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I am afraid of failing again. (12)

1 Name: Kirlia : 2012-11-29 07:53 ID:JkZ+gwtN [Del]

I am 17 years old, and I am from the Philippines. I had a dream to be an animator/manga artist some day, but my parents laughed at it. Still, I thought I had the chance in animating when they sent me to study Computer Engineering at a prestigious school here...

But alas, I failed 3 subjects because I nobody warned me it was all frikkin math!!! I would have had to retake them if it weren't for the letter about my application to military school a year ago. I'm a bit proud that I was the only one who passed in my town... I was going to have to take a physical exam which 2558.9 km away from my home...
But they had this 3km run requirement with a time limit of 21 minutes. I had a go for it this morning since the highway had a marker for every kilometer. But all I could jog was 1 km, the rest, I can walk just fine but I didn't make the time limit (I got there in about 32 minutes..)

And now, I am just afraid...

Being in the army was my top 2 dream, but I saw it falling... I don't want to fail this one but I saw it falling. I don't want to be a failure. I already failed my greatest dream. And I don't want to fail the one being handed right in front of me. You see, my mother already bought plane tickets, and bought all the clothes requirements for the exam which was a hell lot of cash. I'd feel really bad if I failed her.

I was always teased in elementary because I couldn't do anything right. They bullied me for being a fattie. I just want to prove them wrong. I know what you would say, "I have to do this for myself, not for others." But thinking of their laughing and bullying, my passion burned. If I can prove them wrong for not believing in me then I can believe in myself.

The physical exam is eight days away. And I don't know if I can still do the run. Without it, my dream would slip right through my fingers. I don't want to fail again. But if I do fail...

What am I supposed to do then?

2 Name: Celestial Envoy !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-11-29 08:42 ID:YG/YRL/x [Del]

what part of computer engineering doesn't show that it involved math? computers need math. engineers need math. so you are just stupid, good thing you picked your number 2 for the military.

sucks that you can't run. just exercise, is all i can offer you. work out a lot, or take steroids.

or if you can afford to not go into the military, then pick a career you can actually do, based on a subject you are actually good at.

3 Name: Nico : 2012-11-29 08:56 ID:H2eaOqLG [Del]

You know don't ever give up on your dreams. I am not yet a college student but I know that failing is part of succeeding. Sometimes we have to fail to realize something and you should not loose hope. My mother also don't like what I want to take in college but I am persuading her to let me take it. I won't give up in that dream so I hope you'll do the same

4 Name: Khaos : 2012-11-29 10:19 ID:UZIssIW1 [Del]

Dont give up on your dream even if seems impossible push yourself to make it come true

5 Name: : 2012-11-30 00:27 ID:j7x3nPM4 [Del]

Failing is an essential part of life. You'll have more failures in the future, and you'll feel down a lot. But you have to go on with your life. Pick yourself up when you fall down, and learn from the experience.

But really, who said you already failed with your first dream? You're only 17, so I guess you're still in your 2nd year in college? You're young. You still have a shot at life. So don't give up just yet, okay? :3

If you don't make it now, maybe you can make it some other time? Baka hindi lang talaga ngayon ang panahon para sa iyo.
By the way, out of curiosity, what school are you attending now?


6 Name: Celestial Envoy !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-11-30 00:36 ID:YG/YRL/x [Del]

>>5 I believe the people who gave them the three F's in those three subjects said they failed at their first dream.

7 Name: Kirlia : 2012-11-30 05:57 ID:Ghc5jmWj [Del]

I never had interest in engineering so I didn't even bother thinking about it until it hit me in the face. I literally did not see it coming. >_> But anyway, thanks. I'll admit, not thinking of my future thoroughly was pure stupidity and so I faced the consequences.

>>3 >>4 Thank you. ;u;

I think the best thing I could do about my first dream is to start with a new course in a new school. Oh, and... I was attending Silliman. ^_^

8 Name: no one : 2012-11-30 06:10 ID:1+YmpeXB [Del]

even if u fail u can try again there isn't only one chance to get into the military and about becoming an animator is an awesome dream i also want to be an animator but i have the same problem "parents" and for ur problem there are still eight days left alot can happen in eight days run/jog and try to get fast its only running u can get better at it while u r doing it not by tghhinking about it

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-11-30 08:47 ID:e55djSxs [Del]

>>2 "Work out a lot, or take steroids."

>>1 Exercise. I suggest you keep running every day, as much as you can, to try and get your stamina up. Get your body used it it, at least. I'm no expert (trust me - I suck at running o-o), but I've heard more than once that it helps.

10 Name: Momento : 2012-11-30 13:42 ID:eOvKg8BP [Del]

No matter how much people like to avoid thinking about it, it's true that, to some degree, your success in life can be relative to how lucky you are: if you were born into the right family, went to the right school, met the right people, and were given the right opportunities.

However, success is a word, that, like all words, we ourselves must define. Some people see success as material wealth, others as spiritual wealth, and others as something completely different.

The most successful people in the world, the ones who were able to achieve their own meanings of success (whatever they were or may be), are those who never gave up and, perhaps more importantly, turned their failures into successes. If you learn from your mistake, your failure, and use it to make yourself stronger, then was it really a mistake? Did you really fail? Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. He did not give up, and became among the world's most famous basketball players. Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper editor because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas". He did not give up, and went on to found Disneyland, a place born of pure imagination.

In my opinion, the meaning of our lives is up to us to decide. Look deep inside yourself, and try to find the one thing that you know would fulfill you, so that when you look back on your life while on your death bed you will have no regrets. Then pursue that thing, no matter what. Whatever meaning you choose, whatever path you take in life, just know that I believe in you, and the world believes in you.

11 Name: Need a name : 2012-11-30 17:48 ID:0BynhcWb [Del]

Keep on running and getting fit. Eat healthy and sleep well. Your endurance should build up and your time should drop.

12 Name: : 2012-12-01 00:18 ID:8KYSg+5X [Del]

>>7 Yeah I think it's good to try another course. Something more related to animation perhaps? Not sure though what courses are available for that though.

And... SILLIMAN? Okay, you shouldn't look down on yourself. Not everyone can get the chance to study there, so you must be a good student. Maybe it's just that Math isn't for you. :3