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Roommate Stories (11)

1 Name: Echo : 2012-11-19 09:38 ID:KRTA9FMN [Del]

Hey, I just moved into a dorm this year and am having trouble with my roommate(more on that after an explanation). I would like to hear some other people's stories on living with someone good or bad or funny or you just want to rant.
Okay, so my roommate, let's call her Diva(it works). So finally I'm in college, move in, she seems nice. She told me she was against underage drinking, Great! I'm not a fan of alcohol and am the product of all that anti-alcohol lessons in school. I brought a TV and a microwave.
The day classes start she gets in a fight with her boyfriend and takes aspirin. She tells me and my suite-mates she took 16!She took 4. We got the C.A.(like an R.A.) and she had to go to the hospital.
She ended up hogging my TV and going clubbing with one of my suite-mates(let's call her Sherry*Detective Conan reader*). So they go out the night before Diva turns 18. She tells me to pray for them, even though I'm not religious. Sherry comes back drunk and Diva complains about taking care of her. I feel betrayed because she talked about drinking beer. Later Sherry keeps drinking, although she seems fine now. But for awhile Diva wasn't talking to her.
It continues. She doesn't tell me when people come over, she sleeps with my remote, steals my food, takes up most of the room. Oh, and it's kind of embarrassing having your parents come up when she has underwear on the floor.
Also I go to bed at 12, so she waits until 12:05 to call her boyfriend and have very emotionally charged conversations about: homesickness and how her parents are so mean for not driving her places. The one that bothered me the most was last month. Diva had a cold, so at 12:05 she calls her boyfriend and starts telling him she's going to die. I can't sleep through this, but don't want to get up from trying to sleep. Then she starts asking him if he thinks she's a whore.(BTW she had a Dr.'s appointment the next morning)
The next day I tell her(annoyed) that I don't like her having serious phone calls when I'm trying to sleep. The day after that she puts a letter on my bed telling me I need to get over myself, she's been nothing but nice, and never to talk to her again.
It's been a month of the silent treatment now. Diva now has 2/3rds of the room and I've been just trying to not provoke her. I just want out of here. Every time I try talking to my suite-mates casually when I see them, I feel she's trying to bring it back to just her and them.

2 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-11-19 11:21 ID:baUtB12W [Del]

Well I just entered college too, but im commuting, not in a dorm, In my college they told us in orintation that we could tell them if they want to switch roommates and I think you can set rules or something like that cant remember. I really think you should get awy from her I've seen something like this happen before Diva's gonna take your friends and there going to act like they like you, but talk behind your back so just get out of there.

3 Name: Echo : 2012-11-19 15:18 ID:WqbOcq1O [Del]

Thank you, I just filled out the request now. ^_^

4 Name: Sid : 2012-11-19 21:08 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

Sounds like a typical roomate story. I am just frustrated with the people who live above me, since I am in an apartment complex. They wake me up every night with their bed slamming against the wall.

One thing in college that you can never get away from is alcohol. Everyone I know drinks now and then, and I realize I am an alcoholic. I don't drink all the time, but if there is alcohol present I will drink it. Even the good people drink now and then, so I wouldn't view that as too big of a deal.

From people I know I think you can request a new room, but I think the process takes some time. I know someone who did do that, since their roomate practically stared at them while my friend was sleeping.

5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-20 13:21 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

>>4 If you were an alcoholic, then drinking would be an addiction. You wouldn't just drink every once in a while.

6 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-11-20 21:38 ID:FfVi7R98 [Del]

Well, I'm in my senior year of high school but this past summer I had to deal with a pretty crappy roommate. I was working at a girl scout camp in the kitchen and me and the other kitchen aide, Coyote, were required to live at camp. We shared the loft of the main building along with the camp director's two daughters, these girls happen to be friends of mine and kept me sane throughout this Coyote's bullshit. First off, Coyote only got the job because her mother is best friends with the camp director. Apparently she caught her 16 year old freshman daughter having sex on the couch in the living room and sent her away for the summer.

Our first day of work she seems okay, I'm trying not to hate her based on some comments made the night before but I chalk it up to her being insecure about being the youngest employee and let it slide. The first thing I learn about her is she doesn't know how to dice onions. As I work with her I also learn she can't seem to wash dishes without leaving food stuck to them. She can't follow a recipe. She thinks it's acceptable to use a measuring cup half full of and coated with shortening to measure out flour. She can't get up on time. She can't make it to work on time. And she's just all around annoying. After the first week we lose the camp director's oldest daughter because she can't stand being around Coyote.

After three weeks our kitchen director quits in the middle of dinner. This was mostly due to her getting really pissed at Coyote every meal. At this point Coyote has dumped her original boyfriend and gotten a new one. By the end of the summer she's gone through at least four. All of these guys are in the next state down and haven't seen her since she came up to work. I'm kept informed because the bitch likes to talk on the phone and on skype until past midnight, loudly. And she can't even turn down the brightness on her computer. And we have to be in the kitchen at 6am.

By this point I'm already running mostly on caffeine. At some point one of her boy toys tries to commit suicide and Coyote has a nervous breakdown. She also gets banned from the camp director's house on the weekends when we have off because she's a whinny bitch who eats in the beds, hogs the TV, keeps the whole house up late, and drinks all their milk.

Then her hypochondria kicks in. All of a sudden this girl decides she's allergic to honey. Any time she eats something and finds out there's honey in it she has breathing problems. The older daughter and I bake muffins with honey. She has no reaction and we tell her three days later. Suddenly she has no reactions to honey.

Coyote starts demanding I drive her places. One conversation goes like this: "I need to go get this stuff from Wal-Mart"
"Sounds like a personal problem"
"No it's not, you're the one with the car."
"Still sounds like a personal problem."

She starts bossing the younger daughter around. Suddenly the younger daughter starts disappearing when Coyote is around.

Finally, the last straw. I get home after my last day of work and my parents celebrate by taking me out to dinner. At the end my dad asks if I have any small bills he can borrow for the tip. I say yeah, I just got money from the ATM and have a 10, 20, and three 1s. I open up my wallet and...nothing. All my bills are gone. I have about 75cents. Fuck her.

7 Name: Echo : 2012-11-21 07:11 ID:Egn3nC4P [Del]

To post number 4, I know that alcohol is a big influence on people in college. It's the fact she told me she was against underage drinking, but still drinks that hurts.
And number 6, I am so sorry! that sounds really annoying. It makes it more frustrating that you tried to not judge her on her first impression and forgive, but she just ruined it anyway.

8 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-11-21 11:06 ID:evHnEzSO [Del]

>>6 Fuck just read your story she took your money, I can take the other shit but to take my money atleat you wont ever see her again hopefully.

>>7 Echo did you ever get a new roommate?

9 Name: Echo : 2012-11-21 14:58 ID:Egn3nC4P [Del]

I just requested a room change for the spring semester, I won't know until December 10th. I also asked the Mediation Resource Center to have a meeting with us, since I'll have to tell her if I move out.(I'd rather just leave and have her not know til I was gone, but that isn't right)

10 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-11-22 01:27 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]


11 Name: superdude : 2012-11-22 12:15 ID:KFQOnG1b [Del]

I have a room mate too its just that he's kinda wierd like thiers no trace of him at any time of the day or night he's like a ghost