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Need help deciding (5)

1 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-11-18 19:40 ID:GyJYj+iG [Del]

This goes along with my last thread about wanting to go on an exchange to Japan. Since then, I have outright decided that i'm definitely going, but i've decided to wait another year and will definitely be going with NWSE(Northwest Student Exchange). However, i've hit a bit of a snag. I have no way to pay for it. My parents can't afford it, I don't have a job, and even then there's no way I could make 6,000 - 8,000 dollars in one summer. My last two options are A) Look REAL hard for a scholarship or two(Though I have tried this and couldn't find a single one.), or B) Ask my entire family to pitch in and help me and i'll pay them back when I get back. I have a large family, so if everyone put it X amount i'm sure i'd have enough, but the problem is, my family isn't the ideal family for this sort of thing. My one Uncle owns a car lot and has the most money on my Mom's side, but he's a tightwad, cheap ass, whatever. He wouldn't even give me a penny. My other Aunt and Uncle live day to day, so they can't spare anytihng. My mother can't spare anything, neither can my brother since he's got a thousand bills to pay off. Another one of my uncles lives day to day as well, tring to hold on to my grandmother's house since she passed away last year, and I don't really have any relationships with anyone else on my moms side of the family. On my Dad's side, he and his brothers were raised to do everything themselves. They wanted something, they had to do the work to get it. Sadly, they held onto that and are using it with their kids, my dad included, though he's been mostly supportive of this and would contribute if he had the money. My grandmother on my Dad's side might be able to help, but things are tight right now. My grandmother on my mom's side can't help since she's barely getting by. My stepmother's aunt and uncle might be able to help. My grandfather wouldn't put a penny towards it. He still holds some resentment towards the Japanese for World War II. My stepfathers side might be the most willing to chip in. My uncle there would definitely support me in any way he could, my grandfather on that side owns his own company and might pitch in, and my grandmother might send some money.

So yeah, thoughts, opinions, whatever. Anything'll do. I just need advice or opinions on what I should do. I'm determined not to give up on this dream, and i'll do whatever it takes to make it a reality. My family can at least respect that which might sway some of them over.

2 Name: Sid : 2012-11-18 19:54 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

You could make up for some of the cost by applying all over the place. If you still live with your family then you could pocket most of the income and come out with about 6-8 grand in about 3/4 of a year. That is just on a minimum wage job too.

I saved up over 6 grand and spent 3 grand on tuition when living with my family and working at a fast food joint after a little less than a year. So if you have a year apply all over the place, even if the job doesn't last you have that much less money to get.

3 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-11-18 20:13 ID:GyJYj+iG [Del]

Unfortunately, where I live, there's no convenience of transportation. I need a car and a driver's license. I have neither. My one uncle, who owns the car lot, his place is only about 5 minutes from me, so within walking distance, or even my mom's cousins part of the lot which is right across the rode. But I can't see them hiring me. Without that ride, I couldn't apply anywhere else either.

And just a little extra info that might help, i'm 16 and still in High School. I'd just be paying the program fee's in order to go. The program fee is between $4,600 - $5,400. I currently have $1,300 stored away. That money was intended for a car, but has since been realocated to the exchange fee when the time comes, though mostly to ensure I can buy the school uniform. And before someone says I should buy a car with it and solve that problem, i'd still need a license. And here in Pennsylvania, thats 60-80 hours of driving to get that license, and I have to wait six months after getting my permit, to take my test for my license.

4 Name: Sid : 2012-11-18 20:48 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I didn't have a car till recently, though I mainly took the bus and biked everywhere. But if there isn't many places near you then I kinda don't know what to say.

A car could eat up your money, since you might need to replace some things on a used car. Plus the insurance takes about 70-100 dollars every month, and you have to pay for gas on top of that. That is the main reason I didn't get one till recently.

5 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-11-18 21:19 ID:GyJYj+iG [Del]

Its not that there's not alot of places near me, just not really any in walking distance. And call me pathetic, but I don't know how to ride a bike either. I live in the countryside, right along a main road. Stuff is very spread out around here.