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Help (10)

1 Name: L.Royalette : 2012-11-16 09:48 ID:rhMGbfaA [Del]


Not me but a friend of mine. She's going completely insane over this guy and I absolutely have no clue what to do about it.
She won't stop cutting herself, she keeps smiling yet easily cries in the next second. I'm sick of watching this but I can't do anything. She won't listen to me at all. She won't block his number, she won't stop talking to him; she just takes the pain and it's just plain sick! I want to go to the police about this because her keeps sending VERY abusive-like messages to her. He didn't even give a damn about her, he's only playing around with her like it's nothing. She keeps texting back as well, messages like "If you don't call me then I will keep cutting myself until 3 am."

I AM VERY SICK OF THIS. I realize this might not be the right place for me to talk about it and people are going to tell me I'm stupid but I am just overly worried about her. I'm scared that I may not see her the next morning and I'm more scared of her laying in the hospital dead and fate playing around with her life to push her to death or let her live.

What can I do? I need help! Please help me!

2 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-11-16 10:01 ID:BoFlsnw4 [Del]

How is it that the parents havent noticed her cut herself? I think the best think to do would be to tell her family unless they dont get along

3 Name: synicatemember!lnkYxlAbaw : 2012-11-16 10:17 ID:dXu8TOT8 [Del]

I agree with BH2. you should definitely tell her parents. And if they are unresponsive then go to the police yourself and notify them yourself. She will be mad at you for a while because it seems like she enjoys the abuse or is at least addicted to the guy. But at least she will be safe or better off. Also I do recommend that you keep close to her so that she doesnt do anything that could be potentially worse for herself. People like this need people like you, people who care.

4 Name: Sid : 2012-11-16 11:00 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I know someone quite similar, though she doesn't cut, but her boyfriend almost killed her multiple times. Despite that she stays with him for reasons I can't comprehend. Everyone tells her she need to get out, but she never listens. Though not sure how to help someone realize this and acknowledge it.

The cutting on the other hand sounds more like a cry for attention, not the suicidal kind. I guess if the cutting is suicidal I woiuld inform her parents, since they could check up on her now and then.

5 Name: L.Royalette : 2012-11-16 12:22 ID:8FSeL4X3 [Del]

I understand. She isn't willing to tell her parents. More people know of the situation than she thinks. We are all anxious to know if she'll be okay or not. I will try to tell the parents and see if they will respond to this calling. If not, then it is the police.

Thank you for the advice.

6 Name: synicatemember!lnkYxlAbaw : 2012-11-16 18:11 ID:pLcEg7zT [Del]

Good luck.

7 Name: NightOwl : 2012-11-17 01:40 ID:VODsxAYx [Del]

I suggest going to the police right away. This girl is obviously not mentally stable. Cutting, you are actually right could lead to depression or even suicide. Also the fact this boy is sending abusive messages is a whole different thing. I say as a friend, please save her and go to the police right away. Tell them everything that has happened. If you dont feel comfortable around the police tell her parents. Have an intervention. I really really hope this helps.
your friend,
-NightOwl. (Callie)

8 Name: Linkz : 2012-11-17 05:38 ID:IHDna94m [Del]

That's a hard situation, i would try to talk to her and maybe tell her to go to a psychiatrist or something like that. (the police seems to me like it's a little to over the top -but maybe where you live the police handles cases like this-). For the cutting i found this website called butterfly project, its fairly simple but could work at least to stop her from hurting herself
Good luck!

9 Name: Kyomi : 2012-11-17 08:13 ID:TGJIhQIM [Del]

To me it best to gi to the police because that is bullying. And tell her that cutting yourself is not a way to solve problems and list her a list of things that will happen if she like that all the time. That will not get his attention.

10 Name: Chrome : 2012-11-17 09:02 ID:9G01vgC9 [Del]

whta about try talking to the parents first?