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When things go wrong... (6)

1 Name: Shinku : 2012-11-28 15:51 ID:uTJeEzr6 [Del]

Alright, I guess I might as well ask for advice for the situation I'm in so here goes;
It all started last year when I had stopped hanging around my friend group after winter break because I felt that they were using me (mainly the 2-3 girls in my little group). Over time, we eventually made amends before the school year was over and sorta started talking & hanging out again. Well, I became particularly close with one of the girls, more than we had been before. We ended up becoming best friends for the first part of our summer break. Then things got deep; you see, she's been dating this one guy on & off for about three years & I'm friends with him in the group too. Him and the girl broke up and so I consoled her. But then we started to like each other. She's a really flirty girl but we both admitted to it. However, she eventually (and unintentionally) led me on twice for her ex-bf, whom she still loved. This happened during the end of our summer. When school started, they eventually broke up again. She told me that he was a dick to her a lot & that this time, she would try to move on for me but I might get hurt still. I took my chances & we sorta had a thing. We weren't an official couple but we eventually kissed & stuff when we were in private. Months of this passed & I asked her out twice but she claimed she wasn't ready yet. Well a week before Halloween, she started talking to this other guy that liked her (and we both knew this) and they sorta hung out more. The Friday after Halloween, her, the new guy & I went to a party thing for our church. She invited him at the last minute & spent all her time talking to him & barely said a word to me. I got jealous so I was angry in silence the whole night. She caught on to my anger & we argued that night. She wouldn't text me back the rest of the weekend when I tried to talk to her & explain things (I did apologize for seeming angry & asked her to give me a chance to explain). After that, I explained things a little bit but she then told me that the new guy asked her out & she didnt know what to say. We stopped talking for a few weeks before Thanksgiving break. So finally, this brings me to yesterday. She texted me at lunch, saying sarcastically how she loved how all her guy friends hate her (btw, she's told the new guy no & is now getting close with her ex-bf again). I told her I didn't hate her, I was just keeping my distance since there was a lot less drama & I wouldn't have to hurt so much (from liking her a lot & then being treated just like some other guy). We then REALLY got into a big texting argument with her telling me that she didn't want to be friends anymore & that she never wanted to talk again. She then followed with "You're just like everyone else" because I apparently treated her like others have before. I told her that her ex-bf was always a dick to her and that I wasn't like that but if saying goodbye & her hating me made her happy, then fine. I know it's an extremely long story but I really need advice:
I keep thinking about how terrible things have been & I'm just really upset & hurt. I don't know which of us is at fault or if it even matters. I kind of like her still but I know that the only person she'll ever really be interested in is her ex so idk if friendship is even possible at this point. What am I supposed to do?

2 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-28 16:26 ID:O3bZGsTF [Del]

This kinda pissed me off. What the fuck are you thinking???
Take it from a girl; she's USING YOU. And quite obviously I must say. She's pissed cuz "all her guy friends hate her?" It's only because she's a play girl that doesn't know how to play the game.

If her boyfriend is actually a dick to her and not just breaking up with her cuz she uses him too, then she's using you as a safety net. Unfortunately, all females do this at least once when there's a guy who likes them but they don't necessarily like back. They go for option A, and when they get burned, they go to the B team for comfort. Sometimes they seek a relationship with option B, but it is generally because off the "rebound effect".

Also, how old is she? Because her insults were pretty immature. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're "lame" or anything. If you're acting liike this, and she's acting like that, as much as it pains me to say this as a feminist, this girl is actually too emotionally immature for you.

But hey, you can ignore all of this if you want, because from the sound of things, your beginning primary interest in her wasn't because of her "amazing personality". She's pretty isn't she? Or maybe even hot? Ugly girls aren't "flirty". Her reasons for using you are shallow, but ur reasons for wanting her may be pretty shallow too.

Think about what you like and hate about her. Weight the pros and cons. What do u imagine the future to be like? Happy or stressful? These thoughts will make the decision to still go after her or block/delete her number from your phone.

3 Name: Shinku : 2012-11-28 16:40 ID:uTJeEzr6 [Del]

Well, she's not actually very pretty. She's not ugly, but she's also not the prettiest girl I've met. And I don't go after girls because they're hot or not, I'm too shy for that. I'm one of those guys (or at least I think I am...) that likes a girl that I have a good time, the kind of girl that's usually pretty nice, a little flirty, and teases you every once in a while. Just the like the situation I was in at the beginning (when we started out as friends, became best friends, & then started liking each other). I knew she was a kinda emotionally unstable (I'm sorry if I've offended you and your feminist ideals with that comment :/ ) but I don't know..I thought she had a decent personality but maybe I was fooling myself the whole time or something like that. Now I just regret having ever been in this situation to begin with

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-28 17:27 ID:O3bZGsTF [Del]

You're only "in" a situation if you THINK that you are. Just say that ur not, and ur not; you no longer have or want to be involved with her or her mixed signals and drama.

Naw, I'm not a fire breathing feminist or anything. I'm sorry if I offended u because you're a lot more mature than I even thought previously. Guys like u are what girls have to really look for. Which means by the way, that you could totally do better.

Now please listen carefully: if anyone tips you off or even tells you in rare cases that they're emotionally, please God, DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH THEM.
If they carry baggage, it's there job to seek psychiatric help or forever be limited to only dating others with emotional baggage.

5 Name: Squit : 2012-11-28 22:02 ID:c4AtUFkd (Image: 787x1522 jpg, 499 kb) [Del]

src/1354161775889.jpg: 787x1522, 499 kb
I want to say, Shinku, that your life must really suck and i am glad that i am not you...

Nah, Im just kidding. I agree with Magnolia that she is using you, but I think you already know this right? right!? See, i can see your point of view, and your telling us all her negative points. Let me quote.
1. "she eventually (and unintentionally) led me on twice for her ex-bf, whom she still loved",
2. "She invited him at the last minute & spent all her time talking to him & barely said a word to me",
3. "She wouldn't text me back the rest of the weekend when I tried to talk to her & explain things",
4. " She then followed with "You're just like everyone else" because I apparently treated her like others have before.",
5. "I kind of like her still but I know that the only person she'll ever really be interested in is her ex",
6. "she's also not the prettiest girl I've met.",
7. " I knew she was a kinda emotionally unstable "

With all this, i can conclude that you my friend, should know she is not a nice girl.
But i bet your foolish, yeah, and you'll stick around with her, letting drag your life, letting suck what you have left of self respect and the essence of yourself!.. sorry, carried away. The point is, you'll probably stay with her because its all you got to "something special" and you still like her.
I get all that, but when you are free of her(which you will), learn how to drive, get a job, and be nice to everyone(which i know you will still be), and stop being shy, you sonofab**ch that gonna feel better about yourself. You'll then Even find a girlfriend, a WIFE!, imagine that ****? someone who understands you and can be on your side, who is b***y sometimes but so sweet really, and you'll have a nice life.

Question: Do you think you would live with that girl that you like? A mildly pretty girl who flirts with everyone and goes talking smack and ignores the piece of sweet jesus that stands in front of him? that has to be attach to you and when she is far complains about you? F*CK.THAT.SH*T. your better than that okay? I stopped being shy when there was no one to tell me i was wrong with what i was doing. Oh, yeah, stop being freaking shy as soon as possible alright? alright. Cause your life will still be sh***y, but at least you can know really help others and help yourself. Bro fist? Bro fist.

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See you laters Bro!
And girl, stay being cool Magnolia. Thanks for helping this guy.

6 Name: Shinku : 2012-11-28 22:38 ID:uTJeEzr6 [Del]

Thank you both very much for the advice. The points that you both brought up were helpful and important & I'm glad to see that there are people like you both out there that are willing to help someone like me. Magnolia, it was a pleasure listening to your advice & Squit, here's your bro fist:
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Thanks again ^_^