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Bad sense of humor? (4)

1 Name: lia : 2012-11-26 20:26 ID:vUM/q2xb [Del]

So, I have this friend that use to be the same height as me. I would make fun of his height a lot and kept doing it after he grew taller then me (not being mean just our way of showing each other love). Thats a bit of back story.
I was txting him the other day and i called him a dork and he said he wasn't a whale's penis (only a dork says something like that XD) Anyway later that night I was on Did you know tumblr and it said that whale penises can 8-10 ft long. The first thing that came into my mind was "i guess he can't be a dork, cuz he's too short"
I thought it was hilarious and my friends gave me mixed reviews. Then my mom made me feel bad because she said he has a crush on me. And the more I think about it the more mean it seems. Still think its hilarious though
So what do you guys think?

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-26 20:36 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

1. how the fuck does your mom know whether or not this person has a crush on you
2. it was a lame joke.
3. only haters dont accept the awesomeness of being referred to as a dork.
4. why not, ya know, ask the guy what he thinks about you calling him short even though he is taller than you.

3 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-26 20:55 ID:n+8YP3mK [Del]

I think that was hilarious. Just add a "jk" after telling it. Do u like him? And mom's always know, so I don't question something so obvious.
Ur friend's a pretty cool "dork" to have thought of that comeback.

4 Name: lia : 2012-11-27 09:16 ID:vUM/q2xb [Del]

>>2 >>3
Thats the kind of mixed reviews I got from my friends. Some who too thought it was hilarious and others who thought it was lame and stupid.
And my friend is a huge dork and that's what I love about him, not love him in that way though. But gotta say if he asked me on a date or prom I probably would say yes.