this situation, it might be good for you to encourage him to also try and save more money.

Above all, one of the best things you can give your mom is your emotional support. Even if it's just little notes of encouragement, or hugs that are just a bit longer then usual, it's those little things that can help your mom get through whatever is troubling her. It will probably also make you feel a lot better too :-).

Best of luck!

~ M

4 Name: Lunacordelia : 2012-11-30 19:35 ID:H4Ccytet [Del]

>>2 thank you so much for the advice :))) these are tips i can use for the rest of my life!
>>3 thank you too, i'm talked to her about everything and she said she did have a lot of expenses, but she's alright and is able to handle it. I'm still going to help out though :) i'm definitely going to encourage her and now that i talked to her about everything i know how strong she is. I feel a lot better too.

Thank both of you again for your advice and encouragement!


5 Name: Lunacordelia : 2012-11-30 19:37 ID:H4Ccytet [Del]

>>2>>3 BTW i'm deleting this thread since i've gotten great advice and i've found a solution. thanks!
